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THERE is no study so saddening, and none so sublime as that of the early religions of mankind. To trace back the worship of God to its simple origin, and to mark the gradual process of those degrading superstitions, and unhallowed rites which darkened, and finally extinguished His presence in the ancient world. At first men enjoyed the blessings of nature as children do, without inquiring into causes. It was sufficient for them that the earth gave them herbs, that the trees bore them fruit, that the stream quenched their thirst. They were happy, and every moment though unconsciously they offered a prayer of gratitude to Him whom as yet they did not know. And then a system of theology arose amongst them vague and indefinite, as the waters of the boundless sea. They taught each other that the sun, and the earth, the moon, and the stars were moved and illumined by a Great Soul which was the source of all life, which caused the birds to sing, the brooks to murmur, and the sea to heave. It was a sacred Fire which shone in the firmament, and in mighty flames. It was a strange Being which animated the, souls of men, and which when the bodies died, returned to itself again. They silently adored this Great Soul in the beginning, and spoke of Him with reverence, and sometimes raised their eyes timidly to His glittering dwelling-place on high. And soon they learned to pray. When those whom they loved lay dying, they uttered wild lamentations, and flung their arms despairingly towards the mysterious Soul; for in times of trouble the human mind so imbecile, so helpless, clings to something that is stronger than itself. As yet they worshipped only the sun, the moon, and the stars-and not as Gods but as visions of that Divine Essence, which alone ruled and pervaded the earth, the sky, and the sea. They adored Him kneeling, with their hands clasped, and their eyes raised. They offered Him no sacrifices, they built Him no temples; they were content to offer Him their hearts which were full of awe, in His own temple which was full of grandeur. And it is said that there are yet some barbarous islands where men have no churches nor ceremonies, and where they worship God, reflected in the work of His thousand hands. But they were not long content with this simple service. Prayer which had first been an inspiration fell into a system, and men already grown wicked prayed the Deity to give them abundance of wild beast’s skins, and to destroy their enemies. They ascended eminences, as if hoping that thus being nearer God, He would prefer their prayers to those of their rivals. Such is the origin of that superstitious reverence for high places which was universal throughout the whole of the heathen world. Then Orpheus was born. And he invented instruments which to his touch and to his lips, gave forth notes of surpassing sweetness, and with these melodies he enticed the wondering savages into the recesses of the forest, and there taught them precepts of obedience to the great Soul, and of loving-kindness towards each other in harmonious words. ……下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《THE VEIL OF ISIS OR MYSTERIES OF THE DRUIDS》回复


摘要:《THE VEIL OF ISIS OR MYSTERIES OF THE DRUIDS》是一部关于德鲁伊教秘密的书籍。本文将从四个方面对该书进行详细阐述,包括作者、主题、内容和影响。


《THE VEIL OF ISIS OR MYSTERIES OF THE DRUIDS》的作者是W. Winwood Reade。他是一位英国作家和人类学家,对古代宗教和文明有着浓厚的兴趣。他通过对历史文献和考古发现的研究,探索了德鲁伊教的神秘世界。




《THE VEIL OF ISIS OR MYSTERIES OF THE DRUIDS》的主题是德鲁伊教的秘密。德鲁伊教是古代凯尔特人的宗教信仰,与大自然、神秘力量和宇宙的联系密不可分。




《THE VEIL OF ISIS OR MYSTERIES OF THE DRUIDS》的内容包括德鲁伊教的历史、信仰和仪式。书中详细描述了德鲁伊教的起源、发展和衰落,介绍了德鲁伊教的神话传说和神秘仪式。




《THE VEIL OF ISIS OR MYSTERIES OF THE DRUIDS》对后世的影响非常深远。它打破了对德鲁伊教的传统认识,提出了一些新颖的观点和理论。




《THE VEIL OF ISIS OR MYSTERIES OF THE DRUIDS》是一本对德鲁伊教进行深入研究的书籍。它揭示了德鲁伊教的秘密,包括其历史、信仰和仪式。这本书对后世的影响非常深远,启发了更多的研究和探索,并促进了德鲁伊教的复兴和传承。



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