洛布古典丛书《The Loeb Classical Library》第2集

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洛布古典丛书《The Loeb Classical Library》第2集(共152册)




The Loeb Classical Library(洛布古典丛书)丛书最初由詹姆士?洛布(James Loeb)发起和赞助,于1912年面世,初时由海涅曼公司(William Heineman and company)出版,后来改由哈佛大学出版社出版,目前已出版了500多册的古希腊语和拉丁语的英文注释本。洛布丛书收入的作品种类繁多,含经史子集,希腊文作品为绿色封面,拉丁文作品为红色封面。

洛布古典丛书《The Loeb Classical Library》,是西方闻名遐迩的一套大型文献资料丛书,它合英美古典学者之力,经近一个世纪的翻译编纂而成。西方古典作品指中世纪以前用希腊文和拉丁文撰写的着作。这套丛书专门收录古希腊和罗马时期的文献典籍,几乎涵盖了全部古希腊文和拉丁文典籍,共收录210多位古典作家的作品,此外还包括作者已不可考的典籍譬如《十二铜表法》和在埃及发现的希腊文纸草文书等,时间跨度达1400年(公元前8世纪到公元7世纪)。这套丛书希腊文作品为绿色封面,拉丁文作品为红色封面。该丛书最初由美国人詹姆士·洛布(James Loeb)1910年构思策划,它的一个显着特征是以原文(希腊文、拉丁文)和英文对照出版,不仅受到一般读者的欢迎,而且还为攻读古典学、历史学、哲学、文学、政治学等相关专业的大学生提供了理想的古典文献读本,成为西方大学图书馆的必备文献工具书。该丛书现已出542卷, 由哈佛大学出版社全球发行。



  001 L143a-(1924) Greek Lyric Poetry IIa – Anacreon Alcman [Edmonds].pdf 92.96 MB  002 L143b-(1988) Greek Lyric Poetry IIb – Anacreon Anacreontea Choral Lyric [Campbell].pdf 46.32 MB  003 L144-(1927) Greek Lyric Poetry III – Anonymous Fragments & Folk-Songs & Drinking-Songs [Edmonds].pdf 181.75 MB  004 L145-(1922) Aeschylus I – Suppliant Maidens Persians Prometheus Seven Against Thebes [Smyth].pdf 117.35 MB  005 L146N-(1926) Aeschylus II – Oresteia Agamemnon Eumenides [Smyth].pdf 124.22 MB  006 L147-(1923) Hippocrates I – Ancient Medicine Airs Waters Places Epidemics 1 & 3, The Oath [Jones].pdf 120.25 MB  007 L148-(1923) Hippocrates II – Prognostic Regimen in Acute Disease Sacred Disease The Art Breaths Law Decorum Physician 1 Dentition [Jones].pdf 101.89 MB  008 L149-(1928) Hippocrates III – On Wounds in the Head Surgery Fractures Joints Mochlicon [Withington].pdf 144.68 MB  009 L150-(1931) Hippocrates IV – Nature of Man Health Regimens Humours Aphorisms Dreams Heracleitus on the Universe [Jones].pdf 167.44 MB  010 L151-(1924) Ovid VI – Tristia Ex Ponto [Wheeler].pdf 172.93 MB  011 L152-(1924) Velleius Paterculus – Compendium of Roman History Rers Gestae Divi Augusti [Shipley].pdf 153.82 MB  012 L153-(1926) Eusebius I – Ecclesiastical History I_1-5 [Lake].pdf 188.40 MB  013 L154-(1923) Cicero XX – On Old Age On Friendship On Divination [Falconer].pdf 154.27 MB  014 L155-(1926) Demosthenes II – De Corona De Falsa Legatione 18 & 19 [missing pages 430-431][Vince & Vince].pdf 119.50 MB  015 L157-(1923) Julian III – Letters Epigrams [Wright].pdf 159.53 MB  016 L158 (1923)-Cicero XI-The Speeches [Watts].pdf 146.68 MB  017 L159-(1925) Polybius IV- Histories IV_9-15 [Paton].pdf 169.62 MB  018 L160-(1926) Polybius V – Histories V_16-27 [Paton].pdf 169.62 MB  019 L161-(1927) Polybius VI – Histories VI_28-39 [Paton].pdf 141.42 MB  020 L162-(1925) Lucian IV – Anacharsis Menippus On Funerals Public Speaking Alexander Portraiture The Goddess of Surrye [Harmon].pdf 134.59 MB  021 L163-(1924) Plautus III – The Merchant The Braggart Warrior The Haunted House The Persian [Nixon].pdf 121.09 MB  022 L164-(1927) Plato VIII – Charmides Alcibiades I-II Hipparchus The Lovers Theages Minos Epinomis [Lamb].pdf 120.72 MB  023 L165-(1924) Plato II – Laches Protagoras Meno