门罗的未来研究 (门罗币未来)

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门罗的未来研究(一)作者:Val Valerian dna@newage.net.cn译者:DNA——————————————————————————–Future Based on the Studies of Robert Monroeby Val Valerian罗伯特·门罗的未来研究(一)Robert Monroe is perhaps most famous for his books Journeys Out of the Body, Far Journeys and Ultimate Journey. A true pioneer in terms of the evolution of human consciousness. The notable work in terms of investigations into the future of man appeared in Far Journeys. In that book, Monroe details his discovery that the Earth is surrounded by "bands" in which individuals congregate after physical death, for varying lengths of time, based on their individual resonant vibration and belief systems. This idea is also quite evident in the work War in Heaven, which details the manipulative control structures related to religious belief systems in some of these interdimensional bands. Monroe’s discoveries about these rings/bands are important because of what he discovers later about them around the time period of 3,000 AD.罗伯特·门罗以其着作《脱体之旅》、《遥远之旅》和《终极之旅》而闻名。他是探索人类意识进化的真正的先驱者。在《遥远之旅》一书中,他有关人类未来的调查极其令人关注。在这本书中,门罗详细叙述了他的发现,地球被数个“带”所环绕,人在肉身死亡后聚集在这里,在此停留时间长短不一,这取决于他们个人的共振和信仰体系。这一观念在《天堂里的战争》一书中也很明显,书中详细描述了在一些这种维际带中与宗教信仰体系有关的操控结构。门罗的有关这些环/ 带的发现非常重要,因为他近来发现了在公元3,000年时的有关情形。Monroe discovered that the Earth was surrounded by several rings, or bands, that appeared deep grey or brown in color, and that these bands were occupied by discarnate or exteriorized entities who either still occupied physical bodies or who had recently left their bodies as a result of the death of the body.门罗发现,地球被数个环或带所环绕,颜色显现为深灰色或褐色,这些环带被非肉身的或形象化的实体所占据,他们不是依然占据肉身,就是因肉身死亡而刚离开他们的身体。These bands, described in order of their placement and progression away from the planet, appeared to be broken out as follows:这些环带,按照它们距离地球的位置和级数而被描述为以下情形:The First Band: The first band appeared to be occupied by entities who appeared to have a preoccupation with distortions of the original survival imprint, and were still bound conceptually to time-space materiality. From the viewpoint of advanced entities Monroe was in regular communication with, this first band reflected "a mass of discordant, undirected thought radiation". The first band is composed of several distinctly different SUB-BANDS. The first sub-band was occupied by exteriorized entities who still attempted to participate in physical life, albeit with no success, and seemed to be aware of nothing beyond the physical existence they had left.第一环带:第一个环带由全神贯注于被扭曲的最初的生存印记的实体所占据,他们依然为时空观念所束缚。从高度发达的实体的观点看,门罗与他们保持经常的联络,这第一环带反射出“大量不和谐、杂乱的思想辐射”。第一环带由数个明显不同的副环带组成。第一个副环带由依然试图参与世间生活的形象化的实体所占据,尽管并不成功,似乎除了他们已离开的世间存在之外,他们对<敏感词>存在方式一无所知。The second sub-band was occupied by exteriorized entities who were still attached to the physical body in current Earth space-time who were evidently in an out-of-body state, attempting to continue with a physical waking activity. Because of this mode of action, from an more expanded perspective they would seem to disappear from view right in the middle of their activity (on that level) as they awoke back into their physical body.第二个副环带由依然与处于地球时空中的肉身相连的形象化的实体所占据,他们显然是处于脱体状态,他们在试图继续世间的清醒活动。由于这种行动方式,从一种更广的观点来看,当他们醒来后回到他们的肉身中时,他们似乎就从他们的活动之中(在那个层面上)消失了。The third sub-band is occupied by exteriorized entities who have permanently left their physical existence but do not realize it, and are trying to continue a habitual physical existence, often remaining around familiar occupied bodies (still embodied friends and acquaintances) while acting out emotionally-based drives and fears. Monroe viewed this sub-band is one of the major blockages to the flow of human learning experience, and stated that the number of entities in this area will keep increasing as long as specific kinds of "human values" exist on Earth.