《Lives of the Necromancers》

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The improvements that have been effected in natural philosophy have by degrees convinced the enlightened part of mankind that the material universe is every where subject to laws, fixed in their weight, measure and duration, capable of the most exact calculation, and which in no case admit of variation and exception. Whatever is not thus to be accounted for is of mind, and springs from the volition of some being, of which the material form is subjected to our senses, and the action of which is in like manner regulated by the laws of matter. Beside this, mind, as well as matter, is subject to fixed laws; and thus every phenomenon and occurrence around us is rendered a topic for the speculations of sagacity and foresight. Such is the creed which science has universally prescribed to the judicious and reflecting among us. It was otherwise in the infancy and less mature state of human knowledge. The chain of causes and consequences was yet unrecognized; and events perpetually occurred, for which no sagacity that was then in being was able to assign an original. Hence men felt themselves habitually disposed to refer many of the appearances with which they were conversant to the agency of invisible intelligences; sometimes under the influence of a benignant disposition, sometimes of malice, and sometimes perhaps from an inclination to make themselves sport of the wonder and astonishment of ignorant mortals. Omens and portents told these men of some piece of good or ill fortune speedily to befal them. The flight of birds was watched by them, as foretokening somewhat important. Thunder excited in them a feeling of supernatural terror. Eclipses with fear of change perplexed the nations. The phenomena of the heavens, regular and irregular, were anxiously remarked from the same principle. During the hours of darkness men were apt to see a supernatural being in every bush; and they could not cross a receptacle for the dead, without expecting to encounter some one of the departed uneasily wandering among graves, or commissioned to reveal somewhat momentous and deeply affecting to the survivors. Fairies danced in the moonlight glade; and something preternatural perpetually occurred to fill the living with admiration and awe. All this gradually reduced itself into a system. Mankind, particularly in the dark and ignorant ages, were divided into the strong and the weak; the strong and weak of animal frame, when corporeal strength more decidedly bore sway than in a period of greater cultivation; and the strong and weak in reference to intellect; those who were bold, audacious and enterprising in acquiring an ascendancy over their fellow−men, and those who truckled, submitted, and were acted upon, from an innate consciousness of inferiority, and a superstitious looking up to such as were of greater natural or acquired endowments than themselves. The strong in intellect were eager to avail themselves of their superiority, by means that escaped the penetration of the multitude, and had recourse to various artifices to effect their ends. Beside this, they became the dupes of their own practices. They set out at first in their conception of things from the level of the vulgar. They applied themselves diligently to the unravelling of what was unknown; wonder mingled with their contemplation; they abstracted their minds from things of ordinary occurrence, and, as we may denominate it, of real life, till at length they lost their true balance amidst the astonishment they sought to produce in their inferiors. They felt a vocation to things extraordinary; and they willingly gave scope and line without limit to that which engendered in themselves the most gratifying sensations, at the same time that it answered the purposes of their ambition. ……文件密码:《Lives of the Necromancers》www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《Lives of the Necromancers》回复


摘要:《Lives of the Necromancers》 是一部关于死灵术士的著作,通过对历史上著名的死灵术士的生平和活动进行详细描述,揭示了他们的世界观、实践和影响。本文将从四个方面对《Lives of the Necromancers》 进行详细阐述,分别是死灵术士的起源与历史背景、死灵术士的实践与法术、死灵术士的社会影响以及对《Lives of the Necromancers》 的评价。通过探究这些方面,将展示出这本书在揭示死灵术士的世界和历史中所起到的重要作用。


死灵术士的起源可以追溯到古代文明,他们通过对死亡和灵魂的研究,试图与死去的人沟通并获取超自然的力量。《Lives of the Necromancers》 通过对不同文化和时期的死灵术士进行考察,揭示了他们的起源和发展历程,以及他们在古代社会中的地位和作用。


《Lives of the Necromancers》 通过对这些历史背景的描绘,展示了死灵术士的起源和发展与不同文化和时期的背景密切相关,同时也帮助读者更好地理解这些死灵术士的世界观和实践。


《Lives of the Necromancers》 进一步深入探索了死灵术士的实践和法术。这些法术包括通过咒语和仪式召唤死者的灵魂,预测未来,治疗疾病以及实现其他超自然的力量。


《Lives of the Necromancers》 在描述这些实践和法术时,注重揭示其背后的原理和科学基础,以及其在当时社会中的影响力。


死灵术士在古代社会中扮演着重要的角色,他们不仅是宗教和精神领袖,还是政治和社会权力的象征。《Lives of the Necromancers》 揭示了死灵术士如何通过其实践和法术来影响社会和政治的决策。



4、对《Lives of the Necromancers》 的评价

《Lives of the Necromancers》 是一部重要的著作,它通过对历史上著名的死灵术士的生平和活动进行详细描述,揭示了他们的世界观、实践和影响。



《Lives of the Necromancers》 通过对不同文化和时期的死灵术士的生平和活动进行详细描述,揭示了他们的起源、实践和影响。通过探究这些方面,读者可以更好地理解死灵术士的世界和历史中所起到的重要作用。



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