Euthydemus [Lamb].pdf 148.97 MB  024 L167 (1926)-Plato IV-Cratylus Greater Hippias Lesser Hippias Parmenides [Fowler].pdf 42.55 MB  025 L168-(1923) Xenophon IV – Memorabilia Oeconomicus [Marchant] Symposium Apologia [Todd].pdf 197.61 MB  026 L169-(1925) Thucydides IV – History of the Peloponnesian War IV_7 & 8 [Smith].pdf 153.30 MB  027 L170N-(1928) Homer I – Iliad I Books 1-12 [Murray rev Wyatt].pdf 190.32 MB  028 L171-(1925) Homer II – Iliad II_13-24 [Murray].pdf 86.72 MB  029 L172-(1924) Livy – History of Rome III_5-7 [Foster].pdf 151.08 MB  030 L173-(1924) Procopius IV – History of the Wars 6.16-7.35 (Gothic War) [Dewing].pdf 146.40 MB  031 L174-(1925) Frontinus – The Stratagems Books 1-4, The Aqueducts of Rome Books 1 & 2 [Herschel rev Bennett].pdf 144.21 MB  032 L175-(1924) Cassius Dio VII – Roman History VII_5-60 [Foster rev Cary].pdf 126.31 MB  033 L176-(1925) Cassius Dio VIII – Roman History VIII_61-70 [Foster rev Cary].pdf 160.37 MB  034 L177-(1927) Cassius Dio IX – Roman History IX_71-80 [Foster rev Cary].pdf 188.51 MB  035 L178-(1924) Aristophanes I – The Acharnians The Knights The Clouds The Wasps [Rogers].pdf 143.49 MB  036 L179N-(1993) Aristophanes II – The Peace The Birds The Frogs [Henderson].pdf 114.31 MB  037 L181-(1975) Lucretius – On the Nature of Things [Rouse].pdf 77.13 MB  038 L182-(1926) Strabo -Geography III_6-7 (Jones).pdf 110.82 MB  039 L183-(1925) Xenophon VII – Scripta Minora Hiera, Agesilaus, Constitution of the Lacedaemonians, Ways & Means, On the Cavalry Commander, Horsemanship, Hunting [Marchant].pdf 158.19 MB  040 L184-(1925) Diogenes Laertius I – Lives of Eminent Philosophers I_1-5 [Hicks].pdf 192.29 MB  041 L185-(1925) Diogenes Laertius II – Lives of Eminent Philosophers II_6-10 [Hicks].pdf 201.36 MB  042 L186-(1926) Josephus I – The Life Against Apion [Thackeray].pdf 132.95 MB  043 L187-(1926) Plato X – Laws I_1-6 [Bury].pdf 152.97 MB  044 L188-(1926) Pausanias II – Description of Greece II_3-5 [Jones & Ormerod].pdf 180.52 MB  045 L189 [cf L507]-(1926) Cicero XVa & XVb – Philippics 1-14 [Ker].pdf 162.54 MB  046 L190-(1926) St. Basil I – Letters I_1-58 [Deferrari].pdf 127.21 MB  047 L191-(1926) Livy IV – History of Rome IV_8-10 [Foster].pdf 177.30 MB  048 L192-(1926) Plato XI – Laws II_7-12 [Bury].pdf 176.29 MB  049 L193-(1926) Aristotle XXII – The Art of Rhetoric 1-3 [Freese].pdf 179.54 MB  050 L195-(1927) Aulus Gellius I – Attic Nights I_1-5 [Rolfe].pdf 65.78 MB  051 L196-(1927) Strabo-Geography IV_ 8-9 [Jones].pdf 122.60 MB  052 L197-(1927) Plutarch- Moralia I [Babbitt].pdf 120.25 MB  053 L198-(1927) Cicero IX — Pro Lege Manilia Pro Caecina Pro Cluentio Pro Rabirio Perduellionis Reo [Hodge].pdf 144.22 MB  054 L199-(1927) Aristotle XXIII — The Poetics Longinus On the Sublime Demetrius On Style [Fyfe].pdf 143.85 MB  055 L199b-(1995) Aristotle XXIII – The Poetics. [Halliwell] “Longinus” On the Sublime. [Fyfe rev Russell] Demetrius On Style [Innes rev Roberts].pdf 127.03 MB  056 L200-(1927) Aulus Gellius II – Attic Nights II_6-13 [Rolfe].pdf 141.42 MB  057 