

1. A planet that qualifies as the hyleg is considered to have the greatest influence upon the length of life. Such a planet would need to be in one of the qualifying places, as detailed in the glossary item of Hyleg. This aphorism is suggesting that where there is no hyleg, we look for signs of support from the Sun or Moon.

2. It is a traditional principle that superior planets are resistant to the effects of inferior planets, but inferiors are very impressionable to the influence of superiors. Since Venus is an inferior planet, and the two traditional malefics (Mars and Saturn) superior, Venus cannot hope to produce the moderation of effect that Jupiter can.

3. This aphorism demonstrates how many of these short comments were extracted from lengthier discussions in older texts without conveying the full philosophical principles. We find a more informative source to these comments, for example, in chap 7 of the 2nd century Thesaurus of Antiochus: \”Concerning exaltations and depressions\”.

Venus is said to be exalted in the place that Mercury experiences fall (Pisces), and Mercury is exalted where Venus experiences fall (Virgo), because Mercury \”is the master of arguments\” while Venus \”is the overseer of desire and intercourse\”. So \”where the intellectual increases, there the desire and pleasure in intercourse is depressed. And where the appetitive and pleasurable is exalted, there the intellectual is depressed\”.

Mars is exalted where Jupiter experiences fall (Capricorn), and Jupiter is exalted where Mars experiences fall (Cancer), because Jupiter \”is the overseer of the life-breath and abundance\” whilst Mars \”is the overseer of death\”. Hence \”where the life-breath increases, there the bringer of death is depressed; and where death increases, there life is depressed\”.

Antiochus gives similar treatment to the Sun and Saturn because the Sun is the master of heat and day, whilst Saturn signifies dark and cold. The Sun is exalted in Aries where Saturn experiences its fall, and Saturn is exalted in Libra where the Sun experiences fall. Antiochus adds that the Moon is the \”fortune of all\” and so \”whom fortunes exalts, no one may depress; while he whom fortune depresses, no one is able to exalt\”.

So the source of this aphorism is clearly very ancient, but we should also note how little of the original philosophy remains in the celebrated aphorism.

Antiochus, The Thesaurus, trans. R. Schmidt, ed. R. Hand. Project Hindsight Greek Track Vol. II-B. Berkeley Springs: Golden Hind Press, 1993.

4. Rustics = ordinary, country people.

5. The signs of short ascension: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini.

6. The double-bodied signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

7. In other words, treat the chart as a decumbiture, where the health and body of the sick person is represented by the first house.

8. The feminine, nocturnal qualities of the Moon, and her propensity for quick changes, gives the Moon a sense of wandering without purpose. So it was often sought to avoid the Moon being too powerful in important matters, or journeys where someone could get lost. For the same reason aphorism 23 rejects Cancer on the ascendant.

9. According to the most common representation of the table of essential dignities, the north node is exalted in the 3rd degree of Gemini; the south node in the 3rd degree of Sagittarius.

10. A pertinent aphorism for those who maintain that in ancient astrology, aspects were principally calculated according to sign relationships.

11. Imperant (or commanding) signs are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo

Obedient signs are: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

sin autem contra, dic contra = in other cases, the opposite.

12. This is referrring to the older triplicity rulership scheme, which considers three planetary rulers for each triplicity. For more information see The Classical Use of Triplicities by Deborah Houlding.

13. Deep or pitted degrees (which are the same) are shown in the table of traditional degree influences.

14. Becoming oriental.

15. Ie, when signification is taken from a house, and the house contains more than one sign, priority is given to the sign on the cusp.

16. It\’s not clear why it should be so dangerous to put on new garments when the Moon is in Leo, but this rule is also contained in Ptolemy\’s Centiloquium, as aphorism 22.


1. 能胜任生命主的行星是对寿命有最大影响力的行星。这样的行星需要落在其中一个胜任的地方,细节参考生命主的定义。这个警句的建议是没有生命主的时候,看太阳或月亮的星座。

2. 传统的规则认为外行星会抵制内行星的影响,但是内行星非常敏感,容易受到外行星的影响。既然金星是内行星,并两大传统凶星(火星和土星)是外行星,金星不可能产生适度的影响而木星可以。

3. 这个警句说明很多这些短的评论是从古书冗长的讨论中提取出来的,而没有传达其哲学规则。我们发现关于这些评论一些更有益的来源,举个例子, 2世纪Antiochus的宝典Thesaurus的第七章。





Antiochus, The Thesaurus, trans. R. Schmidt, ed. R. Hand. Project Hindsight Greek Track Vol. II-B. Berkeley Springs: Golden Hind Press, 1993.

4. Rustics表示普通的,乡村的人们。

5. 短上升星座:摩羯,水瓶,双鱼,白羊,金牛和双子。

6. 双体星座:双子,处女,射手和双鱼。

7. 换句胡说,把星盘看做一个病理,这里病人的健康和身体由1宫来代表。

8. 月亮阴性,黑夜的性质和快速变化的习性,给月亮一种漫无目的游走的感觉。因此在重要的事件,旅行等这些容易丢失的,经常尽量避免月亮太强,同样的原因,警句23避免月亮在上升。

9. 根据最常见有代表性的必然尊贵表,北交旺在双子3°,南交旺仔射手3°。

10. 对于古典占星中坚持相位主要依据星座关系计算的人来说,是一句非常中肯的警句。

11. 命令星座:白羊,金牛,双子,巨蟹,狮子和处女。服从星座:天秤,天蝎,射手,摩羯,水瓶和双鱼。

12. 这是讲比较古老的三分主宰关系,三个行星守护每个同元素星座。

13. 深陷或凹陷度数,可以查表格。

14. 变成东出。

15. 例如,当象征从一个宫取时,且这个宫包括不止一个星座,优先考虑宫头所在星座。

16. 不清楚为什么月亮在狮子,穿心衣服会这么危险。但这条规则也包括在Ptolemy\’s Centiloquium,第22条。


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