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ALIGNMENT OF THE EGO WITH THE PERSONALITY.Sunday, May 16, 1920.It is in the aligning of the three vehicles, the physical, the emotional, and the lower mind body, within the causal periphery, and their stabilising there by an effort of the will, that the real work of the Ego or Higher Self in any particular incarnation can be accomplished.The great thinkers of the race, the true exponents of lower mind, are fundamentally those whose three lower bodies are aligned; that is to say those whose mental body holds the other two in circumspect alignment.The mental body, then, is in direct communication, unobstructed and free from interference, straight through to the physical brain.When the alignment is fourfold and when the three above-mentioned bodies are aligned with the body of the Higher Self, the causal or egoic body, and held steady within its circumference, then the great leaders of the race,—those who emotionally and intellectually sway mankind, can be seen working; then the inspirational writers and dreamers can bring down their inspirations and dreams; and then the synthetic and abstract thinkers [Page 2] can transfer their conceptions to the world of form.It is, right through, a question of an unimpeded channel.Study, therefore, in this connection and when time permits, physical co-ordination; then to physical co-ordination add emotional stability, and you have the two vehicles functioning as one.When the co-ordination extends to the mental body, the threefold lower man is reaching his apotheosis, and has rung most of the changes in the world of form.Later comes co-ordination perfected with the Higher Self, the channel of communication reaching in line direct,—via an unimpeded funnel, if so I might express it,—to the physical brain consciousness.Heretofore it has only been direct at rare intervals.The four lesser brain centres are functioning at high vibration in the man of a highly co-ordinated personality; when the Ego is nearing alignment with the lower bodies, the pineal gland and the pituitary body are in process of development; and when they are functioning with correlation (which eventuates by the time the third Initiation is taken), then the third, or alta major centre, intensifies its hitherto gentle vibration.When the fifth Initiation is taken, the interplay between the three centres is perfected, and the alignment of the bodies is geometrically rectified; you have then the perfected fivefold superman.For the average man, then, this alignment occurs only at intervals, in moments of stress, in hours of needed humanitarian effort and in times of intensest aspiration.Abstraction of a more or less degree has to enter in before the Ego takes continued notice of the personality or lower self.When that abstraction involves the emotions, is based in the mentality and contacts the physical brain, then alignment is commencing.……文件密码:《LETTERS ON OCCULT MEDITATION》www.zhiyinshe.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《LETTERS ON OCCULT MEDITATION》回复

摘要:《LETTERS ON OCCULT MEDITATION》是一本关于神秘冥想的书籍。本文将从四个方面对这本书进行详细阐述:作者背景、书籍内容、阅读体验和对冥想的启迪。通过这些阐述,读者可以更全面地了解这本书的重要性和价值。






在阅读《LETTERS ON OCCULT MEDITATION》时,读者能够感受到作者深入的洞见和对冥想的热爱。贝尔的文字流畅而有力,能够引导读者进入冥想的境界,让他们深入体验到冥想的力量和益处。通过阅读这本书,读者不仅能够获得知识,还能够获得心灵上的启迪。


《LETTERS ON OCCULT MEDITATION》对冥想的各个方面进行了深入的探讨,从而给读者带来了对冥想的启迪。通过阅读这本书,读者能够深入了解冥想的本质和功效,从而更好地进行冥想实践,提升自己的灵性和内在的平静。这本书不仅是一本指导冥想的实用手册,更是一本帮助读者开启内在潜力的灵性指南。


《LETTERS ON OCCULT MEDITATION》是一本重要的关于神秘冥想的书籍。作者背景、书籍内容、阅读体验和对冥想的启迪,这些方面的阐述使读者更加全面地了解了这本书的价值和意义。通过阅读这本书,读者可以获得丰富的冥想知识和实践技巧,提升自己的灵性和内在平静。



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