《The Magician\’s Workbook》(《魔法笔记》)

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Benefits of the Exercises Automatic The forty exercises in this book are designed to develop the practical skills neces- sary to work ritual magic in the Western tradition. Their value lies in the doing. They are not meant to be studied or analyzed, but repeatedly performed on a regu- lar basis. When integrated into a daily routine of practice and done consistently over a period of months, the benefits they confer are automatic and universal. They strengthen the will, focus concentration, enhance creative visualization, and awaken the perception of esoteric forces and spiritual creatures. Anyone who follows the routine of practice set forth in the appendix will experi- ence profound changes of mind and body. The degree of benefit will vary depend- ing on the latent gifts within each individual, but just as no one can lift weights for months without enlarging their biceps, it is impossible to work these exercises of practical magic without expanding and strengthening the occult faculties. You will become more aware of the processes of your own mind, and increas- ingly conscious of your dreams. You will sense subtle currents of force moving within your body and through the world around you, and learn to control them. Your intuition will grow keener and more reliable. You will perceive the presence of spiritual intelligences and interact with them. You will be able to project the power xii Introduction of your will as a tangible force to influence spirits and human beings. You will cleanse buildings and places of destructive atmospheres, charge objects with subtle energies, open gateways to higher spiritual realms, awaken the energy centers of your body, and call forth angels and elementals to serve your needs. All exercises are completely practical. A brief commentary has been added to each, but these commentaries contain no theories or moral cautions or history lessons, only instructions essential to avoid confusion and insure accurate performance. Countless books explain, justify, and analyze various aspects and systems of magic, past and present, in exhaustive detail. These works have their place, but they often suffer from a deficiency of simple directions on how to actually do the magic they describe. Readers are forced to distill procedures from hundreds of pages of general discussion, or must translate abstract references into practical steps.








Contents Introduction.. . xi Preface . . . xix Exercise 1 Self-Awareness I: Ego Denial. . .3 Exercise 2 Self-Awareness 11: Criticism of Others . . .6 Eiercise 3 Self-Awareness 111: Criticism of Self. . .8 Exercise 4 Inward Perception I: Stepped Relaxation . . . 13 Exercise 5 Inward Perception 11: Elemental Orientation . . . 17 Exercise 6 Inward Perception 111: Astral Projection. . .2.20Exercise 7 Inward Perception IV: Tatnva Awareness . . .23 Exercise 8 Inward Concentration I: Mantra.. .28 Exercise 9 Inward Concentration 11: Thought Stream. . .31 Exercise 10 Inward Concentration 111: Daily Recall. . .34 Exercise I 1 Breathing I: Color Breathing. . .39 Exercise 12 Breathing 11: Pore Breathing. . .44 EXercise 13 Breathing 111: The Nine-Seven Breath . . .47 Exercise 14 Outward Concentration I: Time Watching. . .50 Exercise 15 Outward Concentration 11: Candle Burning.. .53 Exercise 76 Outward Concentration 111: Water Boiling. . .55 Exercise 17 Visualization I: Geometric Shapes . . .57 Exercise 18 Visualization 11: Leaving the Body. . .61 Exercise 19 Visualization 111: Astral Temple. . .64 Exercise 20 Projection of the Will I: Affecting an Object. . .68 Exercise 2 1 Projection of the Will 11: Affecting an Element. . . 71 Exercise 22 Projection of the Will 111: Affecting a Living Being. . .74 Exercise 23 Aura Awareness . . .81 Exercise 24 Groundng and Centering.. .86 Exercise 25 Vibrating Names of Power . . .90 Exercise 26 Charging an Object. . -97 kercise 27 The Kabbalistic Cross . . . 105 Exercise 28 The Middle Pillar . . . 111 Exercise 29 Projecting the Lesser Circle. . . 121 Exercise 30 Projecting the Greater Circle . . . 125 Exercise 3 1 Invoking the Guardians of the Quarters.. , 130 Exercise 32 Projecting the Pentagram. . . 140 Exercise 33 Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram. . .I50 Exercise 34 Ritual of the Rose Cross . . .I65 Exercise 35 Creating a Vortex. . . 183 Exercise 36 Invoking the Light . . .I89 Exercise 37 Cleansing Prayer. . .214 Exercise 38 Cleansing a Space . . .219 Exercise 39 Supreme Invoking ktual of the Pentagram. . .250 Exercise 40 Evoking Into the Triangle. . .276 PRAC~ICE SCHEDULE Forty-Week Study Guide. . .313 Suggested Reading. . .319Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《The Magician\'s Workbook》(《魔法笔记》)回复


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