《Gerald Gardner – The Meaning of Witchcraft》(《巫术的奥义》)

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Gerald B. Gardner’s biography has been published many times, including a chapter on him in my own Witchcraft: The Old Religion. For the record his first Craft book was High Magic’s Aid published in 1949, a self-published work. His second was Witchcraft Today in 1954 and his last was The Meaning of Witchcraft, 1959, five years before his death. Prior to these he had written A Goddess Arrives, 1948, and Keris and Other Malay Weapons, 1936. The latter and High Magic’s Aid were published under his pen-name of Scire.In Witchcraft Today the Bibliography has no listing of Charles Godfrey Leland and in this book he lists only Leland’s Gypsy Sorcery. Yet a careful study of the Gardnerian Book of Shadows reveals that many passages were copied directly from Leland’s Aradia. The secret name of the Goddess used in Gardnerian rites is also most revealing. His new converts shed lots of heat but not too much light, especially in view of all the hagiographical hogwash written about him. Those converts who saw the light preferred to keep others in the dark. This is characteristic of all new converts to any faith. And today none of this matters as the Craft… The Old Religion… Paganism has grown and expanded worldwide where the myths of the past, the factual inconsistencies, the claims and counterclaims fade into insignificance. The stress is on spontaneity rather than rigid rituals.Gardner was the apostle of modern Witchcraft, whether he was ever given a third degree initiation or not. And many who have claimed to be “Traditional” or “Hereditary” as opposed to “Gardnerian,” give themselves away by both the rites and the "tools” used in their ceremonies, traceable to Gardner’s influence. If Gardner published his books without permission from his High Priestess there are thousands today who can be grateful that he did. Ditto Alex Sanders whose Book of Shadows is a direct replica of Gardner’s, with minor variations. The point is that if one is not initiated into a genuine coven, that doesn’t make their initiation invalid. Attraction to the craft is an inner calling and even self-initiations are valid. As I’ve said many times, an initiation depends more on the one receiving it than on the one giving it.Pioneer, publicist, advance pressman, Gardner was the right man for the right time, a channel, who tapped the dormant spiritual reservoir of thousands. Not his faults, nor his distortion or omission of certain facts, not the matter of his idiosyncratic existence but the spirit of his life andworks, these live on. Without Gardner there are many today, regardless of what they call themselves, who simply wouldn’t exist… not as Witches or Pagans. For those who believe in “giving the devil his due” the least they can do is pay tribute to Gardner who was neither devil nor saint… just the Grand Old Man of Witchcraft!








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摘要:《Gerald Gardner – The Meaning of Witchcraft》(《巫术的奥义》)是一本关于巫术和巫术实践的经典著作。本文将从四个方面对这本书进行详细的阐述和解读。


《Gerald Gardner – The Meaning of Witchcraft》探讨了巫术的起源和演变。作者通过研究历史文献和实地考察,揭示了巫术的起源可以追溯到古代的宗教和神秘实践。他详细描述了巫术的历史背景和不同巫术信仰的演进过程,使读者对巫术的起源有了更深入的了解。


《Gerald Gardner – The Meaning of Witchcraft》分析了巫术的核心理念。作者认为巫术是一种与自然界和神秘力量相连的信仰体系,强调个体与宇宙之间的联系和平衡。他详细解释了巫术的核心价值观和信仰,如尊重自然、追求智慧、与他人和谐相处等。读者通过这本书可以深入了解巫术的核心思想和信仰体系。


《Gerald Gardner – The Meaning of Witchcraft》详细描述了巫术的仪式和实践。作者介绍了巫术中常见的仪式,如祭祀、咒语、魔法等。他还分享了一些自己的经验和实践方法,帮助读者了解巫术的具体操作和实践技巧。通过学习这些仪式和实践,读者可以更好地理解和运用巫术的知识和技巧。


《Gerald Gardner – The Meaning of Witchcraft》探讨了巫术在现代社会中的应用。作者认为巫术不仅是一种古老的信仰和实践,也是一种适应现代生活的工具和哲学。他讨论了巫术在个人成长、自我治愈、社会变革等方面的应用,并提出了一些实际建议和指导。这本书为读者提供了巫术在现代社会中的意义和实践方法。


《Gerald Gardner – The Meaning of Witchcraft》通过对巫术起源、核心理念、仪式和实践以及现代应用的阐述,为读者提供了全面的巫术知识和理解。这本书不仅揭示了巫术的历史和演变,还强调了巫术的核心价值观和实践方法。读者通过学习这本书可以更好地理解和运用巫术的知识和技巧,实现个人成长和社会变革。



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