《The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus》

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Aureus or the Golden Tractate of Hermes Section I Even thus saith Hermes: Through long years I have not ceased to experiment, neither have I have spared any labour of mind And this science and art I have obtained by the sole inspiration of the living God, who judged fit to open them to me His servant, who has given to rational creatures the power of thinking and judging aright, forsaking none, or giving to any occasion to despair. For myself, I had never discovered this matter to anyone had it not been from fear of the day of judgment, and the perdition of my soul if I concealed it. It is a debt which I am desirous to discharge to the Faithful, as the Father of the faithful did liberally bestow it upon me. Understand ye, then, 0 Sons Of Wisdom, that the knowledge of the four elements Or the ancient philosophers was not corporally or imprudently sought after, which are through patience to be discovered, according to their causes and their occult operation. But, their operation is occult, since nothing is done except the matter be decompounded, and because it is not perfected unless the colours be thoroughly passed and accomplished. Know then, that the division that was made upon the water by the ancient philosophers separates it into four substances; one into two, and three into one; the third part of which is colour, as it were-a coagulated moisture; but the second and third waters are the Weights of the Wise. Take of the humidity, or moisture, an ounce and a half, and or the Southern redness, which is the soul of gold, a fourth part, that is to say, half-an-ounce of the citrine Seyre, in like manner, half-an-ounce of the Auripigment, half-an-ounce, which are eight; that is three ounces. And know ye that the vine of the wise is drawn forth in three, but the wine thereof is not perfected, until at length thirty be accomplished Understand the operation, therefore. Decoction lessens the matter, but the tincture augments it; because Luna in fifteen days is diminished; and in the third she is augmented. This is the beginning and the end. Behold, I have declared that which was hidden, since the work is both with thee and about thee – that which was within is taken out and fixed, and thou canst have it either in earth or sea. Keep, therefore, thy Argent vive, which is prepared in the innermost chamber in which it is coagulated; for that is the Mercury which is separated from the residual earth. He, therefore, who now hears my words, let him search into them; which are to justify no evil-doer, but to benefit the good; therefore, I have discovered all things that were before hidden concerning this knowledge, and disclosed the greatest of all secrets, even the Intellectual Science. Know ye, therefore, Children of Wisdom, who enquire concerning the report thereof, that the vulture standing upon the mountain crieth out with a loud voice, I am the White of the Black, and the Red of the White, and the Citrine of the Red, and behold I speak the very truth. And know that the chief principle of the art is the Crow, which is the blackness of the night and clearness of the day, and flies without wings. From the bitterness existing in the throat the tincture is taken, the red goes forth from his body, and from his back is taken a thin water. Understand, therefore, and accept this gift of God which is hidden from the thoughtless world. In the caverns of the metals there is hidden the stone that is venerable, splendid in colour, a mind sublime, and an open sea. Behold, I have declared it unto thee; give thanks to God, who teacheth thee this knowledge, for He in return recompenses the grateful. Put the matter into a moist fire, therefore, and cause it to boil in order that its heat may be augmented, which destroys the siccity of the incombustible nature, until the radix shall appear; then extract the redness and the light parts, till only about a third remains Sons of Science ! For this reason are philosophers said to be envious, not that they grudged the truth to religious or just men, or to the wise; but to fools, ignorant and vicious, who are without self-control and benevolence, least they should be made powerful and able to perpetrate sinful things. For of such the philosophers are made accountable to God, and evil men are not admitted worthy of this wisdom. Know that this matter I call the stone; but it is also named the feminine of magnesia or the hen, or the white spittle, or the volatile milk, the incombustible oil in order that it may be hidden from the inept and ignorant who are deficient in goodness and self-control; which I have nevertheless signified to the wise by one only epithet, viz., the Philosopher’s Stone. Include, therefore, and conserve in this sea, the fire and the heavenly bird, to the latest moment of his exit. But I deprecate ye all, Sons of Philosophy, on whom the great gift of this knowledge being bestowed, if any should undervalue or divulge the power thereof to the ignorant, or such as are unfit for the knowledge of this secret. Behold, I have received nothing from any to whom I have not returned that which had been given me, nor have I failed to honour him; even in this I have reposed the highest confidence. This, O Son, is the concealed stone of many colours, which is born and brought forth in one colour; know this and conceal it. By this, the Almighty favouring, the greatest diseases are escaped, and every sorrow, distress, and evil and hurtful thing is made to depart; for it leads from darkness into light, from this desert wilderness to a secure habitation, and from poverty and straits to a free and ample fortune. ……文件密码:《The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus》www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus》回复


摘要:《The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus》是一本重要的古代文献,内容涉及哲学、宗教、科学等多个领域。本文将从四个方面对该文献进行详细阐述,包括其历史背景、作者背景、主要内容和影响。通过深入探讨,我们可以更好地理解这本文献的重要性和影响力。


《The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus》是古代埃及传世文献之一,据说是埃及神话中的智者赫尔墨斯的教诲。这本文献的起源可以追溯到公元前2世纪,当时埃及文化达到巅峰,影响了整个地中海地区。在这个时期,埃及的宗教和哲学思想融合在一起,形成了独特的文化体系。




《The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus》的作者被认为是古代埃及智者赫尔墨斯。赫尔墨斯是埃及神话中的一位重要人物,被视为智慧之神和沟通神与人之间的使者。




《The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus》的主要内容涉及哲学、宗教、科学等多个领域。其中包括了关于宇宙的起源和本质、人类的灵魂和精神的本质、以及人类与神的关系等重要主题。




《The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus》对后世的影响非常深远。它的思想对于中世纪的炼金术和医学有着重要的影响。


至今,《The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus》仍然是研究古代哲学和宗教的重要资料。它的思想和教义对于我们理解古代文化和思想具有重要的意义。


《The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus》是一本重要的古代文献,它的内容涵盖了哲学、宗教、科学等多个领域。通过对其历史背景、作者背景、主要内容和影响的阐述,我们更好地理解了这本文献的重要性和影响力。它不仅为我们了解古代埃及文化和思想提供了宝贵的线索,也对后世的哲学和科学发展产生了深远的影响。



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