塔罗牌 24 Strategy 策略 – ceccoli oracle 瑟可莉神谕卡

24 Strategy 策略 - ceccoli oracle24 Strategy 策略 - ceccoli oracle

24 Strategy 策略 – ceccoli oracle

是的,这看起来很糟,但不要惊慌。 保持智慧,冷静评估情况。 您拥有哪些技能可以在这里有所帮助? 聪明? 隐身? 速度? 您可以使用哪些工具或武器? 分心? 谈判? 惊喜元素? 仔细制定最佳的前进方法。 摆脱困境后,请回顾一下它的发展情况,并为下一次计划做好准备。

Light: 如果您有一个行动计划,您将会非常成功。 Dark: 与所有人共享战略并不重要。 保持沉默,直到您准备好採取行动为止。


Yes, this looks bad, but don’t panic. Keep your wits about you and calmly assess the situation. What skills do you have that can be helpful here? Cleverness? Stealth? Speed? What tools or weapons are at your disposal? Distraction? Negotiation? The element of surprise? Carefully strategize the best way to proceed. Once you’ve escaped this predicament, look back at how it developed and plan ahead for next time.

Light:Having a game plan increases your success immensely.Dark:Strategy doesn’t matter much if you share it with everyone. Keep silent until you’re ready to act.


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