《The Golden Bough:A study of magic and religion》

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By Sir James George Frazer

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《The Golden Bough:A study of magic and religion》《The Golden Bough:A study of magic and religion》

2009-3-18 10:18 上传

Preface THE PRIMARY aim of this book is to explain the remarkable rule which regulated the succession to the priesthood of Diana at Aricia. When I first set myself to solve the problem more than thirty years ago, I thought that the solution could be propounded very briefly, but I soon found that to render it probable or even intelligible it was necessary to discuss certain more general questions, some of which had hardly been broached before. In successive editions the discussion of these and kindred topics has occupied more and more space, the enquiry has branched out in more and more directions, until the two volumes of the original work have expanded into twelve. Meantime a wish has often been expressed that the book should be issued in a more compendious form. This abridgment is an attempt to meet the wish and thereby to bring the work within the range of a wider circle of readers. While the bulk of the book has been greatly reduced, I have endeavoured to retain its leading principles, together with an amount of evidence sufficient to illustrate them clearly. The language of the original has also for the most part been preserved, though here and there the exposition has been somewhat condensed. In order to keep as much of the text as possible I have sacrificed all the notes, and with them all exact references to my authorities. Readers who desire to ascertain the source of any particular statement must therefore consult the larger work, which is fully documented and provided with a complete bibliography. In the abridgment I have neither added new matter nor altered the views expressed in the last edition; for the evidence which has come to my knowledge in the meantime has on the whole served either to confirm my former conclusions or to furnish fresh illustrations of old principles. Thus, for example, on the crucial question of the practice of putting kings to death either at the end of a fixed period or whenever their health and strength began to fail, the body of evidence which points to the wide prevalence of such a custom has been considerably augmented in the interval. A striking instance of a limited monarchy of this sort is furnished by the powerful mediaeval kingdom of the Khazars in Southern Russia, where the kings were liable to be put to death either on the expiry of a set term or whenever some public calamity, such as drought, dearth, or defeat in war, seemed to indicate a failure of their natural powers. The evidence for the systematic killing of the Khazar kings, drawn from the accounts of old Arab travellers, has been collected by me elsewhere. [1] Africa, again, has supplied several fresh examples of a similar practice of regicide. Among them the most notable perhaps is the custom formerly observed in Bunyoro of choosing every year from a particular clan a mock king, who was supposed to incarnate the late king, cohabited with his widows at his temple-tomb, and after reigning for a week was strangled. [2] The custom presents a close parallel to the ancient Babylonian festival of the Sacaea, at which a mock king was dressed in the royal robes, allowed to enjoy the real king’s concubines, and after reigning for five days was stripped, scourged, and put to death. That festival in its turn has lately received fresh light from certain Assyrian inscriptions, [3] which seem to confirm the interpretation which I formerly gave of the festival as a New Year celebration and the parent of the Jewish festival of Purim. [4] Other recently discovered parallels to the priestly kings of Aricia are African priests and kings who used to be put to death at the end of seven or of two years, after being liable in the interval to be attacked and killed by a strong man, who thereupon succeeded to the priesthood or the kingdom. [5] ……文件密码:《The Golden Bough:A study of magic and religion》www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《The Golden Bough:A study of magic and religion》回复


摘要:《The Golden Bough:A study of magic and religion》是一本研究魔法和宗教的著作。本文通过对该书的详细阐述,从四个方面展开讨论,包括作者、内容概述、对学术界的影响以及对读者的启示。通过本文的阐述,读者能够更好地了解这本著作的重要性和价值。


《The Golden Bough:A study of magic and religion》的作者是苏格兰文化人类学家詹姆斯·弗雷泽。他是19世纪末和20世纪初最重要的文化人类学家之一,被誉为现代文化人类学的奠基人之一。他的学术成就和对神秘主义、宗教和魔法研究的贡献使他成为了学术界的重要人物。


《The Golden Bough:A study of magic and religion》是一部关于魔法和宗教的综合性研究著作。书中以民间信仰、祭祀、仪式、神话等为研究对象,通过对不同文化和宗教的比较研究,揭示了宗教和魔法在人类社会中的重要性和普遍性。书中提出了一系列理论概念和方法,如“神圣王权”、“祭司-国王”、“牺牲”等,这些对于理解人类文化和宗教起到了重要的启发作用。


《The Golden Bough:A study of magic and religion》在学术界产生了广泛的影响。它开创了比较宗教学的先河,为后来的学者提供了研究方法和视野。该书对于民俗学、神话学、文化人类学等学科的发展都产生了深远的影响。同时,它也引起了学术界的争议,一些学者对书中的理论和观点提出了批评,但无疑它对学术界的贡献是不可忽视的。


《The Golden Bough:A study of magic and religion》不仅对学术界有重要意义,也对普通读者有启发和影响。通过对不同文化和宗教的比较研究,读者能够更好地理解宗教和魔法对人类社会的巨大影响力,加深对人类文化多样性的认识。同时,书中对于人类信仰、仪式和神话的解读,也能够帮助读者更好地理解世界各地的宗教和文化。


《The Golden Bough:A study of magic and religion》是一本对魔法和宗教进行深入研究的著作,作者詹姆斯·弗雷泽是文化人类学的重要人物。书中通过比较研究揭示了宗教和魔法的重要性和普遍性,对学术界产生了广泛影响。对读者来说,这本书能够启发他们对宗教、文化和人类多样性的认识。本文由nayona.cn整理


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