嗯….我又来了,这次是希伯来圣经塔纳赫的希伯来语和英语双语对照版以及部分对于圣经的探讨,实体书(没错我掏钱买了)比砖头还厚(这本书有整整2040页)所以pdf文件也将近三百MB,指引社有最大上传限制,我只能分卷压缩成六个压缩文件进行上传,由于体积巨大打开也很慢,特别是如果你的阅读软件需要先加载完才能阅读的话,请谨慎下载(因为真的会让你等很久才能看到内容)。ps:封面我放的是这本书豪华版的封面,这书一共有三个不同的版本,区别类似于精装版跟平装版,所以我就犯了个懒不等文件打开了再截图封面而是上网找了一个,放心,内容都是一模一样的。以下仍然是我个人翻译的简介,同样是稀巴烂的翻译,还请各位多多包容,我尽可能的做到让各位看得懂。介绍JPS Hebrew-English TANAKH是最古老且最完整的希伯来语塔纳赫(圣经旧约)版本,其中的希伯来语文本来基于着名的列宁格勒手抄本(即马苏拉文本),该文本最早可追溯至公元930年的Aaron ben Moses ben Asher(这一长串是个人名)在研究了所有可用文献之后编写出的比较权威的严格圣经版本。在公元1010年,埃及抄写员塞缪尔·本·雅各布(Samuel ben Jacob)重新修订了他的着作,可惜该文献丢失多年,在十九世纪中叶才得以重见天日。JPS Hebrew-English TANAKH是通过修改列宁格勒文本里的错误以及对部分段落进行现代化修改之后出版的BHS版本,其中的英语翻译部分来自广受好评的1985年JPS翻译版本。作者在可能的情况下将古代近东语言和文化的现代研究成果运用到圣经文本上,这使得英语风格能够反映圣经的含义而不是简单的翻译字面意思。此版本除了塔纳赫双语对照版本以外还有内容丰富的前言,对于圣经翻译历史的探讨,重点是最新的JPS英文圣经翻译。 这是着名的犹太圣经学者跨派别合作30年的成果。读者一定会喜欢这犹太出版协会历史上最繁琐的项目之一的成果。以下是英文介绍原文The JPS Hebrew-English TANAKH features the oldest-known complete Hebrew version of the Holy Scriptures, side by side with JPS’s renowned English translation. Its well-designed format allows for ease of reading and features clear type, an engaging and efficient two-column format that enables readers to move quickly from one language to another, and an organization that contemporary readers will find familiar.The Hebrew text of this TANAKH is based on the famed Leningrad Codex, the Masoretic text traceable to Aaron ben Moses ben Asher, ca. 930 CE. Ben-Asher researched all available texts to compile an authoritative Bible manuscript. In 1010 CE his work was revised by Samuel ben Jacob, a scribe in Egypt. Lost for centuries, the manuscript was eventually discovered in the mid-nineteenth century and became known as the Leningrad Codex.This edition adapts the latest BHS edition of the Leningrad text by correcting errors and providing modern paragraphing. The English text in this TANAKH is a slightly updated version of the acclaimed 1985 JPS translation. Wherever possible, the results of modern study of the languages and culture of the ancient Near East have been brought to bear on the biblical text, which allows for an English style reflective of the biblical spirit and language rather than of the era of the translation.This edition also includes an informative preface that discusses the history of Bible translation, focusing on the latest JPS English translation of the Holy Scriptures. It is the result of a 30-year interdenominational collaboration of eminent Jewish Bible scholars. Readers are sure to appreciate one of the most intensive projects in the history of The Jewish Publication Society.游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复分成六个是因为超过50m的文件无论如何也无法上传成功,我试了几十次都会报错,不得不减小文件体积,之后这个情况如果解决了的话我会重新上传新的分卷压缩(虽然最少也就只能压缩成五个)。