L201-(1927) Plato XII – Charmides Alcibiades I & II Hipparchus The Lovers The Ages Minos Epinomis [Lamb].pdf 141.06 MB  058 L202-(1927) Isaeus [Forster].pdf 129.61 MB  059 L203-(1956) Josephus II – The Jewish War 1-3 [Thackeray].pdf 264.18 MB  060 L204-(1927) Athenaeus I -The Deipnosophists I_1-3.106e [Gulick].pdf 127.12 MB  061 L205N-(1927) Cicero XXV – The Letters to His Friends I-VI [Williams].pdf 178.07 MB  062 L206N-(1928) Statius I – Silvae 1-5, Thebald 1-4 [Mozley].pdf 175.82 MB  063 L207-(1928) Statius II – Thebald 5-12 Achilleid 1 & 2 [Mozley].pdf 162.26 MB  064 L208-(1928) Athenaeus II — The Deipnosophists II_3.106e-5 [Gulick].pdf 131.52 MB  065 L209-(1928) Isocrates I – Orations 1-6 Demonicus Nicockles Panegyricus Philip Archidamus [Norlin].pdf 141.23 MB  066 L210-(1928) Josephus III – The Jewish War 4-7 [Thackeray].pdf 217.99 MB  067 L211-(1928) Strabo V – Geography V_10-12 [Jones].pdf 166.29 MB  068 L212-(1927) Aulus Gellius III — Attic Nights III_14-20 [Rolfe].pdf 126.72 MB  069 L213-(1928) Cicero XVI-De re publica, De legibus [Keyes].pdf 140.21 MB  070 L214-(1928) Seneca the Younger – Moral Essays I Providentia Constantia Ira Clementia [Basore].pdf 155.02 MB  071 L215-(1928) St. Basil II – Letters II_59-185 [Deferrari].pdf 146.69 MB  072 L216N-(1928) Cicero XXVI – Letters to Friends II_114-280 [Williams].pdf 203.25 MB  073 L217-(1928) Procopius V – History of the Wars 7.36-8 (Gothic War) [Dewing].pdf 124.39 MB  074 L218-(1928) Epictetus II – Discourses II_3-4 Encheiridion [Oldfather].pdf 186.55 MB  075 L219-(1928) Oppian – Poems Hunting Fishing Fowling Cynegetica Books 1-4 Halieutica Books 1-5 Colluthus Tryphiodorus [Mair].pdf 230.40 MB  076 L220-(1928) Lucan – The Civil War Pharsalia 1-10 [Duff].pdf 211.70 MB  077 L221-(1928) Cicero VII-The Verrine Orations 1 [Greenwood].pdf 144.06 MB  078 L222-(1928) Plutarch – Moralia II_86b-171p [Babbitt].pdf 156.18 MB  079 L223-(1929) Strabo VI – Geography VI_13 & 14 [Jones].pdf 129.92 MB  080 L224-(1929) Athenaeus III – The Deipnosophists III_6 & 7 [Gulick].pdf 121.72 MB  081 L225 & L225N-(1929) Theophrastus III – The Characters Heroides Cercidas Greek Choliambic Poets [Edmonds].pdf 124.30 MB  082 L226-(1929) Philo I – On the Creation Allegorical Interpretation of Genesis 2 & 3 [Colson & Whitaker].pdf 154.75 MB  083 L227-(1929) Philo II – On the Cherubim The Sacrifices of Abel and Cain The Worse Attacks the Better. On the Posterity and Exile of Cain On the Giants [Colson & Whitaker].pdf 152.57 MB  084 L229-(1929) Isocrates II – Orations II_1-5 Peace Areopagiticus Against the Sophists Antidosis Panathenaicus [Norlin].pdf 168.08 MB  085 L230N-(1929) Cicero XXVII – Letters to His Friends III_281-435 Quintus Brutus [Cary].pdf 213.94 MB  086 L231-(1960) Lucius Annaeus Florus – Epitome of Roman History I_1-47 Cornelius Nepos – On Great Generals On Historians [Forster].pdf 232.71 MB  087 L232-(1929) Ovid II – Cosmetics The Art of Love 1-3 Remedies for Love Ibis Walnut-tree Sea-fishing Consolation [Mozley rev Goold].pdf 43.78 MB  088 L233-(1929) Livy