It has been well over twenty five years since the publication of Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic. Still, this book is not intended to replace or compete with that one- -it is intended to go beyond it. This is the first significant advance in the practice of rune-magic to have been published since that time. In fact a world of advancement has been made over the thirty years since the manuscript for Futhark was completed. After Futhark a myriad of books on rune magic have appeared- -most very bad,some mediocre, and some quite good. But none went beyond the basics. This book will break new ground- -theoretically and practically- -not just go over the same basic materials one more time. This is also a relatively new kind of book of magic- -a text often accompanied by footnotes, references, etC., which bridges the gap between academic runology and“practical magic”- -or operative communication. Alu is an operative formula which functioned in ancient times as a mode of connecting the realm of the gods to that of humanity. This book is also designed to break through conventional barriers and bring disparate worlds together.
Edred Thorsson
摘要:《ALU AN ADVANCED GUIDE TO OPERATIVE RUNOLOGY》是一本关于操作性符文学的高级指南。本文通过对该书的详细阐述,从四个方面展开分析,包括符文学的基本概念和历史、符文学的实践应用、符文学的变体和进阶技巧、以及符文学的未来发展。通过这些内容的介绍,读者能够深入理解符文学的内涵和技巧,提高自己在符文学领域的实践能力和创新能力。