《The Tarot of the Bohemians》(波西米亚塔罗)

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《The Tarot of the Bohemians》(波西米亚塔罗)《波西米亚塔罗》是构成19世纪和20世纪初“塔罗论”的核心文献之一,集大成者,具有一定的学术和参考价值。在这本书中,帕帕斯将李维提到的TARO四字这一个循环体系应用到了塔罗牌,并结合上帝之名的四字母YHVH对应创造了一套复杂的数字和符号的塔罗体系。本版为1892年初版。






(法)Papus(帕帕斯)又 Gerard Encauss(杰拉德•恩格斯)


PART I.THE "GENERAL KEY TO THE TAROT," GIVING THE ABSOLUTE KEY TOOCCULT SCIENCE.PAGECHAP. I.–INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE TAROT:Approaching End of Materialism–Synthesis–The Occult Science–The Secret Societies–The Cultus–The People, Transmitter of Esoterism–The Gypsies–The Sacred Word ofFreemasonry–Our Work3II.–THE SACRED WORD YOD-HE-VAU-HE: The Kabbalah and the Sacred Word–The Yod–The He–The Vau–The 2nd He–Synthesis of the Sacred Word17III.–THE ESOTERISM OF NUMBERS: The Theosophic Numbers and Operations–Signification of the Numbers26IV.–ANALOGY BETWEEN THE SACRED WORD AND NUMBERS: TheKabbalistic Word and the Series of Numbers–Explanation of the Tetractys ofPythagoras–Figuration of the General Law32p. xV.–THE KEY TO THE MINOR ARCANA: Formation of the Tarot–Study of a Colour–The Four Figures–The Ten Numbers–Affinity between the Figures and the Numbers–Study of the Four Colours–A Comprehensive Glance over the Minor Arcana35VI.–THE KEY TO THE MAJOR ARCANA: The Major Arcana–1st Ternary–2ndTernary–1st Septenary–2nd Septenary-The Three Septenaries and the Ternary ofTransition51VII.–CONNECTION BETWEEN THE MAJOR AND MINOR ARCANA: Dominationof the 1st Septenary–Affinities of the 2nd Septenary in the Tarot, Card by Card–Ditto ofthe 3rd Septenary–General Affinities–Affinities of Yod, He, Vau, and of the 2nd He61General Figure giving the Key to the Tarot68PART II.SYMBOLISM IN THE TAROT.APPLICATION OF THE GENERAL KEY TO THE SYMBOLISM.VIII.–INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF SYMBOLISM: The Symbols–ThePrimitive Terms–Key of Symbolism–Definition of the Sense of one of the Symbols–General Law of Symbolism71IX.–HISTORY OF THE SYMBOLISM OF THE TAROT. INQUIRY INTO ITSORIGIN: The Tarot is an Egyptian Book–Its Transformations–Mantegna\\\\\\\’s Pack–Venetian Tarot–Florentine Tarot–Bolognese Tarot–Hindu Tarot–p. xi Chinese Tarot-Modem Tarots–Etteila–Marseilles–Besançon–Watillaux–Oswald Wirth–Italian andGerman Tarots–Constitution of the Symbolism of the Tarot–The Primitive HieroglyphicSigns–The 22 Hebrew Letters81X.–THE SYMBOLICAL TAROT. THE 1ST SEPTENARY. ARCANA 1 TO 7.THEOGONY: Scheme of Work–Key to the 1st Septenary–The 1st Card of the Tarot theOrigin of all the others–The Three Principles of the Absolute–The Trinity–Figure of the1st Card and its Affinities962nd Card–The High Priestess (Beth)1123rd Card–The Empress (Gimel)1154th Card–The Emperor (Daleth)1195th Card–The Pope (He)1236th Card–The Lovers (Van)127Summary–Constitution of God132XI.–2ND SEPTENARY. ANDROGONY: Key to the 2nd Septenary1337th Card–The Chariot (Zain)1358th Card–Justice (Cheth)1389th Card–The Hermit (Teth)14210th Card–The Wheel of Fortune (Yod)14511th Card–Strength (Kaph)14812th Card–The Hanged Man (Lamed)151Summary–Constitution of Man155XII.