网上有很多关于印度占星第9宫, 如何开始学习印度占星的知识,也有很多人为大家解答关于印度占星第9宫的问题,今天刺梨占星网(nayona.cn)为大家整理了关于这方面的知识,让我们一起来看下吧!
选自Quora – How can I get started with Vedic astrology? What are the very basic books to get started and professional ones to learn Nadi at last?
啃BPHS之余,一起夯实占星基础啊~希望能遇到也在学习研究的你,分享你们的感悟和案例给我哈,那将是无上的荣耀o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ有什么想看的主题也可以私信我,感谢求知若渴的泥萌~
It is the first time I have seen someone ask such a genuine and structured question of how to get started and reach the professional level of astrology. I really hope you complete your journey and wish you luck.
Start with the books of mathematics written in easy ways. It is absolutely a crime to venture into predictive astrology without no practical knowledge of the basic calculations. Often, when we begin with the lack of basic understanding, we end up making stupid extrapolations and assumptions to suit our ignorance. That is the first pit in which any learner of astrology falls. Either people make up their own explanations which are utterly wrong, or they get so confused that they give up completely.
Before even going into astrology, learn the planets in their mythological roles. That is extremely important and will make it pretty easy to memorize the functions and roles of the planets. The first book I would suggest is Navgraha Purana by V S Rao. It is not actually a Purana but a story book. It compiles the stories about the planets from different mythological texts into one single book written as a story. It is interesting to read, simple and much like any novel.
在学习占星术之前,先了解行星在神话中的角色。这是非常重要的,它会让你很容易记住行星的功能和角色。我推荐的第一本书是V S Rao的Navgraha Purana。它实际上不是一本《创世记》,而是一本故事书。它将不同神话文本中关于行星的故事汇编成一本书,以故事的形式写成。它读起来很有趣,简单,就像任何小说一样。
So, first advice is to begin with a book on Siddhanta. The mathematical aspects of astrology. There are two which I absolutely love. First is B V Raman’s A Manual of Hindu Astrology (1935), and the second is B. Suryanarain Rao’s The Astrological Self Instructor (1893).
所以,第一个建议是从一本关于Siddhanta的书开始。占星术的数学方面。其中有两个我非常喜欢。第一本是B V Raman的《A Manual of Hindu Astrology》(1935),第二本是B. Suryanarain Rao的《The Astrological Self Instructor》(1893)。
Thereafter, move on to Sripati Paddhati to understand houses, calculation of houses, and all the mathematical aspects of a horoscope. The first two books I mentioned talk about the planets, their speed, ayanamsha, division of time in astrology etc. This book describes how houses are different from signs and how we can caculate them. What is a cusp and other technical points used in the actual analysis of the horoscope.
之后,继续学习Sripati Paddhati,了解宫位、宫位的计算和星座的所有数学方面。我提到的前两本书是关于行星,它们的速度,ayanamsha,占星术中的时间划分等。这本书描述了宫位与星座的区别以及我们如何计算它们。什么是占星术实际分析中用到的宫头和其他技术点。
Next, there are seven great books to begin astrology with. The actual predictive one. These have been translated numerous times and are commonly available. These are:
Brihat Jataka of VarahmihiraBrihat Parashara Hora Shastra of ParasharaHora Sara of PrithyuyasasJataka Parijata of VaidyanathPhaladeepika of MantreswaraUttara Kalamrita of KalidasaSaravali of Kalyana Varma
These are basically the same things written by different authors. Much like reference books for the same subject. If you read one in depth, you’ll be able to skim through the others in hours. Just focus on the differences and additional details given in them.
Once you have done this, you should move on to the broader horizon of astrology. About the mundane aspects and overall analysis of years, days, events, muhurat etc. The books are:
Muhurat by B V Raman (for starter)Narada Samhita of Mahamuni NaradaBrihat Samhita of VarahmihirPurva Kalamrita of Kalidasa
These again are mostly same but skimming through all makes it easy to learn and memorize. Brihat Samhita is the primary text book for in-depth understanding. Muhurat by B V Raman is your go to book for all clarifications and for basic understanding.
