《Archangle Oracle》大天使/天使长神谕卡英文原版手册

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每一个宗教与灵性的道路对打天使都有其诠释。这幅牌是根据十五位大天使—来自犹太教、 卡巴拉、基督教、天主教与伊斯兰教之古老的灵性教导、经文与信念。这些大天使卡以他们 一般常被使用的名字为主,虽然有一些大天使的名字在不同的灵性道路中有不同的名称。请 注意每一个大天使都有三张不同的牌,我选择那些描绘出在我灵视中看到的每一个大天使形 象的艺术作品来呈现。








–游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《Archangle Oracle》大天使/天使长神谕卡英文原版手册回复《Angel Answers Oracle Cards》天使回应神谕卡中文说明书 :《Archangle Oracle》大天使/天使长神谕卡英文原版手册http://www.imslr.com/thread-59775-1-1.html


摘要:The “Archangel Oracle” is an English original version of the angel oracle card manual. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the manual, covering four aspects: the concept of Archangels, the card meanings, the guidance and interpretation, and the benefits of using the oracle cards. Each aspect is discussed in detail, providing insights into the power and significance of the “Archangel Oracle” manual.

1、Concept of Archangels

The concept of Archangels is a central theme in the “Archangel Oracle” manual. The manual introduces the concept of Archangels as powerful celestial beings who serve as messengers between the divine and human realm. These Archangels are described as beings of light and love, guiding and protecting individuals on their spiritual journeys. The manual provides detailed information about the various Archangels, their unique qualities and the specific areas of life they can assist with.

The “Archangel Oracle” manual emphasizes the importance of connecting with Archangels for guidance, healing, and spiritual growth. It teaches individuals how to invoke and work with these divine beings through prayers, meditations, and the use of oracle cards. By establishing a connection with Archangels, individuals can tap into their wisdom and receive guidance and support in various aspects of life.

2、Card Meanings

The “Archangel Oracle” manual provides detailed interpretations and meanings for each oracle card in the deck. Each card is associated with a specific Archangel and contains a unique message or guidance. The manual explains the symbolism and imagery used in the cards, helping individuals understand the deeper meaning behind each card.

The card meanings in the “Archangel Oracle” manual are designed to provide individuals with insights and guidance in different areas of their life, including relationships, career, health, and spiritual growth. The manual encourages individuals to trust their intuition when using the oracle cards and to interpret the messages based on their own personal experiences and circumstances.

By using the “Archangel Oracle” cards and referring to the manual, individuals can gain valuable insights and guidance to navigate through challenges, make decisions, and find inner peace and clarity.

3、Guidance and Interpretation

The “Archangel Oracle” manual offers guidance and interpretation on how to use the oracle cards effectively. It provides step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for a reading, shuffle the cards, and select the right spread for specific questions or situations. The manual also offers tips and suggestions on how to interpret the cards and tap into the wisdom of the Archangels.

Furthermore, the manual includes sample readings and case studies, demonstrating how the oracle cards can be used in real-life situations. It provides examples of different spreads and interpretations, helping individuals develop their own intuitive skills and deepen their connection with the Archangels.

By following the guidance and interpretation in the “Archangel Oracle” manual, individuals can enhance their ability to use the oracle cards as a tool for personal growth, healing, and spiritual development.

4、Benefits of Using the Oracle Cards

The “Archangel Oracle” manual highlights the numerous benefits of using the oracle cards in one’s spiritual practice. It emphasizes that the cards can serve as a powerful tool for self-reflection, healing, and transformation. By using the oracle cards and connecting with the Archangels, individuals can gain clarity, receive guidance, and find comfort and support in challenging times.

The manual also emphasizes the personal empowerment that comes from working with the oracle cards. It encourages individuals to trust their own intuition and inner wisdom when interpreting the messages from the cards. This process of self-discovery and self-empowerment can lead to personal growth, increased self-confidence, and a deeper connection with the divine.

Overall, the “Archangel Oracle” manual provides individuals with a powerful resource for spiritual growth and guidance. By using the oracle cards and following the guidance in the manual, individuals can tap into the wisdom and guidance of the Archangels, leading to a more fulfilling and enlightened life.


In conclusion, the “Archangel Oracle” manual is an invaluable resource for individuals seeking guidance, healing, and spiritual growth. It introduces the concept of Archangels and their role in guiding and protecting individuals on their spiritual journeys. The manual provides detailed interpretations and meanings for each oracle card, helping individuals gain insights and guidance in various aspects of life. It offers guidance and interpretation on how to use the oracle cards effectively, and highlights the numerous benefits of using the cards for personal growth and empowerment. By using the “Archangel Oracle” manual and oracle cards, individuals can connect with the divine, receive guidance, and embark on a path of self-discovery and spiritual transformation.



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