V – History of Rome 21-22 [Foster].pdf 144.72 MB  089 L234-(1929) Plato IX – Timaeus Critias Cleitophon Menexenus Epistles [Bury].pdf 228.55 MB  090 L234x-(1888) The Timaeus of Plato [Archer-Hind].pdf 127.78 MB  091 L235-(1930) Athenaeus IV — The Deipnosophists IV_8-10 [Gulick].pdf 154.05 MB  092 L236-(1929) Arrian I – Anabasis of Alexander 1-4 [Robson].pdf 127.30 MB  093 L237-(1930) Plato V – The Republic I_1-5 [Shorey].pdf 183.47 MB  094 L238-(1930) Demosthenes I – Orations Olynthiacs 1-3 Philippics 1-4 Philip's Letter Organization Rhodians [Vince].pdf 165.95 MB  095 L239-(1930) Augustine III – Select Letters 1-62 [Baxter].pdf 176.66 MB  096 L240-(1930) Cicero VI – Pro Quinctio Pro Amerino Pro Comoedo The Three Speeches on the Agrarian Law Against Rullus [Freese].pdf 63.86 MB  097 L241-(1930) Strabo VII – Geography VII_15-16 [Jones].pdf 133.97 MB  098 L242-(1930) Josephus IV – Jewish Antiquities I_1-4 [Thackeray].pdf 198.47 MB  099 L243-(1930) Basil III — Letters 186-248 [Deferrari].pdf 72.03 MB  100 L244-(1930) Lysias – Collected Works [Lamb].pdf 221.53 MB  101 L245-(1961) Plutarch – Moralia III_172a-263c [Babbitt].pdf 175.94 MB  102 L246-(1930) Bed? I – Historical Works I_1-3 Ecclesiastical History [King].pdf 165.34 MB  103 L247-(1930) Philo III – 1-5 On the Unchangeableness of God, On Husbandry, Concerning Noah's Work As a Planter, On Drunkenness, Noah’s Sobriety [Colson & Whitaker].pdf 156.70 MB  104 L248-(1930) Bede II – Historical Works II_4-5 Ecclesiastical History [King].pdf 111.82 MB  105 L248x-(1843) Bed? II – Historical Works II_4-5 Ecclesiastical History [Giles].pdf 141.71 MB  106 L249-(1931) Tacitus III – Histories II_4-5 [Moore] Annals 1-3 [Jackson].pdf 197.64 MB  107 L250-(1931) Tertullian – Apology, De Spectaculis [Glover]; Minucius Felix, Octavius [Kendall].pdf 156.08 MB  108 L251-(1931) Vitruvius I – On Architecture I_1-5 [Granger].pdf 125.49 MB  109 L252-(1931) Cicero XIV – Pro Milone. In Pisonem. Pro Scauro. Pro Fonteio. Pro Rabirio Postumo. Pro Marcello. Pro Ligario. Pro Rege Deiotaro [Watts].pdf 143.50 MB  110 L253-(1931) Ovid V – On Fasting 1-6 [Frazer].pdf 164.04 MB  111 L254-(1932) Seneca II – Moral Essays II [Basore].pdf 61.04 MB  112 L256-(1931) Philostratus the Elder – Imagines Books 1_1-31 & 2_1-34 _ Philostratus the Younger – Imagines 1-17 _ Callistratus – Descriptions 1-14 [Fairbanks].pdf 134.62 MB  113 L257-(1932) Dio Chrysostom I – Discourses 1-11 [Cohoon].pdf 79.06 MB  114 L259-(1931) Greek Elegy & Iambic Poetry II from the Seventh to the Fifth Centuries BC [Edmonds].pdf 35.46 MB  115 L260-(1932) Plautus IV – The Little Carthaginian Pseudolus The Rope [Nixon].pdf 104.81 MB  116 L261-(1932) Philo IV – On the.pdf 192.84 MB  117 L262-(1933) Jerome – Select Letters 1-128 [Wright].pdf 171.40 MB  118 L263-(1932) Historia Scriptores Augustae III [Magie].pdf 174.07 MB  119 L264-(1932) Aristotle XXI – Politics 1-8 [Rackham].pdf 222.35 MB  120 L265-(1932) Eusebius II – Ecclesiastical History II_6-10 [Oulton].pdf 165.08 MB  121 L266-(1942) Greek Literary Papyri I – Tragedies Comedies Mime Poetry Private Documents (Agreements Receipts Wills Letters Memoranda Accounts and Lists & Others) [Page].pdf 139.90 MB  122 L267-(1932) Strabo VIII – Geography VIII_17 [Jones].pdf 168.13 MB  123 L268-(1933) Cicero XIX – De Natura Deorum Academica [Rackham].pdf 208.56 MB  124 L269-(1933) Arrian I – Anabasis of Alexander I_5-7 Indica 8 [Robson].pdf 158.23 MB  125 L270-(1934) St. Basil IV – Letters IV 249-368 Reading Greek Literature [Deferrari].pdf 152.95 MB  126 L272-(1933) Pausanias III – Description of Greece 6-8.21 (Jones).pdf 119.06 MB  127 L273-(1933) Sextus Empiricus I – Outlines of Pyrrhonism [Bury].pdf 65.98 MB  128 L274-(1933) Athenaeus V — The Deipnosophists V_11 & 12 [Gulick].pdf 138.74 MB  129 L275-(1934) Philo V – On Flight and Finding On the Change of Names On God-Sent Dreams [Colson & Whitaker].pdf 192.21 MB  130 L276-(1935) Plato VI – The Republic II_6-10 [Shorey].pdf 204.64 MB  131 L277-(1927) Silius Italicus I – Punica I_1-8 [Duff].pdf 147.14 MB  132 L278-(1934) Silius Italicus II – Punica II_9-17 [Duff].pdf 153.65 MB  133 L279-(1933) Diodorus Siculus I – Library of History I_1 & 2.1-34 [Oldfather].pdf 68.43 MB  134 L281-(1934) Josephus VII – Jewish Antiquities 5-8 [Thackeray & Marcus].pdf 253.01 MB  135 L282-(1934) Select Papyri II Public Documents [Hunt & Edgar].pdf 161.11 MB  136 L283-(1934) Cato & Varro – On Agriculture [Hooper rev Ash].pdf 172.11 MB  137 L284-(1934) Minor Latin Poets I & II [Duff & Duff].pdf 213.14 MB  138 L285-(1935) Aristotle XX – The Athenian Constitution Eudemian Ethics Virtues & Vices [Rackham].pdf 165.16 MB  139 L286-(1934) Valerius Flaccus – Argonautica 1-8 [Mozley].pdf 64.58 MB  140 L287-(1935) Aristotle XVIII – Metaphysics 10-14 [Tredennick] Oeconomica & Magna Moralia [Armstrong].pdf 38.10 MB  141 L288-(1986) Aristotle VIII – On the Soul Parva Naturalia On Breath [Hett].pdf 20.26 MB  142 L289-(1935) Philo VI – On Abraham On Joseph Moses 1 & 2 [Colson].pdf 209.26 MB  143 L291-(1935) Sextus Empiricus II – Against the Logicians [Bury].pdf 61.18 MB  144 L293-(1935) Cicero VIII – The Verrine Orations II_3-5 [Greenwood].pdf 193.15 MB  145 L294-(1935) Remains of Old Latin I – Ennius & Caecilius [Warmington].pdf 124.89 MB  146 L295-(1935) Livy IX – History of Rome IX_31-34 [Sage].pdf 216.79 MB  147 L296-(1936) Sidonius I – Poems Letters I_1-2 [Anderson].pdf 177.82 MB  148 L297-(1935) Pausanias IV – Description of Greece IV_8 (Arcadia), 9 (Boeotia), 10 (Phocis, Ozolian Locri) [Jones].pdf 153.54 MB  149 L298-(1935) Pausanias V – Description of Greece V [ Jones] Maps, Plans, Illustrations and General Index [Wycherley].pdf 86.59 MB  150 L299-(1935) Demosthenes III_21-26 – Against Meidias Adrotion Aristocrates Timocrates Aristogeiton [Vince].pdf 202.94 MB  151 L300-(1935) Ammianus Marcellinus – Roman History I_14-19 [Rolfe].pdf 189.64 MB  152 L301-(1935) Livy X – History of Rome X_35-37 [Sage].pdf 139.97 MB 

洛布古典丛书《The Loeb Classical Library》第2集

洛布古典丛书《The Loeb Classical Library》第2集

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