这些基本都是一样的,但是浏览它们会让你更容易学习和记忆。Brihat Samhita是深入理解的主要教科书。B V Raman的Muhurat是你的书的所有澄清和基本理解。
Now, for the practical aspect of predictions and to understand how exactly to give out predictions, use B V Raman’s books. He has beautifully shown how things work in reality. If you do not have a guru or a teacher, consider him to be your teacher and follow everything he has written. There is no other author you can blindly trust but B V Raman. The books that help in the practical aspects are:
现在,关于预测的实际方面以及如何准确地给出预测,请参考B V Raman的书。他完美地展示了事物在现实中的运作方式。如果你没有导师或老师,就把他当作你的老师,遵循他所写的一切。除了B V Raman,没有其他作家可以盲目信任。在实践方面有帮助的书有:
How to Judge a horoscope (Vol 1 & 2)Notable Horoscopes300 Important CombinationsThe Art of Prediction (This one is by J N Bhasin not Raman)There is also a book by R Santhanam on how to judge horoscopes, but I cant remember the name.
If you complete these honestly, take my word you’ll be better than 70% of Indian astrologers even on your worst day.
Now, as for the advanced astrology, the following books are recommended. But fair warning, these will be pointless and senseless if you haven’t covered the above ones. Even if you read and remember the below books, they won’t give results. The books are written as sutras or codes. What exactly do they say can only be deciphered after perfecting the above books. Only Prashna Shastra is something that will make sense even if you haven’t honestly covered all aspects of astrology above.
现在,关于高级占星术,推荐以下书籍。但我要警告你的是,如果你没有学习以上的知识,这些都是毫无意义的。即使你阅读并记住了下面的书,它们也不会给你结果。这些书被写成佛经或法典。他们到底说了什么,只有在完善了上述书籍之后才能破译。只有Prashna Shastra是有意义的,即使你没有诚实地涵盖占星术的所有方面。
Prashna Shastra (Art of Predictions by making any random horoscope):
Prashna Shastra(随机占卜的艺术):
Prashna TantraPrashna MargaBhuvan Deepika
Advanced astrology:
Jaimini SutramTajik NeelkanthiLal Kitab (original in 3 volumes)
Swara Shastra (Predictions through analysis of Breath and sound):
Swara Shastra(通过分析呼吸和声音进行预测):
Swara ChintamaniNarpati Jaicharyaswarodaya
It is said that an astrologer learned in Swara Shastra is the most valuable gem in any king’s court. That a king cannot win a critical war despite advantage in strategy, numbers, technology or anything if an astrologer learned in Swara Shastra is with the opponent’s side. It is one of the highest forms of divination and extremely difficult to get the hang of. Which is why you may not even find authentic translations or any commentaries as well.
据说占星家在Swara Shastra学到的是任何国王宫廷中最珍贵的宝石。如果占星家在Swara Shastra学会了站在对手一边,国王即使在战略、人数、技术等方面拥有优势,也无法赢得关键的战争。它是占卜的最高形式之一,很难掌握窍门。这就是为什么你甚至可能找不到真实的翻译或任何评论。
Nadi Astrology:
Texts of Nadi astrology are far too many to enumerate. But all of them end with the word Nadi. No matter which Nadi book you pick up, if you can understand it and practice it, you will become ten times as better as you were before starting.
This is the absolute perfection of astrology but just as difficult to understand. Word by word, the entire book needs to be broken down and understood through experience. But these are the only texts in which each and every word will make sense and come true every time it is tested.
Other than these, there are thousands and thousands of texts, rare and valuable ones that cannot be described in one answer. However, I’ll give a few honorable mentioned in the end. Ideally, an astrologer should go through all or most of them. But it is difficult to even get your hands on them. It may take a man’s entire life to just get hold of one of these in its unadulterated, and original form.
Ravan Samhita:
Almost impossible to get, this is one of the greatest works ever written on astrology. A few of the concepts that I know from Ravan Samhita are such magnificent tools that it will almost be a heart attack if I get a chance to go through the actual book.