第三个副环带由永远离开了他们的世间存在的形象化的实体所占据,但他们并未认识到这一点,在试图继续一种习惯性的世间存在,常常停留在熟悉的人的四周(依然处于肉身中的朋友和熟人),并基于情感和恐惧而行动。门罗认为这个副环带是人类学习经验的流程的主要障碍之一,并指出,只要在地球上还存在着特殊的“人的价值”,这里的实体的数量将继续增长。The fourth sub-band is occupied by exteriorized beings who are still attached to the "reality of physical matter" (on the third density), although they do realize that they have become exteriorized. These entities have adopted an "anything goes" attitude and mental framework in which they express themselves through "replicas" of physical reality in unusual and bizzare ways. Monroe illustrated one example of a bizzare manner of expression when he told of coming across a seething, squirming pile of human forms trying to sexually stimulate each other to no avail, since they did not in reality still have a physical body capable of such interaction.第四个副环带由依然依恋“物质现实”(在第三密度上)的形象化的存在所占据,尽管他们确实知道他们已形象化了。这些实体采取一种“听之任之”的态度和心理框架,他们以不寻常的和古怪的方式通过物质现实的“复制品”来进行自我表达。当他谈及经过一个火热的、蠕动的人堆在无益地试图相互进行性刺激时,门罗描述了一个古怪的表达方式,因为他们并不处在一个依然具有肉身才有的相互交感的现实中。The Second Band:The Second Band consists of exteriorized beings who realize they are no longer in physical form in physical human life, but left their physical life with no awareness or concept that any other possibility for existence exists. Monroe observed that entities in this band appeared to remain motionless and passive, but retained an air of expectancy.第二环带:第二环带由认识到他们不再处于肉身之中的人的世间生命的形象化的存在所组成,但是他们离开他们的世间生活后,对任何<敏感词>存在的可能性一无所知。门罗注意到,这个环带里的实体似乎保持静止和消极,但是依然有一种期待的气氛。The Third Band:The Third Band, or ring, consists of exteriorized beings who know they have passed through physical death, and still retain a "belief system" relativeto "what to expect" after physical death. It is this area that was mentioned in War in Heaven. Because of this, the Third Band was broken down into innumerable sub-bands coincident with belief-system orientation. From another viewpoint, if a number of people have a similar belief (as propagated in religious belief systems, for example) they all end up creating a "facsimile reality structure" where they all congregate.第三环带:第三环带,由知道他们已经历了肉身死亡的形象化存在所组成,他们在肉身死亡后还保持着与“期待会发生什么”有关的“信念系统”。在《天堂里的战争》中提到的就是这个区域。因此,第三个环带被分裂为无数副环带,它们与信念系统取向保持一致。从另一种观点看,如果一些人有相似的信念(例如,在宗教信仰体系中所宣扬的),他们最终全都会在他们聚集的地方创造出一个“复制的现实结构”。This band is perhaps the largest band, and is also a very manipulative place with all the same game-playing and power struggles that went on in physical embodiment on Earth. This band is also the source for the comment "there are many mansions in heaven". It is also worthy to note that those to "believe" that "there is one life to live and then nothing" congregate at their own resonant level within this band. Monroe described seeing billions of entities, lying in stasis, side by side, in rows. UNLESS YOU KNOW THAT CONSCIOUSNESS, ENERGY AND INTENT CREATE THE NATURE OF REALITY, welcome to a long stay in this area within the Third Band.这个环带可能是最大的环带,也是一个非常具有操控性的地方,具有在世间所进行的全部相同的游戏和权利斗争。这个环带也是“天堂里有许多大厦”的说法的来源。另外,值得注意的是,在这个环带中,“相信”“只有一生可活,然后一切就结束了”的人聚集在这个环带中的他们自己的共振层。门罗描述他看见数亿的实体成排的并肩躺在那里不动。欢迎来第三个环带的这个区域作长期停留,除非你了解,意识、能量和意图创造现实的本质。The Fourth Band: The fourth band consists of exteriorized entities who are more "advanced" in consciousness than those on the bands below, and have arrived from outside the band areas to prepare for their final human experience on the Earth "below". From the perspective of those within this band, when an entity on Earth who is advanced in consciousness "dies", they quickly pass through all the the bands and disappear from perception "in a wink".