《斯拉夫巫术:旧日魔法咒语及民间传说》Slavic Witchcraft Ol…

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引言巫术:一种生生不息的传统Storms make trees take deeper roots. DOLLY PARTON风暴使得树木把他们的根扎得更深——多利·帕琼俄罗斯的巫术是基于众神、精灵以及自然力量对普通人生活的干预,以及控制这些力量的能力。我可以肯定地说,几个世纪以来,生活在俄罗斯这片土地上的人们一直都在使用巫术来实现他们个人的目标。魔法是我们祖先所实践的异教传统的一个组成部分,魔法的目标是帮助众生、达成治愈和摆脱负能量的目标。而我们的祖先使用各种魔法——从各种原始的法术和符咒,到在在商业和战争中获得好运的咒语。俄罗斯的巫术是异教和基督教的综合体。至今,仍有许多人庆祝各种异教节日并在基督教神圣节日中使用魔法;仍然有许多女巫在给生子打结时低语,以施展诅咒或治愈的法术。巫师们能够做一些真正意义上的,非凡的事情。 我出生于在苏联时期。小时候,我看到我的祖母和母亲在日常生活中,使用各种魔法来帮助邻居、朋友和其他前来寻求帮助的人们。无论是从母系血统还是父系血统来说,我都是一个世袭女巫——第五代的女巫。而在我的家庭中,我们从未将魔法与日常生活分离,总是将两者结合在一起。在我七岁的时候,我的母亲、姐姐和我一同举行了降神会来与死者联系。我们尝试了塔罗牌,并进行解读,以此占卜我们是否能在学校的考试拿到合格,亦或是我喜欢的男孩是否会和我约会。每个“基督教”的嘉琪对我和我的姐妹来说都是一段美好的时光,因为我们以一种有趣且适合我们年龄的方式进行了许多种不同类型的占卜。我们以多种方式召唤死者的灵魂。这些都是我与家人们共度欢乐时光的一部分。我从我的家人们那里了解到魔法咒语和治愈法术的古老秘密,以及人类精神中所蕴含的无限潜力,并从他们那里继承了我对魔法和占卜的热情。并且,形而上学学者们的那些着作,使得神秘主义在我很小的时候便在我心中扎根。我们家族所相信的是,改变世界的能力是来源于自身的。 我们相信,你可以通过首先学会自爱、尊重和你的祖先们来带来内心的平静。我们相信所有法则都不是随意制定的,而是你根据自己的信仰制定的。我们信仰自由意志。我们相信魔法和它所拥有的力量!我们坚信内心的智慧,因为我们知道来自宇宙中最伟大的天赋便是自由意志——终极而无所不能的——其只被爱束缚。而通过魔法实践才能得到改善。我们每个人都是自己的中心,因为我们有能力去制定属于自己的规则,而不是对有所谓生活指南的胡乱迷信。你不并需要所谓“大师”的许可,你就可以走出去,去探索、去征服这个世界。你生来即拥有掌控自己生活所需的全部潜力,拥有学习真正的魔法力量的基础知识,以及无条件地去爱的能力。我们拥抱自由意志!我的童年和青年时期都是由魔法组成的;魔法无处不在,在我们所做的每一件事中,在父母每天的言谈举止中。 对我们来说,那些并不是魔法;对我们来说,这就是我们的生活方式,我们甚至都不知道什么是魔法什么不是魔法。 而从我离开我的出生地直到现在,每一天,我都在想念那种弥漫在空气之中的魔力。没有魔法的生活,对我来说,打个比方就像是从假期回到你不喜欢的工作,回到日常生活和(对大多数人来说)正常的生活方式。是什么促使我写了这本书?如果我只可以用一个词来概括的话,那个词便是:怀旧。那种对于真正自由的怀念——那种在魔法中发现的自由,而不是人为呈现的自由。 我想将这种自由同他人分享并向人们展示,展示在我国的农村地区还有另一种生活方式——而我相信许多其他国家也是如此——那里仍然有传统宗教的信徒和自由生活的人们:他们摆脱了所有现代世界的教条、规则和污垢。 本书中,我将解释构成东斯拉夫文化的思想,以及揭示魔法实践体系的秘密。本书介绍了远古信仰的精神遗产,以及阐述了我们在日常生活中,可以采取的帮助自己的魔法的实际步骤。我将讲述俄罗斯基督教与异教之间的关系,正如我从我的父母、祖父母和我周围的人们中所了解到的。我们成长的基石便是魔法:所有睡前故事、所有电影和所有文学; 在学校中我们学习到民间传说; 在神奇的谚语中我们得以窥探魔法,等等等等。其中最重要的思想便是,如果你相信自己,你就可以成功做到任何事情。我还将介绍一些斯拉夫巫术的背景——它是什么,是怎么生效的,以及介绍一些流传至今的民间魔法传说。接下来便会是几个关于法术/咒语的章节。 这些咒语大多来自我的家人;在我出国旅行以及前往俄罗斯农村地区旅游/探险时,我还从不同的人那里收集到了一些咒语。咒语将分为几个部分:爱情和关系;金钱、财富和生意;保护;房屋和家庭;健康和治疗;梦境和占卜。墓地是斯拉夫民族的一种特有魔法,我为有关于墓地传统、民间传说和咒语的内容,单独分出一章专门介绍。适用于所有场合的斯拉夫魔法咒语,将会作为本书结尾的章节。INTRODUCTION Sorcery as a Living Tradition Storms make trees take deeper roots. DOLLY PARTON Russian sorcery is based on the interventions of gods, spirits, and forces of nature in the lives of common people, as well as the ability to control these forces. I can say with certainty that Russians have used sorcery to achieve their goals for many centuries. Magic was an integral part of pagan traditions practiced by our ancestors, and that magic had as its aim help in life, healing, and freedom from negative energy. Our ancestors used magic of all kinds—from spells and charms to incantations for luck in business and battles. Russian sorcery is a synthesis of paganism and Christianity. There are still people who celebrate pagan festivals and conjure on Christian holy days. There are still witches who whisper upon tied knots to curse or heal. Sorcerers are capable of some truly extraordinary things. I was born in the Soviet state and lived there until I was eighteen years old. As a child, I saw my grandmother and mother use magic in their everyday lives to help neighbors, friends, and others seeking help. I am a fifth-generation hereditary witch, on both my maternal and paternal sides. In my family we never separated magic from everyday life. My mother, sister, and I held a séance to contact the deceased when I was seven years old. We read tarot cards to see if we would pass a school test or if a boy I liked would ask me on a date. Every “Christian” holiday was a great time for me and my sister, as we performedmany divinations in a way that was fun, playful, and appropriate for our ages. We called on the spirits of the dead in so many different ways, and it was just a part of our fun time with family. I