10 Advice 建议 – ceccoli oracle
获得建议可以改变您对情况的看法。此建议可能来自异常或意外的地方。您可能会怀疑,但请敞开心接受。尊重您所做的任何努力。 特别是欢迎有远见的长者提供宝贵的意见。目前没有迫在眉睫或危险的迹象,但是有些事情您需要考虑和改变。
Light:如果您不知道在说什么,请慢速解释。 Dark:将此建议视为引起注意和行动的信号。
10 – Advice
Advice is coming to you that will significantly change your perception of the situation. This information may come from an unusual and unexpected source. You may be inclined toward skepticism, but please keep an open mind. Be respectful of any efforts taken on your behalf. In particular, welcome valuable input from elders who have a good sense of perspective. There’s no indication of urgency or danger, but there are things you need to think about and things you need to change.
Light: If you don’t understand what you’re being told, ask for slow clarification. Dark: Consider this your wake-up call.

