《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》(魔法知识三部曲)

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The Magical Knowledge trilogy is a collection of work by Josephine McCarthy written between 2009 and 2011, originally presented in three paperback volumes as Magical Knowledge I Foundations, Magical Knowledge II The Initiate, and Magical Knowledge III Contacts of the Adepts. It is now presented as a complete hardback collection for the first time. The three individual volumes are still available in their second edition paperback form published by TaDehent Books.The Magical Knowledge Trilogy is a series that takes the reader through the twists and turns of serious magical study and practice. Written by Josephine McCarthy, one of the world\’s leading magical adepts, The Magical Knowledge Trilogy covers the necessary skills, contacts, and practices for lone magical practitioners studying and working within Western magic. It is a sampling of the teaching and magical work undertaken by the author over a twenty-year period, reaching from the early stages of magical practice right up to the adept level of work, and is designed for the lone practitioner. The writing of this collection signalled a turning point in McCarthy\’s work, as it began to develop more towards the in-depth training of magicians, which eventually manifested in the form of Quareia: an open source magical training course of unparalleled depth and scope. The trilogy covers magical advice, techniques for ritual, visionary work, utterance, divination, and sigil-making, and includes essays on the history of magic and a look at the mythic storytelling tradition. Josephine McCarthy is a Western magical adept living in the Southwest of England. An esoteric practitioner, teacher, and author, she has written over thirty books on magical theory and practice, including The Exorcist\’s Handbook, Magic of the North Gate, The Book of Gates – a Magical Translation, and Tarot Skills for the 21st Century. Josephine has taught extensively in the USA and UK since the early 1990s, and has lectured at various occult, esoteric, and hermetic conferences in the UK and USA. She is the designer and book author for the LXXXI Quareia Magician\’s Deck (2014 Quareia Publishing UK), produced with artists Stuart Littlejohn and Cassandra Beanland. McCarthy is also the author of Quareia, an extensive, in-depth, open source online training course in the theory, practice, and history of Western magic, which seeks to move Western magical practice into a deeper, more cooperative relationship with nature and the environment.






Josephine McCarthy


Josephine McCarthy is one of the world\’s leading magical adepts, a teacher and author of twenty-eight books on magical practice and training. She is the author of Quareia, a comprehensive and in-depth magical training course which is available free on line.

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《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》(魔法知识三部曲)《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》(魔法知识三部曲)

2021-11-23 12:52 上传

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《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》(魔法知识三部曲)《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》(魔法知识三部曲)

2021-11-23 12:58 上传

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《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》(魔法知识三部曲)《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》(魔法知识三部曲)

2021-11-23 12:59 上传

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《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》(魔法知识三部曲)《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》(魔法知识三部曲)

2021-11-23 12:59 上传

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《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》(魔法知识三部曲)《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》(魔法知识三部曲)

2021-11-23 12:59 上传

这是约瑟芬.麦卡锡在2009-2011期间完成的魔法知识书籍,曾经拆分为《魔法知识1》《魔法知识2》《魔法知识3》分别出版。在2021年7月,她将这三部曲合起来,出版了电子书《魔法知识三部曲》。Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》(魔法知识三部曲)回复


摘要:《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》(魔法知识三部曲)是一部充满奇幻和魔法的小说系列。这个故事讲述了一个普通人踏上魔法之旅的经历,他在魔法世界中遇到了各种神奇的生物和事件。本文将从四个方面对《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》进行详细阐述。


《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》的魔法世界构建精彩而独特。作者通过细致入微的描写,将读者带入了一个充满奇幻色彩的世界。魔法学院、魔法生物和各种神奇的魔法物品都在这个世界中存在。读者通过主人公的眼睛,感受到了这个世界的独特魅力。




《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》中的人物形象栩栩如生。主人公坚毅勇敢,充满正义感;反派人物狡猾狠毒,让人们恨之入骨。每个角色都有自己的特点和动机,他们的行为和言谈都与故事的发展密切相关。读者可以通过这些角色更好地理解故事的背景和情节。


除了精彩的故事情节,《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》还富有深意和启发。故事中探讨了友情、勇气和信念等主题,让人们思考人生的真谛。读者在享受故事的同时,也会被其中的哲理所触动,对自己的生活有所启示。


《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》是一部充满奇幻和魔法的小说系列,通过精彩的故事情节和深刻的寓意吸引了众多读者。作者通过精心构建的魔法世界、主人公的成长冒险、丰富的人物形象以及寓意和思考等方面,展现了故事的魅力和内涵。读者在阅读中不仅会享受故事的乐趣,还会在思考中得到启发。《The Magical Knowledge Trilogy》绝对是一部不容错过的奇幻小说系列。



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