learned from my family the ancient secrets of magic and healing and the boundless potential of the human spirit, and I inherited my passion for magic and fortune-telling from them. From this long line of metaphysicians and rich spiritual cultural heritage, the roots of occultism and conscious thinking rapidly developed in me at a very young age. What we believe in is the ability to change the world by starting from within yourself. We believe that you can bring forth peace by first learning to love and appreciate yourself and your ancestors. We believe that rules are not arbitrary but instead made by you in accordance with your own beliefs. We believe in free will. And we believe in magic and the power that it holds! We adhere to the wisdom of our own voices, because we know the greatest gift in the universe is free will—ultimate and omnipotent—bound only by love and ameliorated by the practice of magic. Each one of us is an epicenter of self-empowerment because we make our own rules rather than wishing for a nonexistent guidebook to life. You don’t need the permission of a self-help guru to go out and conquer the world. You have all the potential that you need within you to take charge of your life, to learn the fundamentals of true powers of conjuring, and to love without condition or expectation of reciprocity. We embrace free thought and celebrate the forbidden as part of our spiritual independence! My childhood and teenage years were fulfilled by magic; magic was everywhere in the air, in everything we did, in the way my parents spoke and acted on a daily basis. For us it wasn’t magic; for us it was the way we lived, and we didn’t know anything else, so it was normal. From the time I left my birthplace until now, every single day I miss that kind of magic in the air. Living without magic is like returning from vacation to work you dislike, going back to the routine and (for most people) the normal way of life. What made me write this book? If I can say it in one word: nostalgia. Nostalgia for real freedom—the one found in magic, not the artificially presented one. I wanted to share and show people that there is another life out there, in the rural areas of my country—and I’m sure many other countries as well—where there are still believers in the old ways and people who live their life freely: free from the dogma, rules, and grime of the modern world.In this book, I will explain the secrets of the profound system of thoughts and practices that underlie the East Slavic culture. Both the spiritual heritage of ancient beliefs and the practical steps that we can take to help ourselves in our daily lives are presented in this book. I begin by explaining the relationship between Christianity and paganism in Russia, as I know it from my parents, grandparents, and the community around us. The foundation of our upbringing there is magic: in bedtime stories, movies, and literature; at school (folklore); in magical proverbs, and more. The core message is that you can do and achieve anything if you believe in yourself. I will also give some background on Slavic magic—what it is, why it works, and some folklore about sorcerers that persists to this day. Next are several chapters on spells. These spells are mostly from my family; some spells were collected from different people while I was traveling abroad and going on expeditions to rural areas of Russia. The spells are divided into the categories of love and relationships; money, wealth, and business; protection; house and home; health and healing; and dreams and divinations. Cemeteries are their own special magic, and I have included a chapter on cemetery traditions, folklore, and spells. The book concludes with Slavic magic tips for all occasions.






