《The Grimoire Of Honorius》

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《The Grimoire Of Honorius》《The Grimoire Of Honorius》

2009-4-15 09:04 上传

The person who desires to invoke the perverse “Spirits of Darkness must observe a three days’ fast; he must also confess and approach the Holy Altar. After these three days, upon the morrow, and at the hour of sunrise, he shall recite the Seven Gradual Psalms, with the accoinpanying Litanies and Prayers,1 the whole on his knees; further, he must drink no wine and eat no meat on that day. Next, he shall rise at midnight on the first Monday of the month,2 and a priest shall say a Mass of the Holy 2 The three days’ fast must therefore have been regulated so that it expired on the previous Saturday. Ghost.3 After the consecration, taking the Host in his left hand,he shall recite the following prayer on his knees : PRAYER My Sovereign Saviour Jesus Christ, Son of the living God! Thou who for the salvation of all mankind didst suffer the death of the Cross; Thou who, before being abandoned to Thine enemies, by an impulse of ineffable love didst institute the Sacrament of thy Body; Thou who hast vouchsafed to us miserable creatures the privilege of making daily commemoration thereof; do Thou deign unto thine unworthy servant, thus holding thy Living Body in his hands, all strength and ability for the profitable application of that power with which he has been entrusted against the horde of rebellious spirits. Thou art their true God, and if they tremble at the utterance of Thy Name, upon that Holy Name will I call, crying Jesus Christ! Jesus, be Thou my help, now and for ever! Amen. After sunrise a black cock must be killed, the first feather of its left wing being plucked and preserved for use at the required time. The eyes must be torn out, and so also the tongue and heart; these must be dried in the sun and afterwards reduced to powder. The remains must be interred at sunset in a secret place, a cross of a palm in height being set upon the mound, while at each of the four corners the signs which here follow must be drawn with the thumb : ……文件密码:《The Grimoire Of Honorius》www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《The Grimoire Of Honorius》回复


摘要:《The Grimoire Of Honorius》是一本古老的魔法书籍,被认为是中世纪最重要的黑魔法文献之一。本文将从四个方面对《The Grimoire Of Honorius》进行详细阐述:其背景和历史、书籍内容、影响力和争议。


《The Grimoire Of Honorius》是由传说中的圣人Honorius写成的黑魔法书籍。圣人Honorius据说是13世纪的教宗,他在书中详细描述了各种黑魔法仪式和咒语。这本书被认为是中世纪黑魔法文献的珍品,是研究黑魔法历史的重要参考。



《The Grimoire Of Honorius》的内容非常丰富,包含了各种黑魔法仪式、咒语和魔术知识。书中详细介绍了如何召唤恶魔、进行巫术咒语、制作药水和魔法符咒等。这些内容让人不禁感叹当时黑魔法的深奥和神秘。



《The Grimoire Of Honorius》在中世纪的黑魔法界具有重要的影响力。它被视为黑魔法的经典之作,曾被许多黑魔法师用作指导的手册。这本书中的黑魔法仪式和咒语被广泛传播,影响了后来黑魔法的发展。



关于《The Grimoire Of Honorius》的争议主要集中在其真实性和使用黑魔法的道德问题上。有人认为这本书只是一本虚构的黑魔法手册,并不具备实际的魔法力量。然而,也有人相信其中的一些仪式和咒语确实具有某种神秘的力量。



《The Grimoire Of Honorius》是一本引起争议的黑魔法书籍,它的真实性和内容仍然存在许多争议。不论其真实性如何,这本书在中世纪黑魔法的历史和文化中具有重要的地位。



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