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The following translation is the Work of the Chariot edition of the first 132 verses of the Idra Zuta Qadusha published in 1970. Verses from the Torah are written in Bold Italic. Verses from the Writings and Prophets are written in Bold. TRADITION: On the day that Rabbi Shimeon was destined to leave this world, he was putting his affairs in order, when the companions entered his house. Present with him was Rabbi Eleazar his son, and Rabbi Abba, and the rest of the companions. The house was full. Rabbi Shimeon raised his eyes and saw that the house was full. 1 Rabbi Shimeon wept and said, “On another occasion when I was sick, Rabbi Fineyas son of Yayar was present with me and remained until I had chosen my place, and life had been restored to me until now. When I was restored, fire surrounded me, which hitherto has never ceased, and no man entered unto me without permission, but now I see that it has stopped and the house is full.” 2 While they were sitting, Rabbi Shimeon opened his eyes and saw what he saw, and fire went around the house. They all went out except for Rabbi Eleazar his son and Rabbi Abba. The rest of the company stayed outside. 3 Rabbi Shimeon said to Rabbi Eleazar his son, “Go out and see if Rabbi Yitza’aq is here, for I am his guarantor; tell him that he should arrange my affairs, and that he should sit by my side, he whose portion is worthy. 4 Rabbi Shimeon arose and sat and laughed and rejoiced; he said, “Where are the Companions?” Rabbi Eleazar arose and brought them in, and they sat down in his presence, Rabbi Shimeon lifted his hands and prayed and was rejoicing, and he said: “Let those Companions who were in the former Assembly meet here.” 5 The others went out, and Rabbi Eleazar his son, and Rabbi Abba and Rabbi Yehudah and Rabbi Yosi, son of Ya’aqov and Rabbi Chiya remained. 6 Meanwhile Rabbi Yitza’aq entered, Rabbi Shimeon said to him, “How pleasant is your portion, how much joy shall be added to you this day.” Rabbi Abba was sitting behind his shoulders, and Rabbi Eleazar facing him. 7 Rabbi Shimeon said, “Now indeed is a time of favor, and I have to ascend without shame to the world to come.” “And behold holy matters of NOT (al, Lo) which previously have been revealed, I desire to reveal before the Divine Presence 8 of NOT; lest they should say that I have kept back anything, and that I left the world deficient. For even until now these things have been concealed in my heart, so that having entered into these very matters I may be with them in the world to come. But this is my arrangement of you: Rabbi Abba shall write, and Rabbi Eleazar my son, study, and the rest of the Companions in silence meditate in their hearts; Rabbi Abba arose from behind his shoulders and Rabbi Eleazar his son sat in ……文件密码:《LESSER HOLY ASSEMBLY》www.zhiyinshe.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《LESSER HOLY ASSEMBLY》回复


摘要:《LESSER HOLY ASSEMBLY》是一部令人陶醉的作品。通过细腻的描写展现了人性的复杂与多样,同时融入了神秘与幻想元素,给读者带来了无限的遐想与思考。


《LESSER HOLY ASSEMBLY》通过描写各式各样的人物形象,展现了人性的复杂与多样。其中,主要人物的性格刻画极为丰富,他们有着各自独特的情感和内心世界。例如,主人公的内心冲突与挣扎,使得故事更加引人入胜。同时,作品中的配角人物也各具特色,呈现出不同的人格和行为方式。


《LESSER HOLY ASSEMBLY》中巧妙地融入了神秘与幻想的元素,给整个故事增添了一层神秘的色彩。作者通过描绘奇幻的场景和神秘的事件,将读者带入一个与现实世界完全不同的世界。这种神秘与幻想的融入,使得故事更加有趣和引人入胜。


《LESSER HOLY ASSEMBLY》通过细腻的描写和情感的表达,唤起了读者的遐想和思考。作品中的情节和人物形象都具有一定的隐喻和象征意义,引发读者对生活和人性的思考。同时,故事的发展也给人以启发,使人对自己的生活和人际关系产生了深刻的反思。


《LESSER HOLY ASSEMBLY》以其独特的艺术性的呈现方式,给读者带来了视觉和情感上的享受。作者运用丰富的语言和细腻的描写,使得作品更加生动和具体。同时,作品中的情节和人物形象也呈现出一种美感,使读者沉浸其中,感受到艺术的魅力。


《LESSER HOLY ASSEMBLY》以其细腻的描写和独特的艺术性的呈现方式,展现了人性的复杂与多样,融入了神秘与幻想元素,给读者带来了无限的遐想与思考。阅读这部作品,不仅能够享受到文学的美感,还能够思考人生的意义和个人的内心世界。让我们一起走进《LESSER HOLY ASSEMBLY》的世界,感受其中的魅力吧!



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