第四个环带:第四个环带由意识比下面环带更“先进”的形象化实体、以及来自环带区域以外的准备到“下面的”地球去经历他们最后的人生经验的实体组成。从这个环带内的实体的观点来看,当地球上的一个意识发达的实体“死亡”时,他就迅速穿过所有这些环带,并“一眨眼间”就消失不见了。门罗的未来研究(二)作者:Val Valerian dna@newage.net.cn译者:DNA——————————————————————————–Future Based on the Studies of Robert Monroeby Val Valerian门罗的未来研究(二)But, why come to Earth in the first place? Earth is not the only place in the universe where there is a time-space reality system, nor does it lie on the only vibratory level where there are space-time realities, but life here (because of the nature of life on Earth and the extreme dualities and polarities involved) represents one of those places that represents a unique challenge to any entity who has problems to work out that require such a location.但是,首先为什么要到地球来呢?地球并不是宇宙中唯一有时空现实系统的地方,它也并不位于唯一有时空现实的振动层上,但这里(由于在地球上生活的本质和涉及的极端的二重性和极性)是任何有问题要解决的实体所需要的地方之一。According to Monroe, any time-space scenario (of which Earth is a whopper!) has unique aspects which contribute interesting ways to the development of both intelligence and consciousness itself. You won’t find an entity like 6th level Jehovah entities who are even willing to through such experience. Because of that, many entities who reside on other vibratory levels have not developed knowledge of what love, compassion and empathy really are — that’s why they feel the need to be obeyed, worshipped, and identify with CONTROL and MANIPULATION. Going to a level where the NORMAL non-physical rules of existence are suspended is beyond their willingness to give up their identity with control.门罗认为,任何时空场景(地球是其中的一大场景!)都有独特之处,它们为智能和意识本身的发展提供有趣的方式。你找不到任何一个像第六层耶和华那样的实体会愿意经历这种经验。因此,许多居住在<敏感词>振动层上的实体并没有发展有关爱、同情和移情到底是什么的知识,这就是为什么他们会觉得需要被服从、崇拜,并认同控制和操纵的理由。如果去一个通常的非物质的存在法则不适用的层次,他们会不愿放弃他们对控制的认同。Next, it requires that you select a propitious birth entry point with appropriate genetic, environmental, social, political and economic patterns that you calculate will ensure realization of the very purpose for your entry into 3rd density, despite the existence of variable that could severely impact the realization of ones purpose, and the whole journey may involve taking certain actions to realign the probable/possible income. Since there are many who seek embodiment experiences (and many who seek to avoid it at all cost), very often a specific kind of birth entry point is not available, and one is presented with less than ideal circumstances. It’s sort of like bungee-jumping without the cord.其次,你需要选择一个好的投生,选择合适的遗传、环境、<敏感词>、<敏感词>和经济模式,你估算这些会确保实现你进入第三密度的目的,尽管存在的变化可能会严重影响一个人实现他的目的,整个旅程也会涉及采取某些行动进行重组。因为有许多实体寻求肉身经验(也有许多实体不惜代价想避免肉身经验),所以常常无法获得特定的投生,一个实体会得到较不理想的环境。这就像不系绳索的蹦极跳。Bam! Out of the tube with previous memories veiled and into the light. No longer in your natural state, you suddenly discover that the physical body has severe restraints. A while is spent playing with your toes and other strange appendages, trying to obtain control over them before they obtain apparent control over you (that happens later when "body consciousness" is reinforced to the maximum through social conditioning). In your natural state, energy simply flowed to you. Now you have this overwhelming desire to consume nourishment for the body, amidst a cacophony of sensory overload, genetically-programmed drives (and later, raging hormones), genetically (and later culturally) programmed response patterns which become habit, and genetic memories from anyone who ever had anything to do with the DNA patterns the body is composed of. Combine all of these with pain, pleasure, sexual stimulation and body-driven emotional complexes. What a bungee jump! Where IS that cracker, anyway?砰!以前的记忆被掩盖,你从产道中进入光明。你不再处于自然状态,你突然发现肉身有着严重的限制。