古典占星术语 古典占星知识 连结/入相位

Connection也是一个常见的英语单字,按英国剑桥大学辞典,这个字的意思为The state of being related to someone or something else(与某人或某事产生关联的状态),或The act of joining or being joined to something else, or the part or process that makes this possible(参与或被某事参与的行为与过程)。


从上述的定义来看,连结这个字其实包含了占星学的两个概念,一个是入相位(application),第二是整星座相位,而相对入相位而言则为离相位(separation, flowing away),故在文献中也常见与这几个字一併出现来做为对比的状态,例如戴克博士所编译的《占星诗集》(Carmen Astrologicum)提到为释放奴隶择时时,有以下考虑︰

Then, look also at the connection of the Moon and her flowing away: for if he is emancipated in the hour when the Moon is flowing away from the fortunes and connecting with the infortunes, then the state of bondage in which that slave is, is better for the slave then the emancipation he would come to. And if it was the contrary of what I mentioned, then it is the contrary of that: I mean, if you found the Moon flowing away from the infortunes and connecting with the fortunes, then it is good for that slave, for he will be rescued from the evil and trouble, and he will meet with the good and delight.


[引自戴克博士的《占星诗集》(Carmen Astrologicum)]

另外,在另一本《选择与开始》(Choices and Inceptions),古代名家金迪(Al-Kindi)提到了月亮与各行星连结时适合的择时主题,例如月亮若与木星连结时,可做以下活动:

Should the Moon and Jupiter stand in a connection in any respect, it is favorable for all business and requirements, above all for meetings with nobles, judges, scholars, astrologers, and striving for necessities available through them, delegating the affairs of the sultan and of what is necessary for these. This placement is favorable for travel, for transfers, taking and giving, selling and buying, loaning, unwavering desire, bloodletting, the drinking of remedies and medicines for illnesses, desiring that a command be fulfilled, sailing by ship, learning the religious sciences, and entering the land that is aimed for.


[引自戴克博士《选择与开始》(Choices and Inceptions)中金迪(Al-Kindi)的内容]


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