《The Key To Theosophy》

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Preface The purpose of this book is exactly expressed in its title, The Key to Theosophy, and needs but few words of explanation. It is not a complete or exhaustive textbook of Theosophy, but only a key to unlock the door that leads to the deeper study. It traces the broad outlines of the Wisdom-Religion, and explains its fundamental principles; meeting, at the same time, the various objections raised by the average Western inquirer, and endeavoring to present unfamiliar concepts in a form as simple and in language as clear as possible. That it should succeed in making Theosophy intelligible without mental effort on the part of the reader, would be too much to expect; but it is hoped that the obscurity still left is of the thought and not of the language, is due to depth and not to confusion. To the mentally lazy or obtuse, Theosophy must remain a riddle; for in the world mental as in the world spiritual each man must progress by his own efforts. The writer cannot do the reader’s thinking for him, nor would the latter be any the better off if such vicarious thought were possible. The need for such an exposition as the present has long been felt among those interested in the Theosophical Society and its work, and it is hoped that it will supply information, as free as possible from technicalities, to many whose attention has been awakened, but who, as yet, are merely puzzled and not convinced. Some care has been taken in disentangling some part of what is true from what is false in Spiritualistic teachings as to the postmortem life, and to showing the true nature of Spiritualistic phenomena. Previous explanations of a similar kind have drawn much wrath upon the writer’s devoted head; the Spiritualists, like too many others, preferring to believe what is pleasant rather than what is true, and becoming very angry with anyone who destroys an agreeable delusion. For the past year Theosophy has been the target for every poisoned arrow of Spiritualism, as though the possessors of a half truth felt more antagonism to the possessors of the whole truth than those who had no share to boast of. Very hearty thanks are due from the author to many Theosophists who have sent suggestions and questions, or have otherwise contributed help during the writing of this book. The work will be the more useful for their aid, and that will be their best reward. -H.P. Blavatsky ……文件密码:《The Key To Theosophy》www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《The Key To Theosophy》回复


摘要:《The Key To Theosophy》是一本关于神智学的重要著作,通过对神智学的核心概念和原理进行阐述,帮助读者理解神智学的基本思想。本文将从四个方面对《The Key To Theosophy》进行详细阐述,包括其内容概述、作者背景、思想观点以及对读者的影响。


《The Key To Theosophy》是由神智学创始人H.P.布拉夫斯基所著,于1889年出版。书中系统地介绍了神智学的主要概念和原则,涵盖了宇宙起源、人类进化、宗教哲学等多个领域。通过解释一系列的问题和回答读者的疑惑,书中引导读者深入了解神智学的核心思想。

《The Key To Theosophy》的内容分为三部分,第一部分介绍了神智学的基本原理和核心教义,第二部分回答了一些关于宇宙和人类的问题,第三部分则解释了一些神智学术语和符号。



《The Key To Theosophy》的作者H.P.布拉夫斯基是19世纪最重要的神智学家之一。她是一位卓越的哲学家、神秘主义者和作家,创立了神智学协会,并在该协会负责教导和传播神智学思想。

H.P.布拉夫斯基的知识渊博,她的著作对神智学的发展做出了巨大贡献。《The Key To Theosophy》是她的代表作之一,通过这本书她向读者介绍了神智学的核心思想,并努力消除人们对神秘主义和超自然现象的误解。


《The Key To Theosophy》提出了许多重要的思想观点,其中最核心的是“智慧传统”的概念。根据布拉夫斯基的观点,智慧传统是一种超越时间和空间的智慧和知识,可以通过直觉和心灵洞察力来获得。她认为,通过深入研究宇宙和人类的本质,我们可以获得对生命的理解和指导。

另外,《The Key To Theosophy》还强调了人类的共同性和宇宙的相互关联。布拉夫斯基认为,人类和宇宙之间存在着紧密的联系和共生关系,我们的行为和思想会对宇宙产生影响。她呼吁人们要关注自己的内心,培养智慧和同情心,以促进个人和社会的进步。


《The Key To Theosophy》对读者产生了深远的影响。首先,它帮助读者理解神智学的核心概念和原则,为他们探索宇宙和人类的问题提供了一个基础。其次,书中提出的思想观点激发了读者对生命意义和目标的思考,引导他们寻求更高层次的智慧和真理。最后,它鼓励读者摆脱表面的迷信和偏见,培养开放的心态,以更全面的方式看待世界。

总结:《The Key To Theosophy》是一本关于神智学的重要著作,通过对神智学的核心概念和原理进行阐述,帮助读者理解神智学的基本思想。这本书由H.P.布拉夫斯基所著,内容概述了神智学的基本原理和核心教义,并回答了一些关于宇宙和人类的问题。布拉夫斯基的思想观点强调了智慧传统、人类的共同性和宇宙的相互关联。《The Key To Theosophy》对读者产生了深远的影响,帮助他们理解神智学思想,激发他们对生命意义和目标的思考,培养他们的开放心态。



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