你时而玩耍你的脚趾和<敏感词>奇怪的身体部位,在它们获得对你明显的控制之前尝试控制它们(当“身体意识”通过<敏感词>调适极大化时,这种情形就会发生)。在你的自然状态,能量轻易地流经你。这时,你有无法抵抗的想要为身体消耗营养的欲望,夹杂着嘈杂的超负荷的感官刺激、遗传程序的驱动(随后是狂怒的荷尔蒙的驱动)、成为习惯的遗传的(随后是文化的)程序回应模式、以及来自于任何人的与组成身体的DNA模式有关的遗传记忆。把所有这些和痛苦、快乐、性刺激和由身体驱动的感情的综合组合在一起。这是一个什么样的蹦极跳!那个解密高手到底在哪儿?Since you are seemingly stuck in the body, you are subject to various brain learning mechanisms. Primary learning occurs when you focus on something. What you do not have a focus on (when you have a focus on something else) is the "stuff" involved with secondary learning processes, and a third form of input occurs while your body is sleeping and you end up in a brief, non-functional void. Initially, and probably throughout a good part of your life, your attention is motivated by virtue of the pain-pleasure cycle. Then, you go to cultural "school".由于你似乎与身体无法分开,所以你受制于各种头脑的学习机制。当你的注意力集中于某一事物时,你就是在进行主要学习程序。当你的注意力不在那里(你在关注<敏感词>事物)则是次要学习程序,当你的身体处于睡眠状态,你处于一种简单的、无功能的空白,就是第三种学习程序。开始时,也可能贯穿于你一生的大部分时间,你的注意力是由痛苦-高兴的循环所激发的。然后,你去上文化的“学校”。"School" is a process of non-educational programming stressing low-order repetitive experiences and the physical senses, which results in an unnatural situation centered around the knowledge, manipulation and control of physical matter and low-order energy systems geared toward reinforcing survival imprints and social ego-orientation, as well as BELIEF patterns, many of which are not at all based on actual experience, which results in the establishment of a secondary psychological drive in society to "look for what is true". The process also eliminates any remaining threads of contact with essence-memory and knowledge of your actual origin and identity. Then, you "interact in society".“学校”是强调低秩序的重复经验和生理感觉的非教育程序,这个程序造成了一个不自然的情形,它以对物质和低秩序能量系统的知识、操纵和控制为中心,以加强生存烙印和<敏感词>自我导向,同样,信念模式也是如此,许多信念模式根本不基于实际经验,这造成在<敏感词>中“寻求真实”的第二心理驱动的确立。这一过程也排除了接触本质-记忆以及你实际的起源和身份的知识的残存线索。Society is where the individual is conditioned to identify with the body and then the ego/image, in that order, and accumulate emotional attachments relating only to expression in a time-space reality, to the degree where a compulsive need develops to re-enter the time-space continuum (trapped on the lower rings, again?) solely for the purpose of satisfying the need to complete physical agenda. "Human" existence can become addictive. The original genetic survival drive of the body becomes further distorted through cultural programming and results in distorted patterns which focus on body protection (where is that gun?), body maintenance (what IS that new aftershave?), sexuality and reproduction, and the need to "protect things" that "one owns" in order to "support the body". As if that is not enough, sex as a creative act is distorted to the point where it results in irrational and restrictive "attachments" and "commitments" based on cultural ideas that are actually unattainable. But, they don’t tell you that, do they?<敏感词>是个人调适以认同身体的地方,于是,自我/形象,以这种次序,积累仅仅与时空现实中的表达有关的附属情感,到达一种程度,这时一种强制的必要性发展以再次进入时空连续体(再次陷于较低的环带?)仅仅为了满足完成生理议程的需要。“人类” 存在会上瘾。身体最初的遗传的生存驱动通过文化编程变得更加扭曲,并导致扭曲了的模式,这些模式聚焦于身体的保护(枪在哪里?)、身体的保养(新须后水是什么?)、性和生殖、保护“一个人拥有的”“东西”以“维持身体”。这些似乎还不够,作为一种创造性的行动的性,被扭曲成非理性的、受限制的、基于实际上做不到的文化观念的“附属”和“承诺”。但是,他们并不这样告诉你,对吧?The focus on all of this is further reinforced (especially if the skin of the body you inhabit is of a shade that provokes judgement among the unenlightened who identify with the body) by cultural importation of opiate drugs by the controlling powers of society, inundation with neurologically mind-bending pharmaceuticals and the rest of it, all of it designed specifically to keep the attention of your consciousness bound within the purview of the lower three structural areas of the brain, as well as to financially sustain cultural and economic infrastructures based on ego, security, image, sensation and power — all of which have absolutely NOTHING to do with WHO the entity really IS or WHY the entity is here on Earth in the first place. All of this results in the "search for the meaning of life", because the creative energy within the essence, the spirit, is functionally diminished to where the SOURCE and ones true identity, is forgotten.