《直觉塔罗Intuitive Tarot 》(Brigit Esselmont)

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31天学习阅读塔罗牌并发展你的直觉在31天内成为一名自信的塔罗牌读者。在这本面向初学者的现代实用塔罗牌指南中,Brigit Esselmont(Biddy Tarot的创始人和《日常塔罗牌》的作者)将带你踏上一段激动人心的31天之旅,学习阅读塔罗牌并融入你内心的智慧,这样你就可以充分发挥自己的潜力(以塔罗牌为指南)。直觉塔罗牌将塔罗牌的复杂系统分解为一口大小、可操作的步骤。从第一天起,你就可以轻松地阅读塔罗牌了!当你将直觉与传统塔罗牌智慧融合在一起时,塔罗牌阅读成为一种真正的超能力。这是你的塔罗牌阅读变得生动起来并真正流畅的时候。在直觉塔罗牌中,您可以:✔ 每天31节塔罗牌课程,你可以按照自己的节奏探索✔ 日常活动,加深您与塔罗牌的联系✔ 跟踪进度的每日课程日历✔ 塔罗牌含义简短,易于记忆✔ 25个简单的塔罗牌可以回答任何问题✔ 每一张塔罗牌的关键词都很容易记住,可以激发你的直觉,所以你再也不会在阅读中陷入空白✔ 一张图表,可以追踪你自己对卡片的解读,这样你就可以轻松直观地阅读塔罗牌✔ 一系列有力的问题,增加每次阅读的影响力✔ 准确而有洞察力的塔罗牌阅读的7个步骤✔ 使用任何类型的客户端的诀窍✔一份大纲,记录你每天的卡片活动,并确认你不断增长的直觉✔ 创建自己的塔罗牌档案的指南,让您对每张牌都有清晰的了解31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your IntuitionBecome a Confident Tarot Reader in 31 Days.In this modern and practical Tarot guide for beginners, Brigit Esselmont (founder of Biddy Tarot and author of Everyday Tarot) takes you on an exciting, 31-day journey to learn to read Tarot cards and tune into your inner wisdom, so that you can live life to your fullest potential (using the Tarot as your guide). Intuitive Tarot breaks down the complex systems of the Tarot into bite-sized, actionable steps. Work your way through the daily activities and you’ll be reading Tarot cards with ease–from Day One!Tarot reading becomes a real superpower when you blend your intuitive instincts with traditional Tarot wisdom. This is when your Tarot readings come to life and truly flow.Inside Intuitive Tarot, you get:✔ 31 daily Tarot lessons that you can explore at your own pace✔ Daily activities to deepen your connection with the Tarot cards✔ Daily lesson calendar to track your progress✔ Short, easy to remember Tarot card meanings ✔ 25 simple Tarot spreads to answer ANY question✔ Easy-to-remember keywords for every Tarot card to spark your intuition, so you never go blank in a reading again✔ A chart to track your own interpretations of the cards so you can intuitively read Tarot with ease✔ A list of powerful questions that increase the impact of every reading✔ The 7 steps to an accurate and insightful Tarot reading✔ The trick to working with any type of client✔An outline to record your Card a Day activity and confirm your growing intuition✔ A guide to create your own Tarot card profiles for crystal clear insight into every card






