
“We use three figures in geometry, the circle, the square and thetriangle. We get the square and triangle points of a circle todetermine points of time, price and space resistance. We use thecircle of 360 degrees to measure time and price.


There are 360 degrees in a circle, no matter how large or small thecircle may be. Certain numbers of these degrees and angles are ofvast importance and indicate when important tops and bottoms occuron stocks and commodities, as well as denote important resistancelevels.The esoteric meaning behind this statement is asfollows:


There are 360 degrees in any circle, the largest of which is thegreat circle of the heavens, or the zodiac. Certain points on thiszodiac (identified by a precise number of degrees) are veryimportant because they relate to specific stocks and to specificcommodity markets. Consequently the angles between a planet andthese specific points on the zodiac and also the angles between twoplanets are very important because they signify tops and bottoms inthe stock and commodity markets. Two important angles (or“aspects”, as they are called in astrology) are the square (or 90degrees) and the triune (or 120 degrees). Since the angles betweena planet and a particular point on the zodiac or between twoplanets can be calculated years in advance, stock and commoditymarkets can in principle be forecast years in advance.


It is also important to note that the above quotation by Gann wasin the introduction to his chapter on forecasting by means of “Gannangles”; i.e. forecasting by using the 1 X 1, 2 X 1, 1 X 2, etc.trend lines from important tops and bottoms on price charts.Therefore the very important implication here is that (as thechapter title suggests) the basis of Gann’s forecasting method wasnot merely the geometrical “Gann angles” drawn on a price chart,but (more fundamentally) the geometrical angles between planets andthe zodiac (which is of course astrology). In summary therefore,Gann is suggesting that the angles between the planets and thezodiac in the heavens (i.e. astrological influences) cause theparticular angle of a trend line on a price chart, and this is thereal basis of his forecasting method.


Gann’s Emphasis On Anniversary Dates And Seasonal Tendencies In TheStock And Commodity Markets


Gann’s consummate book on the stock market was “45 Years In WallStreet” (written in 1949) and his consummate book on the commoditymarkets was “How To Make Profits In Commodities” (first written in1941 and updated in 1951).


The common feature of both books is their emphasis on theimportance of anniversary dates and seasonal tendencies, as thefollowing quotations illustrate:


“My object in writing this book ‘45 Years In Wall Street’ is togive you some new and valuable rules on time periods which willhelp to guide you in determining high and low prices in the future.In my research work I have discovered that stocks make an importantchange in trend in the months when they reach extreme highs andlows. These are what I call anniversary dates, and these importantdates should be watched each year for important changes in trend”(“45 Years In Wall Street”, page 92).


“It is very important to watch the date when an individualcommodity makes an extreme high or low. The first important timeperiod to watch from any anniversary date is third or fourth month,then around the sixth or seventh month, where many important topsand bottoms are reached” (“How To Make Profits In Commodities”,page 58).


The esoteric meaning behind these statements is as follows:
Certain points on the zodiac (identified by a precise number ofdegrees) relate to specific stocks and to specific commoditymarkets. The sun is unique amongst the planets in that it completesone revolution of the zodiac every year. Moreover on any given dayof the year the sun is in exactly the same position (in the zodiac)as it was on that day one year earlier, ten years earlier or acentury earlier. Consequently the sun will aspect a particularpoint on the zodiac on the same day every year.


This is the cause of seasonal tendencies in the stock and commoditymarkets (indeed, this is the cause of all seasonal tendencies onearth).
The important point to note here is that Gann emphasized theseasonal tendencies in the stock and commodity markets to encouragehis students to think about and to identify the cause. The cause isthe position of the planets, and in particular their angles to aspecific point on the zodiac (which is of course astrology).


Gann’s Recommendation To Study Astrological Influences On TheCommodity Markets


Amongst Gann’s surviving papers are his two “astrology letters”.More specifically, in January 1954 Gann wrote to one of hisstudents recommending that he study the astrological influences onthe soybean market (“The longitude of the planets and the longitudeof the average of the planets determine the resistance levels asthe price of soybeans moves around each cycle of 24 cents perbushel”); and in March 1954 he again wrote to his studentrecommending that he study the astrological influences on thecoffee market (“By studying all of the (astrological) data outlinedabove and applying it to coffee, you will be able to learn moreabout what causes the changes in trend”).


Gann died in June 1955 and therefore these astrology letters aresome of his last teachings. However, it is notable that in thesetwo short letters Gann does not reveal any clear and specificmethod of astrological forecasting of the commodity markets.




W.D. Gann’s highly-accurate annual forecasts of the stock andcommodity markets were based on astrology. Therefore, if we asinvestors and traders wish to emulate Gann’s outstandingforecasting ability, it is absolutely necessary that we learnastrology.


Although there are many individuals and companies around the worldclaiming to teach “Gann analysis” through books, courses,videotapes and computer programs, they should certainly be avoided.This is because, since none of these individuals or companies canproduce an accurate annual forecast of the stock or commoditymarkets, they do not in fact teach Gann’s real method.



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