This work is the first systematic introduction to Runelore available in many centuries. This age requires and allows some new approaches to be sure. We have changed over the centuries in question. But at the same time we are as traditional as possible. The Gild does not fear innovation – in fact we embrace it – but only after the tradition has been thoroughly examined for all it has to offer. Too often in the history of the runic revival various proponents have actually taken their preconceived notions about what the Runes should say- and then "runicized" them. We avoid this type of pseudo-innovation at all costs. Our over-all magical method is a simple one. The tradition posits an outerworld (objective reality) and an inner-world (subjective reality). The work of the Runer is the exploration of both of these worlds for what they have to offer in the search for wisdom. In learning the Runes, the Runer synthesizes all the objective lore and tradition he can find on the Runes with his subjective experience. In this way he "makes the Runes his own." All the Runes and their overall system are then used as a sort of "meta-Ianguage" in meaningful communication between these objective and subjective realities. The Runer may wish to be active in this communication – to cause changes to occur in accordance with his will, or he may wish to learn from one of these realities some information which would normally be hidden from him. This is magic and divination respectively. Never is the Runer totally passive, because despite the existence of these two realities, the runic fact is that the Runer lives in a third state (at least when he is fully aware) in the Self – which is capable of observing what is generally called both the subjective and objective universes from an omrujective viewpoint. Most simply put, the work of the Nine Doors is that learning of the Runes and using them in self-directed and conscious work in a traditional framework which can be evaluated by the Gild-Masters.
摘要:《THE NINE DOORS OF MIDGARD》 (《the nine doors of midgard》) 是一本引人入胜的奇幻小说。本文将从四个方面对这本小说进行阐述:第一部分将介绍小说的背景故事,第二部分将探讨主要人物的塑造,第三部分将分析小说的情节发展,最后部分将总结归纳这本小说的特点和魅力。
《THE NINE DOORS OF MIDGARD》 (《the nine doors of midgard》) 的故事发生在一个古老的世界中,这个世界被分为九个领域,每个领域都有一个神秘的门。故事主要讲述了一个普通人意外获得了打开这九扇门的能力,并且他需要冒险穿越这些门来解救他被困的朋友。整个背景故事扣人心弦,令人期待。
《THE NINE DOORS OF MIDGARD》 (《the nine doors of midgard》) 不仅拥有引人入胜的故事情节和精彩的人物形象,还具有独特的奇幻世界观和细腻的描写。作者通过生动的描绘和巧妙的构思,让读者仿佛身临其境,感受到故事中的每一个场景和情感。这本书的特点和魅力不容忽视。
《THE NINE DOORS OF MIDGARD》 (《the nine doors of midgard》) 是一本令人沉迷的奇幻小说,它的背景故事扣人心弦,人物塑造栩栩如生,情节发展紧凑扣人心弦,特点和魅力不容忽视。读者不仅能够享受小说带来的刺激和惊喜,还能够在其中找到启发和感悟。这是一本不容错过的好书。