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https://nayona.cn/wp-content/uploads/202205/01/Pp ALIGN=\”left\”>Questions of the seventhHouse.

For theft, look unto the Lord of theseventh : which if he be in the first, the theft shall be restoredagain ; but if the Lord of the Lord be in theseventh, it shall be alongtime sought after, and at length shall be found : but if theMoon be in the fifth, or with his Lord, it shall be found; if theMoon be in the fifth, or with the Lord of the first, or in thefirst, it may be found ; but if the Sun and the Moon be in thefifth, and if the Lord of the eighth be with the Lord of the firstin the first, it shall be found ; but if the Lord of the second bein the eighth, it shall not be found. And if Saturn,or Mars, or theDragons Tail be in the second, it shall not befound, nor bealtogether lost. And if the Lord of the second be in the first, thething that is lost: shall be found, but it shall not be known fromwhence it came. If the Lord of the first be in the second, it maybe found after much labour. And if the Lord of the second be in hisfall, it will never be found ;but if he be exalted, it shall befound very well : but the seventh House sheweththe thief.


若它位于第1宫,则将失物将被寻回;但若1宫守护星位于第7宫,则将寻找很久,但最终会找到;(注:“the Lordof the Lord be in theseventh”,是指7宫主在1,所以7宫主的宫主是指1宫主?)











But if you would know what it is that is stollen, behold the Lord of the second ; which if he be Saturn, it islead, iron,a kettle, a triver, a garment, or some blackthine, or leather.If he be Jupiter, then it is some white thing, astin, silver, or mixt with white & yellow veins. TheSun signifies gold and precious pearles. Marssignifies things belonging to the fire.Venus signifies thingsbelonging to women, as gloves, rings,and fair ornaments. The Moon,beasts, fuch as horses, mules,etc. perfumes and wars. Mercurysignifies money, books,writings, pictures, or garments of diverscolours.






If you would know how many thieves there were, seethe Lord of the sixth ; which if he be in the second,or with theLord of the second, there were many thieves ; and if they be in thethird, the brethren or kinsmen of the Querent have committed thetheft.




If you desire to know towards what Country the thiefis fled, see in what Signe the Lord of the seventh is , for if hebe in Aries, he is in the middle of the East part. If in Taurus inthe South towards the East. If in Gemini, in the West towards theSouth. If in Cancer, full Norch. If in Leo, in the Est towards theNorth. If in Virgo, in the South towards the West. If in Libra,full West. If in Scorpio, in the North neer the West. If inSagittary, in the East nigh the North. If in Capricorn, full South,if in Aquary, in the West towards the North. And if in Pisces, inthe North towards the West.


If you would know whether the thief hath carried allthe things stollen away with him, see the Lord of the seventh andthe eighth, and if the Lord of the seventh be in an Angle, he had adesire to carry away the same with him , but could not. If the Lordof the eighth be in a mean House, or in a cadent House, andthe Lord of the second in a strong House, he hath carryed the theftwholly with him. And if the Lord of the seventh and the eighth beboth in cadent Houses, he neither carryed it away, nor hath it. Seeby the seventh who is his companion, and what is hisgain.





If you would know the descent ornobility of a man or woman, look unto the Lord of the seventh;which if you finde him in Angles, and the Lord of the first inSuccedents or cadents, the woman is more noble then the man. But ifthe Lord of the Ascendent be in an Angle,& the Lordof the seventh in a succedent or cadent House, the man is morenoble then the woman. And after the fame manner thou maist judge oftwo companions, or of any other persons whaisocever. And if theLord of the seventh be in the ninth House, he will take a wife outof a forreigne Country.






If you desire to know whether anintended marriage shall take effect, or not, look to the Ascendentand his Lord, and the Moon, for the Querent; and the seventh House,and his Lord, for the woman. And if the Lord of the Ascendent orthe Moon be joyned to the Lord of the seventh, or be in theseventh, the marriage will be effected ; or if the Lord of theseventh be in che first, or wich the Lord of the first, it willeasily be brought to pass, and the woman is more desirous thereof,then the man.





If you would know whether thywife or friend hath any other lover or not, look if Mars be in theseventh, so that he be not in his own House, for then the hath notany other lover. And if Saturn be there, she loveth another; but helieth not with her. And if the Dragons Tail be in the seventh, helieth with her. And if Jupiter be there, she hardly containeth herself chaste. If Venus, she is merry, and much given to play andlaughter, by reason whereof, she may be accounted a whore, and isnot so. If Mercury be in the seventh, she had a lover, but now hathnone. But if the Moon be in the seventh, she hath had no lover asyet, but will have one, and will be common. But if the Sun or theDragons Head be there, she is chaste. And after the same manner mayyou judge in the ninth concerning friends or lovers.











If you would know which of themshall live longest, fee the Lord of the first and of the seventh,which of them shall be in the stronger and better place, or joynedto the strongest Planets ; and that person who is most free andremote from the Lord of the eighth and his participation, to whomthe Lord of his House answereth, shall livelonged.


If you desire to make a societyor alliance, and would know whether it shall be brought to pass ornot, or what shall happen thereupon, see if there be good Planetsin the seventh and the first : and if so, the fellowship will bemade, and good will come thereof; and you may judge it to continueso many years, months or dayes, as the Lord of the seventh hathsignification of.


If you would know when such society shall be, lookwhat Planet is in the sevench ; for if lie be good,it shall come topass that same year: or wedlock, if the Queston be thereof.

If you would know whether they will well agree, seethe first and his Lord, which is the signifier of the Querent ; andthe sevench House and his Lord, which is the House of companions,wives and concubines, which if they be concordant amongstthemselves, there will be peace and union between them, and theyshall profit ; but if the Planets be In discord, there will bestrife between them, and the society will not profit.


If you would know which of them shall gain most, seethe first and his Lord , and the sevench and his Lord , and whichof them standeth best ; or if they be evil, which of them falleth :and he that falleth shall lose, and he that is exalted shall gain.Or otherwise, and which is better, see the second and his Lord, andthe eighth and his Lord ; and in which House is the better Planet,or his Lord that shall be found in the better place, or joyned withthe better Planets he shall be the greater gainer. The second Houseand his Lord signifies the gain of the Querent : and the eighthHouse and his Lord signifies the gain of his fellow, or his part :and if they be both good, they shall both gain ; and if both evil,they shall both lose : and if one be good and the other evil, hewhose significator is good, shall gain ; and he whose is evil,shall lose.







And if you would know if twofellows shall love one another,look if the Lords of the first andthe seventh be friends and agreeing, then they will love one toanother, but if they be enemies and disagree, then they willnot.

If you desire to know who shall overcome in anycause, matter or controversie, behold the Lords of thefirst and the seventh, which if they be in Angles, neither of themshall overcome ; and see which of them is joyned with an evilPlanet, because he shall overcome ; and if the Planet be evil fromthem both, the victor shall kill the conquered ; if one of them bestrong, and the other weak, and the Planet which is in the strongHouse do not fall, nor hath not an evil Planet with him ; and if hewhich is weak be not in his own House, nor in his exaltation , norwith a good Planet, he whose Planet is in the strong House, shallovercome ; likewise hewhose significator is in a mean House,shall have great fear and doubt in his heart, becauce sometimes heshall hope to conquer, and otherwhiles fear to be overcome. Andnote, that in a Question concerning war and kingdom,it is said thatthere is more power and efficacie, or fortitude in theexaltation of a Planet, then in his House ; but in all otherQuestions the contrary.








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