由于<敏感词>控制力的鸦片文化的输入,对所有这些的焦点被进一步增强(尤其你居住于其中的体肤像是一个帘子,它驱使你做出你就是你的身体的愚昧的判断),再加上,扭曲头脑的神经医药和<敏感词>,所有这些,都特意使你意识的注意力局限于头脑中较低的三个结构区域中,以及在财政上维持基于自我、安全、形象、感觉和力量的文化和经济基础——所有这一切都与这个实体真正是谁、或首先与为什么这个实体在地球上毫无关系。所有这些导致了“对生命意义的寻求”,因为在本质、灵魂中的创造能量在功能上被减弱,以至源头和人的真正身份被遗忘了。All of this transforms the previously benign, all-knowing being into a chaotic mixture of reaction-based judgemental complexes, promoting psychological projection (instead of assuming personal responsibility for one’s actions) and synthetic cultural reality to the exclusion of all else. Are you sure you want to come to Earth?所有这些将原先仁慈的、无所不知的存在转变为一个无秩序的反应的混合,它基于综合判断、促使心理投射(而不是承担个人行动的责任)和综合文化的现实,而排除所有其文化。你确实想来地球吗?Now you understand why the bands/rings Monroe discovered exist. Don’t worry, we’ll eventually get to the discussion of the future, but we must preface that discussion with the following: How can you escape being tied to the rings once you leave your body? You must realize, truly realize, that you are not your body, that emotional attachments relate ONLY to space-time reality (the cultural enviroment), you must retain the idea of love and release the idea of sexuality, divest yourself of sexual ties, and "lighten the load" by refusing to bond lasting emotion to any physical act or the actions of other beings, and make an effort to conduct yourself in the eternal NOW.现在你明白门罗发现的环带存在的原因了。别担心,我们将在最后讨论未来,但是我们必须先为这个讨论写个序言:一旦你离开身体,你怎样才能不被束缚于这些环带中呢?你必须认识到,真正认识到,你不是你的身体,情感附属只与时空现实(文化环境)相关,你必须保持爱的思想,放弃有关性的念头,将你自己从性的束缚中解脱出来,并通过拒绝将最后的情感与任何世间行动或<敏感词>生命的行动相连,并努力在永恒的现在中为自己“照亮道路”。Furthermore, physical objects exist in space-time to be USED, not owned. We actually "own" nothing and no one — even the body we use is borrowed material (even if the State decides to establish a chattel mortgage on the body by virtue of the "birth certificate" and its associated cultural adhesion contract, creating a synthetic reality structure it programs us to "buy in to"). The next items to be addessed concerned with "not being ring-bound" are the following:此外,存在于时空中的物质是给你用的,而不是让你拥有的。我们实际上并不“拥有”任何东西和任何人——甚至我们使用的身体都是借来的东西(即使国家决定通过“出生证”及其相关文化支持的契约,设立身体动产抵押,创造出一种它意欲我们接受的人造的现实结构)。下面要说的内容与“不受环带束缚”有关:Store the memory, experience and wisdom in life and leave the emotion connected with the experience behind. , experience and wisdom in life and leave the emotion connected with the experience behind.积聚生命的记忆、经验和智慧,抛弃和经验有关的感情。Recognize that you are responsible for the results of your actions within a space-time continuum.Enjoy the cosmic humor in life.认识到,在一个时空连续体中,你对你的行动后果负责。享受生活中无处不在的幽默。Seek to remove emotional energy from your being connected with pain/pleasure connected memory patterns. Maximize sleep periods, promoting tertiary learning processes, creating a break from left-brain throught patterns and "physical input".寻求把与痛苦/欢乐有关的记忆模式的情感能量从你的存在中移开。充分利用睡眠时间,促进第三学习过程,让左脑思维模式和“生理输入”有暂停的时间。罗伯特·门罗:在通往天堂的路上作者:未知 dna@newage.net.cn译者:DNA——————————————————————————–Robert Monroe’s Sojourns On The Highway To Heaven罗伯特·门罗:在通往天堂的路上——————————————————————————–written by Unknown AuthorCan you imagine going to a school where you leave your body?