《The Mysticism of Masonry Introductory》

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In placing this volume, which is the revised edition of the book firstissued under the title, Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry, I do so without thethought of an apology, owing to the fact that the first edition was receivedby the earnest students of Masonry and the Occult not because it was anexpose, but because it was an interpretation of Masonic symbolism as handeddown to us through the ages from the Mysteries of the Ancients. As a Masonic work, the book must stand unchallenged for the reason that thebasis of its symbolism is from the highest and universally accepted Masonicwriters. The interpretation is also Masonic, with an additional Mysticinterpretation appearing within brackets. For this I am personallyresponsible, though these explanations are based on and entirely harmoniouswith the inculcations of the Ancient Mysteries as received by myself throughmy various journeys in the realm of the mystic. It is therefore entirelylawful for me to offer them to the aspiring neophyte. There are indeed many reasons why the present volume should be generouslycirculated among all classes of students of the Occult and Mystic, especiallythe members of the Masonic bodies.Entirely too little is known to the vast majority of these brethren of themodern organizations known as Masonic. They have been given the letter, which,though beautiful in itself, does not contain the life, and because of thislack, they cannot successfully defend the expression frequently heard, thatMasonry is a religion. Initiation is not what it is generally supposed to be. All Masons arefamiliar with the ceremonial form of Initiation but in reality this is no morethan an outward symbolization of an inner, an esoteric work, which should takeplace within each man seeking the Mysteries. A man may have received thedegrees of the Blue Lodge and may be an honor to that lodge and yet be whollyunfamiliar with the method of procedure which would bring into manifestationthe results of the personification of the life as symbolized in these threedegrees. It is this outcome of which, not only Masons but the entire humanrace are now so very much in need. Thousands of good men and true accept the letter of Masonry for the spiritor as including the spirit. Here is where begins the first great error.Nothing new can come to Masonry but there is a world of truth in Masonicsymbolism of which the vast majority of the membership of the honored body hasnot even heard, to say nothing of having a comprehension of the saving truththerein contained. It is for the purpose of helping these and pointing themthe way, that the present work in its new form of interpretation is presentedto them, as well as to the public, it being the author’s contention that thisplan cannot possibly harm Masonry but, contrariwise, will help to glorify theinstitution by showing that it is kept alive and moving forward by a spiritwhich makes for the welfare not alone of the members of the association, butof mankind generally and universally. ……文件密码:《The Mysticism of Masonry Introductory》www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《The Mysticism of Masonry Introductory》回复


摘要:《The Mysticism of Masonry Introductory》 是一本关于共济会神秘主义的介绍性著作。本文将从四个方面对该书进行详细阐述,包括书籍概述、神秘主义的定义、共济会的历史和神秘主义对个人的影响。通过这些阐述,我们将深入了解共济会神秘主义的本质和意义。


《The Mysticism of Masonry Introductory》是一本介绍共济会神秘主义的入门级书籍。作者通过系统的方式解释了共济会神秘主义的核心概念和原则。书中包含了对共济会历史的回顾和对神秘主义的深入探讨。通过阅读本书,读者可以对共济会神秘主义有一个全面的了解。
















《The Mysticism of Masonry Introductory》是一本关于共济会神秘主义的介绍性著作。通过对书籍概述、神秘主义的定义、共济会的历史和神秘主义对个人的影响的阐述,我们深入了解了共济会神秘主义的本质和意义。共济会神秘主义强调个体的精神成长和超越物质层面的力量,通过秘密的仪式和象征,会员可以体验到超越常规经验的心灵体验。通过神秘主义的实践,个体可以培养自我反思和超越物质欲望的能力,实现个人的成长和灵性发展。



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