《Nightmare Tales》

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Sir, −− One morning in 1867 Eastern Europe was startled by news of the most horrifying description. Michael Obrenovitch, reigning Prince of Serbia, his aunt, the Princess Catherine or Katinka, and her daughter had been murdered in broad daylight, near Belgrade, in their own garden, assassin or assassins remaining unknown. The Prince had received several bullet−shots, and stabs, and his body was actually butchered; the Princess was killed on the spot, her head smashed, and her young daughter, though still alive, was not expected to survive. The circumstances are too recent to have been forgotten, but in that part of the world, at the time, the case created a delirium of excitement. In the Austrian dominions and in those under the doubtful protectorate of Turkey, from Bucharest down to Trieste, no high family felt secure. In those half Oriental countries every Montecchi has its Capuletti, and it was rumoured that the bloody deed was perpetrated by the Prince Kara−Gueorguevitch, or "Tzerno−Gueorgey," as he is usually called in those parts. Several persons innocent of the act were, as is usual in such cases imprisoned, and the real murderers escaped justice. A young relative of the victim, greatly beloved by his people, a mere child, taken for the purpose from a school in Paris, was brought over in ceremony to Belgrade and proclaimed Hospodar of Serbia. In the turmoil of political excitement the tragedy of Belgrade was forgotten by all but an old Serbian matron who had been attached to the Obrenovitch family, and who, like Rachel, would not be comforted for the death of her children. After the proclamation of the young Obrenovitch, nephew of the murdered man, she had sold out her property and disappeared; but not before taking a solemn vow on the tombs of the victims to avenge their deaths. The writer of this truthful narrative had passed a few days at Belgrade, about three months before the horrid deed was perpetrated, and knew the Princess Katinka. She was a kind, gentle, and lazy creature at home; abroad she seemed a Parisienne in manners and education. As nearly all the personages who will figure in this true story are still living, it is but decent that I should withhold their names, and give only initials. The old Serbian lady seldom left her house, going but to see the Princess occasionally. Crouched on a pile of pillows and carpeting, clad in the picturesque national dress, she looked like the Cumaean sibyl in her days of calm repose. Strange stories were whispered about her Occult knowledge, and thrilling accounts circulated sometimes among the guests assembled round the fireside of the modest inn. Our fat landlord’s maiden aunt’s cousin had been troubled for some time past by a wandering vampire, and had been bled nearly to death by the nocturnal visitor, and while the efforts and exorcisms of the parish pope had been of no avail, the victim was luckily delivered by Gospoja P−−−, who had put to flight the disturbing ghost by merely shaking her fist at him, and shaming him in his own language. It was in Belgrade that I learned for the first time this highly interesting fact in philology, namely, that spooks have a language of their own. The old lady, whom I will call Gospoja P−−− , was generally attended by another personage destined to be the principal actress in our tale of horror. It was a young gipsy girl from some part of Roumania, about fourteen years of age. Where she was born, and who she was, she seemed to know as little as anyone else. I was told she had been brought one day by a party of strolling gipsies, and left in the yard of the old lady, from which moment she became an inmate of the house. She was nicknamed "the sleeping girl," as she was said to be gifted with the faculty of apparently dropping asleep wherever she stood, and speaking her dreams aloud. The girl’s heathen name was Frosya. ……文件密码:《Nightmare Tales》www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《Nightmare Tales》回复


摘要:《Nightmare Tales》是一部令人毛骨悚然的恐怖小说集,作者是英国作家托马斯·霍姆斯。这部小说集以恐怖和奇幻的故事为主题,以其令人寒毛竖立的描写和令人难以置信的情节而闻名。本文将从四个方面对《Nightmare Tales》进行详细阐述,包括作者的背景介绍、故事的主题和风格、人物塑造以及影响力。


托马斯·霍姆斯是一位英国作家,生于1799年,逝世于1842年。他在文学界以恐怖和奇幻小说而闻名,是罗曼主义时期最杰出的作家之一。霍姆斯创作了许多描写人性黑暗和恐怖的故事,其中包括《Nightmare Tales》。他的作品深受读者喜爱,对后世的恐怖文学产生了重要影响。


《Nightmare Tales》的故事主题以恐怖和奇幻为基础,融合了超自然元素和黑暗的人性描写。霍姆斯以其生动的描写和令人惊悚的情节引发读者的恐惧和惊奇。他的故事常常涉及妖魔鬼怪、诡异的幻境和隐藏的恐怖事件,通过令人难以置信的情节展示了恐怖与惊奇的力量。



《Nightmare Tales》中的人物塑造充满了独特的个性和恐怖的特点。霍姆斯善于刻画人物的复杂心理和黑暗的一面。他的人物常常是复杂而令人费解的,有时甚至具有邪恶的倾向。这些人物的行为和思想常常超出了常人的理解范围,给读者带来了更深层次的恐怖感。

霍姆斯在《Nightmare Tales》中的人物塑造呈现了人性的黑暗和邪恶的一面,给读者带来了强烈的震撼和思考。他的人物形象不仅令人难以忘怀,也成为他作品中的一大亮点。


《Nightmare Tales》以其独特的恐怖和奇幻元素以及出色的描写而受到了广大读者的喜爱和关注。这部小说集不仅在当时引起了轰动,也对后世的恐怖文学产生了重要影响。

霍姆斯的作品开辟了恐怖文学的新方向,他的描写和情节构思为后来的作家提供了灵感。他的独特风格和人物塑造深深影响了后世的恐怖文学作品,使其成为经典。《Nightmare Tales》的影响力不仅在文学领域,还扩展到了电影、游戏等各个媒体领域。


《Nightmare Tales》是一部令人毛骨悚然的恐怖小说集,作者托马斯·霍姆斯通过恐怖和奇幻的故事、独特的风格、复杂的人物塑造和深远的影响力,给读者带来了难以忘怀的阅读体验。这部小说集不仅在当时受到了广泛关注,也成为恐怖文学领域的经典之作。



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