Decreasing/Increasing in calculation(运行资料减少/增加)即是一例,系指当行星在黄道上真实的运行/位置(true motion/position)比其平均位置更靠前时,就必须将其平均运行/位置(mean motion/position)的资料加上偏差值(equation),即运行资料增加。而当减去偏差值时,即运行资料的减少。
而运行数字增加/减少(Increasing/decreasing in number)系指行星每日运行的速度(或至少是指行星的本轮[epicycle]中心的运行速度)看起来是加快(或减慢)的。当行星从近地点(perigee)向远地点(apogee)前进时,由于离开地球愈来愈远,其运行速度看起来是减慢的;若行星从远地点向近地点前进,则因距离地球愈来愈近,其运行速度看起来是加快的。
And look too at the Moon: for if you found the Moon in a good place (along with I stated of the suitability of the second place), and looking at the second place, increasing in her calculation and her glow, trining the Sun, and Mars not looking at her, it indicates that he will be known, powerful in leadership and action in the cities and the work of kings, trusted among them, influential for that reason. But if what I stated was just as I stated, and the Moon decreasing, then it will reduce him and they will not present his management favorably, and they will not have praise for it.
In this, let the Moon be in some feminine angle, also the lord of the Ascendant, subtracting in motion. But the lord of the Midheaven and Mercury should be safe. And if the Moon were with Mercury, it will be useful. If Mercury were even in his own lesser course, it will be good. ‘Umar al-Tabarī said, the crooked signs are good for those buying, and even seem to help sellers. And if the Moon were in signs ascending in declination, increasing her number, it makes whatever someone then buys, dear—and contrariwise.
(注:subtract in motion是指运行速度缩减,同decreasing in calculation)