–3RD SEPTENARY. COSMOGONY: Key to the 3rd Septenary15613th Card–Death (Mem)15814th Card–Temperance (Nun)16115th Card–The Devil (Samech)164p. xii16th Card–The Lightning-struck Tower (Zain)16817th Card–The Star (Phe)17118th Card–The Moon (Tzaddi)174Summary–Constitution of the Universe177XIII.–GENERAL TRANSITION17819th Card–The Sun (Qoph)17920th Card–The Judgment (Resh)18221st Card–The Foolish Man (Shin)18522nd Card–The Universe (Tau)188Summary192XIV.–GENERAL SUMMARY OF THE SYMBOLICAL TAROT: Involution andEvolution193Theogony.–The Absolute according to Wronski, Lacuria, and the Tarot–Theogony ofDivers Religions identical with that of the Tarot–Summary194Androgony: Figure with Summary210Cosmogony: Figure with Summary214Figure containing the Symbolism of all the Major Arcana, enabling the Signification ofeach Card to be easily defined220-221PART III.APPLICATIONS OF THE TAROT.XV.–GENERAL KEY TO THE APPLICATIONS OF THE TAROT: The Principle andthe Forms–The 21st Card of the Tarot is a Figure–Principle–The Tarot–The Year–TheMonth–The Day–The Human Life225p. xiiiXVI.–THE ASTRONOMIC TAROT: Egyptian Astronomy–The Four Seasons–TheTwelve Months–The Thirty-six Decans–The Planets–Absolute Analogy with the Tarot–Figure containing the Application of the Tarot to Astronomy–Key to the AstrologicalWorks of Christian–Oswald Wirth\\\\\\\’s Astronomical Tarot233XVII.–THE INITIATIVE TAROT: Ch. Barlet\\\\\\\’s Essay on this Subject–Involution andEvolution–The Hours of Apollonius of Tyana–The Phases of Initiation represented bythe Tarot253Barlet\\\\\\\’s Work upon the COSMOGONIC TAROT253XVIII.–THE KABBALISTIC TAROT: Deductions by Etteila upon the Book of Thoth–Example of the Application of the Tarot to the Kabbalah, the Hierogram of Adam byStanislas de Gualta291XIX.–THE AUTHORS WHO HAVE INTERESTED THEMSELVES IN THE TAROT:Raymond Lulle–Cardan–Postel–The Rosicrucians–Court de Gébelin–Etteila–Claudede Saint-Martin–J. A. Vaillaint–Christian–Eliphas Levi–St. de Guaita–JoséphinPéladan–The Platonist–Theosophical Publications–F. Ch. Barlet–O. Wirth–Poirel–ElyStar–H. P. Blavatsky–Ch. de Sivry–Mathers297XX.–THE DIVINING TAROT IN SEVEN LESSONS. Introduction: To our LadyReaders–Astronomy and Astrology–Intuition–Fortune-telling by the Tarot in SevenLessons3011st Lesson–Simplification of the Rules of Fortune-telling by the Tarot3052nd Lesson–Minor Arcana–Signification p. xiv–A good Memory unnecessary for theirretention-Key to the Divining Tarot3073rd Lesson–Major Arcana–Signification from a Divining Point of View3164th Lesson–Basis of the Application of this Knowledge–Arrangement of the Cards3185th Lesson–Reading the Tarot–Rapid Process–Elaborate Process3226th Lesson–Etteila\\\\\\\’s original and unpublished Method of reading the Tarot (from one ofhis rarest works). 1st Deal–2nd Deal–3rd Deal–4th Deal3277th Lesson–Conclusion–Bibliography333XXI.–APPLICATION OF THE TAROT TO GAMES: The Royal Game of the HumanLife according to the Egyptians–The Unity of Games in the Tarot335XXII.–CONCLUSION OF THE WORK343INDEX349TABLE OF THE AUTHORS AND PRINCIPAL WORKS QUOTED353游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《The Tarot of the Bohemians》(波西米亚塔罗)回复


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