《Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy》 (cosmologically)

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《Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy》  (cosmologically)《Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy》  (cosmologically)

2009-3-21 15:24 上传

1 – The Three Steps Of AnthroposophyIt is a great pleasure to me to be able to give this series of lectures in the Goetheanum, which was founded to promote Spiritual Science. What is here called ‘Spiritual Science’ must not be confused with those things which, more than ever at the moment, appear as Occultism, Mysticism, etc. These schools of thought either refer to ancient spiritual traditions which are no longer properly understood, and which give in a dilettante manner all kinds of imagined knowledge of supersensible worlds, or they ape outwardly the scientific methods which we have to-day without realizing that methods of research which are ideal for the study of the natural world can never lead to supernatural worlds. And what makes its appearance as Mysticism is also either mere renewal of ancient psychic experiences, or muddled, very often fantastic, and deceptive introspection. As opposed to this, the attitude of the Goetheanum is one which, in the fullest sense, falls in with the present-day view of natural scientific research, and recognizes what is justified in it. On the other hand, it seeks to gain objective and accurate results on the subject of the supersensible world by means of the strictly controlled training of pure psychic vision. It counts only such results as are obtained through this vision of the soul, by which the psychic-spiritual organization is just as accurately defined as a mathematical problem. The point is that at first this organization is presented in scientifically indisputable vision. If we call it ‘the spiritual eye’, we then say: as the mathematician has his problems before him, so has the researcher into the spirit his ‘spiritual eye’. The scientific method is employed for him on that preparation which is in his ‘spiritual organs’. If his ‘science’ has its being in these organs, he can make use of them, and the supersensible world lies before him. The student of the world of the senses directs his science to outward things, to results; but the student of the spirit pursues science as a preparation of vision. And when vision begins, science must already have fulfilled its mission. If you like to call your vision ‘clairvoyance’ it is at any rate, an ‘exact clairvoyance’. The science of the spirit begins where that? of the senses ends. Above all, the research student of the spirit must have based his whole method of thought for the newer Science on the one he applied to the world of the senses. Thus it comes about that the Sciences studied to-day merge into that realm which opens up Spiritual Science in the modern sense. It happens not only in the separate realms of Natural Science and History, but also e.g., in Medicine; and in all provinces of practical life, in Art, in Morals, and in Social life. It happens also in religious experiences. In these lectures three of these provinces are to be dealt with, and it is to be shown how they merge into the modern spiritual view. The three are Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion. At one time Philosophy was the intermediary for all human knowledge. In its logos man acquired knowledge of the distinct provinces of world-reality. The different Sciences are born of its substance. But what has remained of Philosophy itself? A number of more or less abstract ideas which have to justify their existence in face of the other sciences, whose justification is found in observation through the senses and in experiment. To what do the ideas of Philosophy refer? That has to-day become an important question. We find in these ideas no longer a direct reality, and so we try to find a theoretical basis for this reality. And more: Philosophy, and in its very name, love of wisdom shows that it is not merely an affair of the intellect, but of the entire human soul. What one can ‘love’ is such a thing, and there was a time when wisdom was considered something real, which is not the case with ‘ideas’ which engage only Reason and Intellect. Philosophy, from being a matter for all mankind which once was felt in the warmth of the soul, has become dry, cold knowledge: and we no longer feel ourselves in the midst of Reality when we occupy ourselves with philosophizing. In mankind itself that has been lost which once made Philosophy a real experience. Natural Science (of the outer world) is conducted by means of the senses, and what Reason thinks concerning the observations made by the senses is a putting-together of the content derived through the senses. This thought has no content of its own; and while man lives in such knowledge he knows himself only as a physical body. But Philosophy was originally a soul-content which was not experienced by the physical body, but by a human organism which cannot be appreciated by the senses. ……文件密码:《Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy》  (cosmologically)www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy》  (cosmologically)回复


摘要:本文将围绕《Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy》(宇宙论、宗教和哲学)这一主题展开讨论。首先从宇宙论的角度分析宗教和哲学的关系,然后探讨宗教对宇宙观的影响,接着探讨哲学在宇宙探索中的作用。最后将对这三者之间的关系进行综合分析,以期为读者带来一场思想的盛宴。


宇宙论作为一门研究宇宙起源、结构和发展等问题的学科,与宗教有着紧密的联系。从《Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy》的角度来看,宗教往往提供了关于宇宙起源和存在意义的解释,而宇宙论则通过科学研究和观测来解读宇宙的奥秘。这种宗教与宇宙论的互动,构成了人类对宇宙的多元化认知。




宗教作为人类对宇宙的一种信仰和崇拜,对宇宙观的形成和发展起着重要作用。在《Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy》的讨论中,宗教往往通过神话、仪式和教义等方式来表达对宇宙的理解和崇敬。




哲学作为对人类思维和存在的探讨,对于宇宙的探索和理解也有着重要的作用。在《Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy》中,哲学不仅提供了一种关于宇宙本质和意义的思考框架,还为宇宙论和宗教之间的对话搭建了一个思想平台。




综合《Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy》的讨论,我们可以看到宇宙、宗教和哲学之间存在着千丝万缕的联系和互动。它们相互影响、相互补充,共同构建了人类对宇宙的多维认知。



通过对《Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy》(宇宙论、宗教和哲学)这一主题的讨论,我们不仅深入探讨了宇宙、宗教和哲学之间的关系,还为人类对宇宙的认知和理解提供了新的思考方向。希望本文能够为读者带来一场思想的盛宴,让我们共同探索宇宙的奥秘和哲学的真理。



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