Natasha Helvin


目录封面标题页题词引言 巫术:一种生生不息的传统第一章 异教基督教或基督教异教古老的宗教信仰皈依正统基督教祭品与巫毒的相似之处第二章 斯拉夫魔法、力量和巫术带有魔法的词汇带有魔法的动作护身符神秘的标志及魔法符号魔法的来源哪些人是在俄罗斯的女巫?关于巫术的民间传说咒语第三章 爱情和关系咒语柏拉图式的爱与尊重咒语寻找心爱的人并消除爱情诅咒的咒语吸引另一半或使朋友渴望得到你的咒语与心爱的人捆绑的咒语不与心爱的人分手的咒语让爱人回到身边的咒语让男人嫁给你的咒语抑制爱情的咒语从前前任和家庭生活中解脱出来的咒语抵御情敌和防止出轨的咒语分手的咒语第 四章 金钱、财富和商业咒语获得财富的咒语窃取运气的咒语寻找宝藏的咒语赢钱的咒语商业上获得成功的咒语促成交易并发挥自身影响力的咒语助你打赢官司的咒语第五章 保护咒语抵御诅咒和邪恶之眼的咒语在路途上获得保护的咒语消除邪恶之眼和诅咒的咒语停止流言蜚语和组织阴谋的咒语诅咒和惩罚你的敌人的咒语第六章 房屋和家庭咒语搬新家时的咒语家庭和平与安宁的咒语驱除家庭中害虫的咒语寻找丢失物品的咒语迎来客人/驱赶不受欢迎客人的咒语防止和惩罚盗窃之人的咒语第七章 健康和治疗咒语治愈疾病的咒语消除疣子的咒语摆脱坏习惯的咒语第八章 梦境与占卜预言梦的咒语占卜第九章 墓地传统、超自然、巫术和咒语关于来世的信仰东斯拉夫人的丧葬传统纪念逝者的风俗Kutya:传统的供奉死者的食物丧葬风俗葬礼前后需遵循的传统如何避免葬礼上的诅咒Randonitsa有关Randonitsa的风俗习惯与死者一同进行巫术:墓地中的巫术墓地咒语是如何实现的处于墓地的十字路口墓地咒语第十章 适用于所有场合的简单提示脚注关于作者关于内在传统 :熊和伙伴相关书籍版权和许可索引Cover Image Title Page Dedication Epigraph Introduction. Sorcery as a Living Tradition Chapter 1. Pagan Christianity or Christian Paganism Chapter 2. Slavic Magic, Power, and Sorcery The Spells Chapter 3. Love and Relationship Spells Chapter 4. Money, Wealth, and Business Spells Chapter 5. Protection Spells Chapter 6. House and Home Spells Chapter 7. Health and Healing Spells Chapter 8. Dreams and Divinations Chapter 9. Cemetery Traditions, Superstitions, Sorcery, and Spells Chapter 10. Simple Tips for All Occasions Footnote About the Author About Inner Traditions • Bear & Company Books of Related Interest Copyright & Permissions Index来摸个鱼,上传个书籍嘿嘿嘿~自制了引言部分和目录部分的翻译。同作者Natasha Helvin的另一本书《俄罗斯黑魔法》(Russian Black Magic)亦已上传,这里也贴个链接:《斯拉夫巫术:旧日魔法咒语及民间传说》Slavic Witchcraft Ol...http://www.imslr.com/thread-64903-1-1.html自己也还在看这本书,欢迎感兴趣的伙伴一起来本帖交流读后感或其它相关内容。等读完了再写个书评吧!Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《斯拉夫巫术:旧日魔法咒语及民间传说》Slavic Witchcraft Ol...回复

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