《Angels A to Z》

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Written by a recognized authority on nontraditional religious movements, this resource is one of the most comprehensive books on angels and related topics currently available. More than 300 entries are included and drawn from multiple religions, such as Christianity, Islam, and Hindu traditions, as well as from pop culture. A variety of angel topics are discussed, including celebrity angels, classifications of angels, obscure angels still waiting for their big break, guardian angels, fallen angels, Anaheim angels, biblical figures associated with angels, angels in art and architecture, and angels in the media and literature. Angels are also discussed in terms of the occult and metaphysics, with entries on UFOs, fairies, and witches.






James R. Lewis, Evelyn Dorothy Oliver


–事实上是既有传统又有new age内容的一部书。以下评论来自美国亚马逊。From Library JournalTrying to catch the current wave of angel popularity, this source compiles angel facts and lore in short readable citations. Alphabetically arranged entries range from "Abaddon" (the angel of death) to "Zoroastrianism" (the ancient Persian religion that believed in the notion of angels as agents of God). Topics include how various religions view angels, artists’ renderings, angel medicine, and angels in folklore and literature. Supplementing the entries is an appendix containing angel resources and an angel filmography (no ghosts or spirits) current up to 1994 although not complete (the film "Prophecy’ starring Christopher Walken is not listed). For quick trivia, this book works, but for more specific and detailed synopses on angels, try John E. Ronner’s Know Your Angels (Mamre Pr., 1993).?L. Kriz, West Des Moines P.L., Ia.Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.From 《Angels A to Z》BooklistIt was bound to happen. With angels as the subject of a growing number of books and angel gifts appearing in stores and catalogs, a reference book couldn’t be far behind. This dictionary, by two firm believers in angels, has 300 entries discussing angels across religious traditions, including New Age thought. Lewis is the author of several other Gale titles, including The Dream Encyclopedia [RBB N 15 95] and The Encyclopedia of Afterlife Beliefs and Phenomena [RBB Ap 15 95].Angels in various religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism) are treated, along with well-known angels, such as Michael and Gabriel, and obscure ones like Abdiel and Hadraniel. There is coverage of guardian angels and fallen angels and biblical figures associated with angels. Angels in art, architecture, film, TV, and music, as well as literature about angels, from Dante to today’s New Age writers, are also included. In addition to treating angels from the point of view of religion, they are also discussed in terms of the occult and metaphysics, with entries on UFOs, fairies, and witches. There are brief bibliographies at the end of entries, with sources ranging from The Encyclopedia of Religion to A Treatise on Angel Magic. The beautiful religious art featuring angels doesn’t reproduce too well in black and white. Appendixes include a classified bibliography, a filmography, and angel resources: organizations, publications, retail and mail-order companies, and Web pages. A detailed index includes illustrations as well as text.For public libraries where there is an interest in angels, from either a traditional religious or New Age point of view.Sandy Whiteley –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《Angels A to Z》回复


摘要:《Angels A to Z》是一本关于天使的百科全书,全文详细介绍了天使的起源、类型、特征和作用。本文将从四个方面对《Angels A to Z》进行详细阐述,分别是天使的起源、天使的类型、天使的特征和天使的作用。


《Angels A to Z》首先介绍了天使的起源,包括天使在各种宗教和文化中的出现,并探讨了天使在不同信仰体系中的角色和意义。其次,本书还详细讲解了天使的起源理论,包括宗教理论、神话传说和科学解释等。最后,本书还对天使起源的各种观点和争议进行了解析和比较。


《Angels A to Z》对天使的分类进行了系统的介绍,包括天使的等级、种类和属性。本书详细描述了天使在不同宗教和文化中的分类方式,如基督教中的天使九级、犹太教中的天使七级等。同时,本书还介绍了天使的各种属性,如天使的形象、能力和任务等。


《Angels A to Z》详细描绘了天使的特征,包括外貌、性格和行为等方面。本书通过插图和文字描述展示了天使的形象,如美丽的羽翼、光芒四射的光环等。同时,本书还分析了天使的性格特点,如善良、守护和忠诚等。此外,本书还介绍了天使的行为表现,如传递信息、保护人类和执行神的旨意等。


《Angels A to Z》详细探讨了天使的作用和影响,包括在宗教信仰、文化传统和艺术创作中的角色。本书介绍了天使在各种宗教中的作用和地位,如基督教中的天使作为神的使者和人类的守护者。此外,本书还分析了天使在文化传统和艺术创作中的形象和意义,如天使作为美的象征和灵感的来源等。


《Angels A to Z》是一本全面介绍天使的百科全书,通过对天使的起源、类型、特征和作用的详细阐述,让读者更加了解天使的神秘和多样性。本书不仅涵盖了各种宗教和文化中的天使观念,还揭示了天使在人类信仰和艺术创作中的重要地位。阅读《Angels A to Z》将带领你进入天使的世界,探索其神奇的存在。



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