你能想象你到一所学校去上学,你在那里会离开自己的身体?Not only that, but leave your body to go to an adjacent dimension–one where the spirits of the dead are waiting, confused, to find out where to go?不光如此,你还离开自己的身体去一个邻近的维度——一个亡魂等待、困惑、寻找去处的维度。And your assignment is to escort those spirits of the dead to another level of reality, called the Park, where they relax and are prepared for the next step outward?你的任务是护送这些亡魂前往另一个现实的层次,一个叫做公园的地方,他们在那里休息,并准备再往前行。There actually is such a school. It’s called the Monroe Institute, and it’s located near Lovingston, about 25 miles south of Charlottesville in Virginia. Helping the dead to find their way to heaven is a graduate program called Lifeline that is on the curriculum of that school. The course is one that can be taken only by those who have already gone through the Monroe Institute’s undergraduate program, called Gateway–the one where you learn how to leave your body.确实有这样一所学校。它叫做门罗学院,位于拉文斯顿,在弗吉尼亚州夏洛特斯维尔以南25英里。这所学校有一门称作生命线的课程,毕业考试就是,帮助亡魂找到通往天堂的路。只有已通过门罗学院称作“路径”的课程的学生才能学习这门课,而“路径”这门课是教你如何离开身体。Sound kooky? The man in charge, Robert A. Monroe, is a formidable figure. He was a highly successful producer of radio shows in the fifties. At about that time, he discovered that he could journey "out-of-his-body." Another, non-physical, "spirit" body would slip out of his physical body, slip through the walls, and begin to journey over the countryside–and into other dimensions.听起来很怪诞吧?学院的负责人是罗伯特·A·门罗,是一个受人尊敬的人。在五十年代他是一位极为成功的广播节目制作人。就在那时,他发现自己能“脱体”出游。另一个非肉身的“灵体”会脱离他的身体,穿墙越壁,来到郊外,并且进入<敏感词>维度。For awhile, Monroe thought he was crazy. Or that he was dying. Terror assailed him as he struggled to get back to his "body." Doctors told him he was suffering from hallucinations.门罗一下子以为自己发疯了。或者自己快要死了。他害怕之极,挣扎着回到自己的“身体”内。医生告诉他,他受着幻觉的折磨。Monroe set up his own foundation, the Monroe Institute, to try to understand his experiences. He became more and more adept at having "out-of-body experiences," which he called OBEs. He invented a technology, called "hemi-sync" which consisted of feeding sound into the two hemispheres of the brain to facilitate altered states of consciousness–especially OBEs.门罗设立了他自己的基金会——门罗学院,试图去理解他的经验。他对“脱体经验”越来越熟悉,他称之为OBEs。他发明了一项技术,叫做“双脑同步”,同时向大脑的两半球发送声音,以引发意识变异状态——尤其是脱体经验。For more than two decades now, people from all walks of life have been coming to his Institute to learn how to travel out of their bodies. Often, they have been successful–though there can hardly be scientific proof for this kind of journey. Monroe’s sound technology has also helped people to control pain, strengthen their immune system, hasten their recuperation, lower their blood pressure, enhance recovery of speech and motor skills after a stroke, and much more.二十多年来,来自各行各业的人士到他的学院学习如何进行脱体旅行。他们常常获得成功,尽管似乎找不到这种旅行的科学证据。门罗的声音技术也帮助人们控制痛苦、加强自身免疫系统、加快康复、降低血压、在事故后促进语言和驾车技术的恢复等等。Monroe has written three books in which he has described what he has seen and experienced while traveling in his out-of-body state through what appear to be other dimensions of reality. "Journeys Out of the Body," was published in 1971, and created a sensation. It was the first book to deal with such experiences in detail. "Far Journeys" was published in 1985. It continued Monroe’s odyssey. He spoke of his contacts with benevolent non-physical entities whom he called INSPECS (Intelligent Species). He recounted his journey to the year 3500. He told of beneficial contacts with his former lives, all of these lives existing simultaneously in the parallel dimensions which he visited.门罗着有三本书,他在书中描述了当他处于脱体状态在现实的<敏感词>维度旅行时他的见闻和经历。《脱体之旅》于1971年出版,引起了巨大轰动。这是第一本详细描述这种经验的书籍。《遥远之旅》于1985年出版。书中继续描述了门罗漫长的探险之旅。他谈到了自己与他称之为INSPECS(智能物种)的善良的非肉身实体的接触。他详细描述了他到公元3500年的旅行。他提到他和他的前世的有益的接触,所有这些轮回同时存在于他所造访的平行维度中。