OF OCCULT PHILOSOPHY OR OF MAGICAL CEREMONIES:THE FOURTH BOOKIn our Books of Occult Philosophy, we have not so compendiously, as copi¬ously, declared the principles, grounds, and reasons of Magick it self, and after what maner the experiments thereof are to be chosen, elected, and com¬pounded, to produce many wonderful effects; but because in those books they are treated of, rather Theorically, than Practically; and some also are not han¬dled compleatly and fully, and others very figuratively, and as it were Enig¬matically and obscure Riddles, as being those which we have attained unto with great study, diligence, and very curious searching and exploration, and are heretofore set forth in a more rude and unfashioned maner. Therefore in this book, which we have composed and made as it were a Complement and Key of our other books of Occult Philosophy, and of all Magical Operations, we will give unto thee the documents of holy and undefiled verity, and Inex¬pugnable and Unresistable Magical Discipline, and most pleasant and delec¬table experiments of the sacred Deities. So that as by the reading of our other books of Occult Philosophy, thou maist earnestly covet the knowledge of these things; even so with reading this book, thou shalt truely triumph. Wherefore let silence hide these things within the secret closets of they reli¬gious breast, and conceal them with constant Taciturnity. ……文件密码:www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复