Brigit Esselmont


Section 1: Getting Started (Days 1 to 5)Day 1: What is the Tarot?Day 2: But First… Choose Your Tarot DeckDay 3: Cleanse and Care for Your Tarot DeckDay 4: Get to Know Your Tarot CardsDay 5: Start Your Tarot JournalSection 1- Congratulations!Section 2: Learn the Tarot Card Meanings (Days 6 to 21)Day 6: How to Learn the Tarot Card MeaningsDay 7: Learn About the Minor ArcanaDay 8: Learn About the Suit of CupsDay 9: Learn About the Suit of PentaclesDay 10: Learn About the Suit of SwordsDay 11: Learn About the Suit of WandsDay 12: Learn About the Court CardsDay 13: Learn About the Major ArcanaDay 14: Learn Tarot by NumbersDay 15: Interpret the Symbolism in the TarotDay 16: Interpret the Stories in the CardsDay 17: Meditation with the TarotDay 18: A Card A DayDay 19: Good Cards, Bad CardsDay 20: Reversed CardDay 21: Create Tarot Card CombinationsSection 2 – Congratulations!Section 3: How to Read Tarot for Yourself and Others (Days 22 to 31)Day 22: Create the Sacred SpaceDay 23: Ask Powerful QuestionsDay 24: Choosing a Tarot SpreadDay 25: Do a Tarot ReadingDay 26: Discover the Celtic CrossDay 27: Reading Tarot for YourselfDay 28: Reading Tarot for OthersDay 29: Reflect and Ask for FeedbackDay 30: Help! What If…Day 31: Trust Your IntuitionWhere to From Here?GratitudeAppendix: Tools and TemplatesTarot Suit SummaryTarot Card ProfileA Card A DayThree-Card Tarot Spread25 Easy Three-Card Tarot Spreads

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《直觉塔罗Intuitive Tarot 》(Brigit Esselmont)《直觉塔罗Intuitive Tarot 》(Brigit Esselmont)

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《直觉塔罗Intuitive Tarot 》(Brigit Esselmont)《直觉塔罗Intuitive Tarot 》(Brigit Esselmont)

2023-9-24 09:20 上传

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《直觉塔罗Intuitive Tarot 》(Brigit Esselmont)本主题由 影月 于 2023-9-26 23:10 加入精华有需要联系v;zhanxzhanx

摘要:《直觉塔罗Intuitive Tarot 》(Brigit Esselmont) 是一本关于塔罗牌的书籍,作者通过自己的经验和洞察力,教授读者如何运用直觉来解读塔罗牌。本文将从四个方面对该书进行详细的阐述,包括作者的背景介绍、书籍内容概述、阅读体验和读者反馈。通过这些方面的讨论,读者能够更好地了解这本书的特点和价值。


Brigit Esselmont 是一位著名的塔罗牌专家和作家。她在塔罗牌领域有着丰富的经验和知识,是许多人信赖的导师和指导者。在这一部分,我们将介绍她的背景和她对塔罗牌的独特见解。

Brigit Esselmont 出生于澳大利亚,自小对神秘和心灵学科感兴趣。她在年轻时开始研究塔罗牌,并利用自己的直觉和洞察力来解读牌面的意义。凭借她的天赋和热情,她成为了一位受人尊敬的塔罗牌导师,并在全球范围内开设了许多培训课程和工作坊。

通过她的书籍《直觉塔罗Intuitive Tarot 》(Brigit Esselmont) ,Brigit Esselmont 分享了她多年的研究和实践经验,帮助读者发展直觉能力,提升塔罗牌的解读水平。


《直觉塔罗Intuitive Tarot 》(Brigit Esselmont) 是一本关于塔罗牌的指南,主要侧重于发展读者的直觉能力和解读技巧。本书包含丰富的内容,从基础知识到高级技巧,都有所涉及。





阅读《直觉塔罗Intuitive Tarot 》(Brigit Esselmont) 是一次愉快和启发性的体验。作者的语言生动易懂,内容有条理,适合各个层次的读者。




《直觉塔罗Intuitive Tarot 》(Brigit Esselmont) 自出版以来,受到了读者的广泛好评。读者们称赞了本书的实用性和易读性,认为它是一本理想的学习塔罗牌的指南。



《直觉塔罗Intuitive Tarot 》(Brigit Esselmont) 是一本关于塔罗牌的权威指南,它帮助读者通过发展直觉能力和学习解读技巧,提升塔罗牌的解读水平。通过作者的背景介绍、书籍内容概述、阅读体验和读者反馈的讨论,我们可以看到这本书的独特价值和受欢迎程度。



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