Man has always marveled at the few among them who have managed to overcome the ravages of time: aging and death. Historical records, such as those found in Genesis in the Bible, indicate that at least certain lineages retained their virility and longevity hundredsof years longer than modern man.As the Earth fell in density, the Pre-Diluvian records containing the secrets of these youthening practices were lost. Only advancedmystics able to travel between realms of different densities were able to access them. Rumors of the immortals in Florida spread to Europe.In ancient Lemuria, called the Motherland (Ma-ad, in theLemurian tongue), the Saradesi, Fountain of Youth practices were carried by missionaries (called Naga) to India, China, Ethiopia, Egypt and other countries. A missionary couple called Amaraka and Amaraku carried them to Peru, where the first Peruvian empire wasestablished. Further sets of records were carried by the missionary couple called Iy and Taya during Atlantis’1 third period. During this time Atlantis consisted of two large islands called Itaya and Ruta. A few pockets of practitioners of the ancient rejuvenation secrets survived in the area of what became Florida and the Yucatan, Mexico, after the sinking of Atlantis.