He alluded mysteriously to contingents of physical and non-physical beings who appear to be waiting poised just beyond our earth to help us in our coming difficulties. He talked also about "Loosh," loosely translated as love. Loosh, Monroe says, is a substance that is created in the souls of humans through the agency of self-sacrificing love. It is harvested by, and it is necessary to the welfare of, beings in higher spiritual reaches of the universe–or so Monroe suggested in his book.他还神秘地间接提到了一部分肉身和非肉身的生命,他们似乎在地球以外泰然自若地等待着帮助我们克服即将来临的困难。他也谈到了“Loosh”,可以大致翻译成爱。门罗说,Loosh是人的灵魂通过自我牺牲的爱而创造出来的一种物质。门罗也在他的书中提示,宇宙中灵性更高的生命收获“Loosh”,它也是他们所必需的。Monroe’s latest book, "Ultimate Journey," was published in April, 1994. It carries on the account of Bob Monroe’s astonishing saga. His out-of-body experiences continue. And he discovers that his favorite INSPEC guide was– himself, from his own future, which is now his present. He learns that, close to the end of his life, it is he who will conduct the conversations with himself that helped him, 40 years earlier, to first navigate other dimensions of our universe.门罗的最后一本书《终极之旅》在1994年4月出版。书中继续讲述鲍勃·门罗的惊人传奇。他继续经历他的脱体经验。他发现,他最喜欢的向导INSPEC曾是——他自己,来自于他自己的未来,而未来就是他的现在。他了解到,在他生命快要结束时,他将与在40年前帮助过他的自己交谈,以探索我们宇宙的<敏感词>维度。In "Ultimate Journey," Monroe journeys into the very core of his soul. He encounters the "I-There," that place where everything we have ever experienced in all our lives, in this and every other dimension, is gathered together to help us through our individual lives. We are not alone, says Monroe. We have ourselves–a company infinitely greater than we ever thought.在《终极之旅》中,门罗旅行至他的灵魂的真正核心。他遇到了“那里的我”,在那里,在我们所有的轮回中,在这个维度和<敏感词>维度,我们所经历过的一切,都聚集在一起,以帮助我们度过我们个人的生命轮回。门罗说,我们并不孤单。我们有我们自己——一个比我们所曾想到过的要大无数倍的伴侣。Monroe journeys to what he will later, in his Institute work, call Focus 23– the place where the confused spirits of the newly dead gather to sort themselves out. And he comes upon the Park–the place to which those spirits are taken and where they will rest and prepare themselves for the next step. This second stop Monroe calls, in his Institute work, Focus 27.门罗旅行到一个刚死去的困惑的灵魂聚集的地方,他后来在他的学院的研究中称作第23焦点。他来到公园——这些灵魂被带到这里,他们将在这里休息,为他们继续前进做准备。在他的学院的研究中,门罗把这个第二站称作第27焦点。Monroe tells us, in his latest book, that, in the Lifeline program at his Institute, he has trained hundreds of people to help guide the dead to the Park. Lying in tiny cubicles in darkness, wearing earphones, his students are able to leave their bodies and embark on their adventures. In a number of cases, Monroe’s voyagers beyond the physical have been able to obtain names, addresses, and other information about the spirits of the dead whom they have helped. Monroe has been able to find corroboration.门罗在他最后一本书中告诉我们,在他的学院的生命线课程中,他已训练了数百个人去帮助指引亡魂前往公园。他的学生们躺在黑暗的小隔间里,戴着耳机,他们能离开身体,开始探险。在许多案例中,门罗的物质世界之外的旅行者们能够获得他们帮助的亡魂的姓名、地址和<敏感词>有关信息。门罗已经能够找到确证的事实。From: SpiritWeb OrgDNA 译030224附:Ultimate Journey终极之旅by Robert A. Monroe罗伯特·门罗There is no beginning, there is no end,There is only change.没有开始,没有结束,只有变化。There is no teacher, there is no student,There is only remembering.没有老师,没有学生,只有记忆。There is no good, there is no evil,There is only expression.没有善,没有恶,只有表达。There is no union, there is no sharing,There is only one.没有合,没有分,只有一体There is no joy, there is no sadness,There is only love.没有欢乐,没有悲伤,只有爱。There is no greater, there is no lesser,There is only balance.没有更大,没有更小,只有平衡。There is no stasis, there is no entropy,There is only motion.没有静止,没有熵,只有运动。There is no wakefulness, there is no sleep,There is only being.没有清醒,没有沉睡,只有存在。There is no limit, there is no chance,There is only a plan.没有限制,没有偶然,只有一个计划。























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