在任何的时刻,月亮都照耀着我们的半个世界。现在,通过本书《Moon Spells》的魔法咒语,你可以学习如何利用它的能量来实现您的愿望——无论是快乐的浪漫、成功的事业,还是极佳的身心健康状态。魔法从业者 Diane Ahlquist 将引导你踏上用月亮调和你的精神的旅程。 当你将你自身的活动与月相同步时,你便会惊讶于你在生活中可以取得多大的成就。 通过正确使用蜡烛、宝石和香薰,可以在恰到好处的时刻进行咒语,以增强力量的流动并使您的愿望成真。通过练习本书中的咒语,当你想要加薪、释放恐惧、吸引爱人、接收神圣信息、开始新生活或在失败后继续前进时,你可以更成功。月亮,我们最近的天体邻居,会持续为你提供她的力量。 《Moon Spells》将向你展示如何拥抱这份来自月亮的力量。At any given moment, the moon shines down on half the world. Now, through the magick of Moon Spells, you can learn how to use its energies to achieve your desire–whether it\’s a joyful romance, a successful career, or superb physical and emotional health.Magickal practitioner Diane Ahlquist guides you on a journey to attuning your spirit with the moon. You\’ll be amazed at how much more you can achieve in life when you synchronize your activities with the moon\’s phases. With the proper use of candles, gemstones, and incense, spells can be conducted at exactly the right lunar moment to enhance the flow of power and make your wishes come true.By practicing the spells in this book, you can be more successful, more often, when you want to get a pay raise, release your fears, attract a lover, receive divine messages, begin a new life, or move on after a loss. The moon, our closest celestial neighbor, continues to offer you her power. Moon Spells shows you how to embrace it.
Diane Ahlquist
Contents Acknowledgments Introduction PART I Preparing for Your Spell • 1 • When to Perform Your Spell • 2 • Lunar Calendar • 3 • Where to Conduct Your Spells • 4 • Why and How to Perform Spells • 5 • How to Cast Different Formations • 6 • Moon Spell Checklist • 7 • Finding Time • 8 • Overcoming Problems • 9 • Creating and Walking a Moon Circle PART II Creating a Magickal Atmosphere •10• Magickal Enhancements Food and Beverage Clothing Music •11• Magickal Tools Candles Incense and Fragrances Crystals and Gemstones Element Water Additional Magickal Tools Personal Altars PART III Spells •12• Health Continued Good Health Controlling Anger Releasing Addiction Releasing Fear Tarash—A Special Form of Healing Well-Being and Happiness for Others •13• LoveWedding or Partnership Attracting a Lover Soul Mate I Can Feel You, Where Are You? Leaving Someone Sensual Desire •14• Career/Job Starting Your Own Business Job Seeking Accepting the Loss of a Job Promotion/Raise •15• For Women Only Fertility Easy Childbirth Love (for Women Only) •16• For Men Only Fathering Love (for Men Only) •17• Spirituality Seeking Your Purpose Divine Messages Group Meditation for Any Purpose Spell •18• Miscellaneous Spells Better Communication Birthday Spell Freeing Yourself from Someone (A Binding Spell) Increasing Your Psychic Abilities/Invoking the Power Within Making a Decision—A Pendulum Spell Prosperity Safe Travel Special Intentions White Light Protection Spell PART IV Lanterns of Light •19• Chinese Astrology •20• Numerology •21• Western AstrologyConclusion Bibliography
Moon Spells:How to Use the Phases of the Moon to Get What You Want 书籍全名:《月相法术:如何使用月相去实现你所想》作者:Diane Ahlquist一本238页的,全英PDF~分享给小伙伴们~另附作者简介:黛安·阿尔奎斯特 (Diane Ahlquist) 是一位来自美国中西部的作家和演说家,长期为人们提供有关精神问题和需求的咨询和建议。她一直是那些神秘学、未解之谜的相关顾问,并与调查人员合作以获取见解。Diane 曾在 Elite Daily、iHeartRadio 和其他几个媒体网络上出现过。她写了几本关于根据月相进行自我转变的书。 Diane 还撰写、教授和指导人们以简单和常识的方式将吸引力法则概念应用到他们的生活中。她喜欢向同龄人和年轻一代传达她所学到的关于灵性的所有知识。她特相信所有的宗教都不会对任何人(包括你自己)造成伤害,并且应该善良并帮助地球繁荣。不管一个人是否有宗教信仰,她都认为灵性是幸福的关键。“我们把我们关注的东西吸引到我们的生活中。所以让它变得积极!”黛安和她的丈夫住在佛罗里达州,丈夫是圣卢西亚人,在巴巴多斯长大。Diane Ahlquist is an American author and speaker from the Midwest and has a long career counseling and advising people on their spiritual questions and needs. She has been a consultant for Unsolved Mysteries and worked with investigators for insights.Diane has been featured on Elite Daily, iHeartRadio, and several other media networks.She has written several titles about self-transformation according to the phases of the Moon. Diane has also written, taught, and guided people on applying The Law of Attraction concept to their lives in a simplistic and common sense manner.She enjoys conveying all that she has learned about spirituality to her peers and to younger generations as well.Ahlquist believes in all religions that preach no harm to anyone (including yourself), and that one should be kind and help the planet prosper. Whether or not one is religious, she feels that spirituality is the key to happiness."We attract into our lives what we focus on. So make it positive!"Diane lives in Florida with her husband, a St. Lucian, raised in Barbados.Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复