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by Reynold A. Nicholson Routledge, Kegan Paul, London [1914] THE MYSTICS OF ISLAMINTRODUCTION THE title of this book sufficiently explains why it is included in a Series ‘exemplifying the adventures and labours of individual seekers or groups of seekers in quest of reality.’ Sufism, the religious philosophy of Islam, is described in the oldest extant definition as ‘the apprehension of divine realities,’ and Mohammedan mystics are fond of calling themselves Ahl al-Haqq, ‘the followers of the Real.’ {Al-Haqq is the term generally used by Sufis when they refer to God.} In attempting to set forth their central doctrines from this point of view, I shall draw to some extent on materials which I have collected during the last twenty years for a general history of Islamic mysticism–a subject so vast and many-sided that several large volumes would be required to do it anything like justice. Here I can only sketch in broad outline certain principles, methods, and characteristic features of the inner life as it has been lived by Moslems of every class and condition from the eighth century of our era to the present day. Difficult are the paths which they threaded, dark and bewildering the pathless heights beyond; but even if we may not hope to accompany the travelers to their journey’s end, any information that we have gathered concerning their religious environment and spiritual history will help us to understand the strange experiences of which they write. In the first place, therefore, I propose to offer a few remarks on the origin and historical development of Sufism, its relation to Islam, and its general character. Not only are these matters interesting to the student of comparative religion; some knowledge of them is indispensable to any serious student of Sufism itself. It may be said, truly enough, that all mystical experiences ultimately meet in a single point; but that point assumes widely different aspects according to the mystic’s religion, race, and temperament, while the converging lines of approach admit of almost infinite variety. Though all the great types of mysticism have something in common, each is marked by peculiar characteristics resulting from the circumstances in which it arose and flourished. Just as the Christian type cannot be understood without reference to Christianity, so the Mohammedan type must be viewed in connexion with the outward and inward development of Islam. The word ‘mystic,’ which has passed from Greek religion into European literature, is represented in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish, the three chief languages of Islam, by ‘Sufi.’ The terms, however, are not precisely synonymous, for ‘Sufi’ has a specific religious connotation, and is restricted by usage to those mystics who profess the Mohammedan faith. And the Arabic word, although in course of time it appropriated the high significance of the Greek–lips sealed by holy mysteries, eyes closed in visionary rapture–bore a humbler meaning when it first gained currency (about 800 A.D.). Until recently its derivation was in dispute. Most Sufis, flying in the face of etymology, have derived it from an Arabic root which conveys the notion of ‘purity’; this would make ‘Sufi’ mean ‘one who is pure in heart’ or ‘one of the elect.’ Some European scholars identified it with «sophós» in the sense of ‘theosophist.’ But Nöldeke, in an article written twenty years ago, showed conclusively that the name was derived from suf (wool), and was originally applied to those Moslem ascetics who, in imitation of Christian hermits, clad themselves in coarse woollen garb as a sign of penitence and renunciation of worldly vanities. ……文件密码:《THE MYSTICS OF ISLAM》www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《THE MYSTICS OF ISLAM》回复


摘要:《THE MYSTICS OF ISLAM》是一部关于伊斯兰教的神秘主义的著作,它详细介绍了伊斯兰教的神秘主义思想和实践,以及其中的各种学派和思想家。本文将从四个方面对《THE MYSTICS OF ISLAM》进行详细阐述,包括其内容概述、作者背景、影响力和评价。


《THE MYSTICS OF ISLAM》是一部探讨伊斯兰教神秘主义的经典著作,由英国作家Charles H. Usher于1911年出版。该书主要介绍了伊斯兰教的神秘主义思想和实践,包括苏菲主义、伊本·阿拉比和穆拉纳·鲁米的思想,以及神秘主义在伊斯兰教中的地位和影响。通过深入探讨伊斯兰教的神秘主义,该书为读者提供了一个全面了解伊斯兰教的神秘面向的视角。

《THE MYSTICS OF ISLAM》的内容涵盖了伊斯兰教的各个方面,包括神秘主义的起源和发展、神秘主义的核心概念和实践、神秘主义的学派和思想家、以及神秘主义在伊斯兰教中的地位和影响。通过详细的论述和深入的研究,该书为读者提供了一个深入了解伊斯兰教神秘主义的重要参考。


Charles H. Usher是一位英国作家和学者,对伊斯兰教和东方哲学有着深入的研究。他在《THE MYSTICS OF ISLAM》中展示了对伊斯兰教神秘主义的深刻理解和研究成果。通过对伊斯兰教神秘主义的详细阐述,他向读者展示了伊斯兰教的多样性和丰富性。

Charles H. Usher的学术背景和广泛的研究使他成为研究伊斯兰教神秘主义的权威,他的著作《THE MYSTICS OF ISLAM》为读者提供了一个深入了解伊斯兰教神秘主义的窗口。


《THE MYSTICS OF ISLAM》在出版后得到了广泛的关注和赞誉,被视为伊斯兰教神秘主义领域的经典著作之一。该书通过详尽的论述和深入的研究,为读者提供了一个全面了解伊斯兰教神秘主义的视角。



《THE MYSTICS OF ISLAM》被普遍认为是一部对伊斯兰教神秘主义做出杰出贡献的著作。它通过对伊斯兰教神秘主义的详细阐述和深入研究,为读者提供了一个全面了解伊斯兰教神秘主义的视角。



《THE MYSTICS OF ISLAM》是一部关于伊斯兰教神秘主义的经典著作,它全面介绍了伊斯兰教的神秘主义思想和实践。该书通过详细阐述和深入研究,为读者提供了一个全面了解伊斯兰教神秘主义的视角。作者Charles H. Usher的学术背景和广泛的研究使他成为研究伊斯兰教神秘主义的权威。《THE MYSTICS OF ISLAM》在出版后得到了广泛的关注和赞誉,被视为伊斯兰教神秘主义领域的经典著作之一。该书被普遍认为是一部对伊斯兰教神秘主义做出杰出贡献的著作。



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