几乎不可能得到,这是有史以来最伟大的占星术著作之一。我从Ravan Samhita中学到的一些概念是如此伟大的工具,如果我有机会通读这本书,我几乎会犯心脏病。
Dhundiraj’s work on astrology:
Maharaja Dhundiraj is said to be an avatar of Lord Ganesh who visited Kashi as an astrology to teach King Ripunjaya the value of devotion. The work of Dhundiraj on astrology is such an amazing one that I cannot begin to describe it. It gives about great insights in astrology and gives such a process that can open doors to numerous possibilities. But again, the work is not conceptual. It would need a lot of knowledge to decipher the theory behind what the book says.
Maharaja Dhundiraj据说是Ganesh神的化身,他作为占星师来到喀什教Ripunjaya国王奉献的价值。Dhundiraj在占星术方面的工作是如此惊人,我无法开始描述它。它提供了占星术的伟大见解,并提供了一个可以打开无数可能性之门的过程。但是,这个作品不是概念性的。要破译这本书背后的理论需要大量的知识。
Abdul Rahim Khan-I-khana’s Masterpiece:
The maestro poet Rahim was also an astrologer! He has a book on astrology with just a hundred verses or so. I would describe it with just one doha of the book, I am not sure if I remember it word for word, but this is what is says.
Kya jyotish dekhega kya jyotish kahega;
paida hua balak baadshashi karega!
(No matter what on earth the astrologer has to say, the child born with such a combination will be a King throughout his life)
Rahu Centric Theory by Sri Tatvam Asi:
This may be read earlier or later, you will be able to appreciate it earlier while learning astrology too. But if you go through it towards the end of your journey in learning astrology, a major secret would be revealed. A huge mystery would be resolved.
There is no end to learning, and we should keep reading no matter how much we know. But still, a structure always helps a learner.
Hope it helps
#北交点狮子7宫#会不会? 北交不是幸运么?狮子七宫不是很耀眼么?为什么为什么不会出现 等结果! 他觉得我长的怎么样占星骰子,北交点狮子8宫 哈哈哈 北交点代表好 狮子代表喜欢迷恋专注 8宫代表魅力 觉得你很漂亮很有魅力他喜欢你哦 占星股子北交狮子10宫什么意思 北交:新生的,成长方向,你的目标。 狮子:英雄活力魅力领袖。开拓进取风度。 10宫:事业地位。在社会上人心目中的形象。 所以这个占星骰子的意思是:你事业上的成功和勇气就是你今生的人生目标。 占星骰子北交点狮子座9宫,我跟他未来的发展 这是一份热烈且全新的感情,有些难以确定,却充满诱惑力,和吸引力,你也许会面临是否为他而远行,出游,改变的选择,这看起来更像一份赌注,因为这份爱尽管能量极强,闪闪发光,却需要同样的爱来滋养,否则后果将让人心痛,这是一份命定的考验,无论结果如何,希望你能给自己一份满意的的答卷。 