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The following translation is the Work of the Chariot edition of the Idra Rabba Qadusha published in 1970.Verses from the Torah are written in Bold Italic. Verses from the Writings and Prophets are written in Bold. References to figures relate to the book: Qabalah: The Mystical Heritage of the Children of Abraham (Work of the Chariot 2001, ISBN 0-9701360-4-8). Chapter One Tradition: Rabbi Shimeon spoke unto his companions, and said: “How long shall we abide in the condition of one column by itself,1 when it is written (Psalms 119.126): It is time for You Lord hvhy to lay to your hand, for they have made void your Torah.” “The days are few, and the creditor is urgent; the herald cries aloud daily, and the reapers of the land are few; and those who are about the end of the vineyard attend not, and have not known where may be the lawful place.” “Assemble yourselves, O my companions, in an open space, equipped with armor and spears; be ye ready in your preparations, in council, in wisdom, in understanding, in science, in care, with hands and feet! Appoint as King over you, Him in whose power is life and death, so that the words of truth may be received: things unto which the supernal holy ones attend, and rejoice to hear and to know them.” Rabbi Shimeon sat down and wept; then he said: “Woe! If I shall reveal it! Woe if I shall not reveal it!” His companions who were there were silent. Rabbi Abba arose and said unto him: “With the favor of the Lord, also it is written (Psalms 25.14): The secret of the Lord hvhy is with them that fear Him. And well do these companions fear that Holy and Blessed One. His house, some of them have only entered, and some of them have departed also.” Moreover, it is said the companions who were with Rabbi Shimeon were numbered, and they were found to consist of Rabbi Eleazer, his son; and Rabbi Abba, and Rabbi Yehuda, and Rabbi Yosi, son of Jacob, and Rabbi Yitza’aq, and Rabbi Chisqiah, son of Rav, and Rabbi Chaiya, and Rabbi Yosi, and Rabbi Yisa. They gave their hands unto Rabbi Shimeon, and raised their fingers on high, and entered into a field under the trees and sat down. Rabbi Shimeon arose and offered a prayer. He sat in the midst of them, and said: “Let whosoever will, place his hand in my bosom.” They placed their hands there and he took them. When he began, he said (Torah Doverim 27.15): “Cursed is the man that makes any graven or molten image, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and puts it in a secret place. And all the people shall answer and say Amen.” Rabbi Shimeon began and said: “Time for You, O Lord hvhy to lay Your hand. Why is it time for Lord hvhy to lay to His hand? Because they have made void Your Torah. What is this, they have made void Your Torah? The higher Torah, 2 which is ……文件密码:《GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY》www.zhiyinshe.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY》回复


摘要:《GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY》是一部精彩的作品,本文将从四个方面对其进行详细阐述。首先,我们将介绍这部作品的背景和基本情节。接着,我们将探讨作品中的主要角色和他们的故事线。然后,我们将分析作品中的情感和主题。最后,我们将评价作品的艺术表现和文学价值。


《GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY》发生在一个神秘的世界中,这个世界由不同的种族和国家组成。在这个世界里,有一座神圣的集会场所,被称为“GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY”。这个集会场所是各个种族和国家共同参与的,它具有重要的宗教和政治意义。

故事主要围绕着GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY展开,描述了各个种族和国家为了争夺权力和信仰而展开的斗争。在这个斗争中,有爱情、友情、背叛和牺牲,情节跌宕起伏,引人入胜。


《GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY》中有许多主要角色,每个角色都有自己独特的故事线。其中,有勇敢的战士,他们为了保卫GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY而奋斗;有智慧的政治家,他们为了争夺权力而斗争;有坚定的信仰者,他们为了维护信仰而奋斗。

这些主要角色的故事线交织在一起,展现了他们在GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY的冲突和合作。他们经历了困难和挑战,成长和变化,给人留下了深刻的印象。


《GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY》中充满了各种情感,包括爱情、友情、恐惧、怀疑和希望等。这些情感使得故事更加丰富和感人。

作品的主题之一是信仰和权力的冲突。各个种族和国家为了争夺GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY的控制权展开了激烈的斗争。他们不仅要面对外部的敌人,还要面对内部的矛盾和纷争。这个主题引发了对人性的思考和对社会问题的探讨。


《GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY》以其精湛的艺术表现和深刻的文学价值而备受赞赏。作者通过丰富的想象力和生动的描写,创造出一个绚丽多彩的世界。同时,作品中的人物形象和情节设置也展示了作者的才华和智慧。



《GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY》是一部精彩的作品,通过对世界的描绘和故事的讲述,展现了信仰和权力的冲突。作品中的主要角色和情节线条丰富多样,引人入胜。同时,作品具有深刻的情感和主题,引发了对人性和社会问题的思考。艺术表现方面,作品展现了作者的才华和智慧,给读者留下了深刻的印象。



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