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BY M A X H E I N D E L AND A U G U S T A F O S S H E I N D E L AN ESOTERIC EXPOSITION OFNATAL AND MEDICAL ASTROLOGYEXPLAINING THE ARTS OFREADING THE HOROSCOPE AND DIAGNOSINGDISEASE[PAGE 2] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSTHE ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIPINTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERSP.O. BOX 713OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA, 92054, U.S.A.[PAGE 3] EVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIACCHAPTER IEVOLUTION AS SHOWN IN THE ZODIACIt is a matter of common knowledge among mystics that the evolutionarycareer of mankind is indissolubly bound up with the divine hierarchies whorule the planets and the signs of the Zodiac, and that passage of the Sunand the planets through the twelve signs of the Zodiac, marks man’s progressin time and in space. Therefore it is not to be wondered at, that in thecourse of their investigations into the spiritual development of mankind,the writers have also encountered much that deals with the Zodiac which isthe boundary of our evolutionary sphere at the present time. So much hasbeen perceived in THE MEMORY OF NATURE that sheds light upon obscure passages of the Bible, that notes have been made from time to time of differentpoints, but how to collect and collage these dissociated writings into aunited whole, has been a great problem for a long time. Even now, the writers know and feel that what they are bringing forth is only a very, veryweak attempt to set before the students that great body of facts which havecome to them through the memory of nature. They feel, however, that thiswill give a new and more profound meaning to the old symbols, and that by[PAGE 4] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSpassing on what has been found they put themselves in line to receive morelight.Concerning the future evolution of planets; the RosicrucianCosmo-Conception teaches, on page 256, that "when the beings upon the planethave evolved to a sufficient degree, the planet becomes a Sun, the fixedcenter of the Solar System. When the beings there have evolved to a stillgreater degree, and consequently it has reached its maximum of brilliancy,it breaks up into a Zodiac and becomes, so to speak, the womb of a new SolarSystem. Thus the Great hosts of Divine beings who, until then, were confined upon that Sun gain freedom of actions upon a great number of starswhence they can affect, in different ways, the system which grows up within……文件密码:《THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS》www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS》回复


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