只有提升我们自己,所有的困惑才不是困惑。 #北交点狮子1宫#我们会如何发展 北交点本来就有宿命的意思,狮子又是恋爱宫,应该发展不错的。可以安心啦,希望收到你的反馈 什么是北交点。怎么看? 北交点北交点又称罗喉果老星宗上是属火之馀。轮回占星学上南北交点是占有重要的地位,星座学家一般都会鼓励人往北交点的位置走,因为南交点是属於一个前世业力的呈现,它往往代表了一个累世的习性,过度发展的地方。基於均衡的人格特质,我们必须改善这过度展现的一面。我个人深深体验,自己已经慢慢走向北交点的这条路。每当自己往北交的路走时,就会有一种充实满足的感受,而放眼看过去,南交反而会让自己有种不想去重覆这种习性的感觉。但是麻烦的是我的南交还和月亮在同一个星座,所以这可能真的是我的业力所在。月亮是我的习惯反应,而南交是我的前世状况,难怪我真的有月亮、南交、水星都在巨蟹的天赋才能(直觉力强记忆力很好),但是相反的巨蟹的情绪化、不安全感也都呈现得很明显。仅管我不喜欢这些负面的特质但是它还是会不自觉的表现出来。不过说来也很有趣,只要我巨蟹座一明显,太阳的狮子就会更强。太阳都会在最重要的关头改变我的想法,强化我的意志力。然後呢,北交的想法就出现啦..开始我又快乐了:)可以说巨蟹星座是我水向的主力但是我自己去不是很认同这种性格,因为它跟我的自我期许差太多了,而且这也只是我性格中的一部份,但是这部份却是满内心的一部份!!占星上还有一种说法认为:北交点是虚星,它能起到强化实星的作用。它和哪个行星相合,就强化哪个行星的影响。一般来说,北交点被认作有木星的意义,对人是有益的,南交点被认作有土星的意义,是不利的。不过,印度占星学里认为北交点类似火星,南交点类似土星,都是不利的,所以我们也不能一味认定北交点就代表吉祥顺利 占星骰子卜卦看对方为什么一直不理我?北交、狮子、7宫 对方为什么一直接受我的信息却不发表观点?北交,这件事,可能对你们是有好处的 。 什么是北交点? 北交点 北交点又称罗喉果老星宗上是属火之馀。轮回占星学上南北交点是占有重要的地位,星 座学家一般都会鼓励人往北交点的位置走,因为南交点是属於一个前世业力的呈现,它 往往代表了一个累世的习性,过度发展的地方。基於均衡的人格特质,我们必须改善这 过度展现的一面。 我个人深深体验,自己已经慢慢走向北交点的这条路。每当自己往北交的路走时, 就会有一种充实满足的感受,而放眼看过去,南交反而会让自己有种不想去重覆这种习 性的感觉。但是麻烦的是我的南交还和月亮在同一个星座,所以这可能真的是我的业力 所在。 月亮是我的习惯反应,而南交是我的前世状况,难怪我真的有月亮、南交、水星都 在巨蟹的天赋才能(直觉力强记忆力很好),但是相反的巨蟹的情绪化、不安全感也都呈 现得很明显。仅管我不喜欢这些负面的特质但是它还是会不自觉的表现出来。 不过说来也很有趣,只要我巨蟹座一明显,太阳的狮子就会更强。太阳都会在最重 要的关头改变我的想法,强化我的意志力。然後呢,北交的想法就出现啦..开始我又快 乐了:) 可以说巨蟹星座是我水向的主力但是我自己去不是很认同这种性格,因为它跟我的 自我期许差太多了,而且这也只是我性格中的一部份,但是这部份却是满内心的一部份 !! 占星上还有一种说法认为:北交点是虚星,它能起到强化实星的作用。它和哪个行星相 合,就强化哪个行星的影响。 一般来说,北交点被认作有木星的意义,对人是有益的,南交点被认作有土星的意 义,是不利的。不过,印度占星学里认为北交点类似火星,南交点类似土星,都是不利 的,所以我们也不能一味认定北交点就代表吉祥顺利 北交点的月球交点 月亮的运行轨道同地球的运行轨道有两个交点:北交点和南交点,这两点呈180度交角,它们的移动时刻影响着我们的行为,因此,在吠陀占星术中这两点占有很重要的地位。月球交点并不是星体,只是天体经纬度中的感应点,月球在这里越过黄道面。北交点和南交点的宫度相对,而度数相反,例如北交点和南交点的宫位相对,而度数相反,例如北交点在白羊座10 度 50 分,则南交点就在天秤座10 度 50 分。“北交点”也称为“龙头”,印度称为Rahu,中国称之为“计都”,代表获得、增加扩展信心的点,这是你必须争取或竞争的领域。“北交点”出现于星盘中的宫位,是你应该奋力实现的领域。“南交点”也称为“龙尾”,印度称为Ketu,中国人称为“罗T”,代表放松、解放的点,这是你必须给予或舍弃的领域。“南交点”出现于星盘中的宫位,表示你可能放松渡过的领域。实际上,Rahu的音译应为罗T,而Ketu为计都,也就是说在印度,罗T是指北交点,而计都是指南交点。但是由于历史原因,中国人流传的月亮交点的名词一直是相反的,所以,为了和古书上的用语一致,我们还是称罗T为南交点,计都为北交点,这一点要特别注意。
以上就是关于印度占星第9宫, 如何开始学习印度占星的知识,后面我们会继续为大家整理关于印度占星第9宫的知识,希望能够帮助到大家!

