印度占星大师, 水星基础Mercury

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网上有很多关于印度占星大师, 水星基础Mercury的知识,也有很多人为大家解答关于印度占星大师的问题,今天刺梨占星网(nayona.cn)为大家整理了关于这方面的知识,让我们一起来看下吧!





选自Essentials of Vedic Astrology


啃BPHS之余,一起夯实占星基础啊~希望能遇到也在学习研究的你,分享你们的感悟和案例给我哈,那将是无上的荣耀o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ有什么想看的主题也可以私信我,感谢求知若渴的泥萌~

为什么我至今没有更新星体,太阳、月亮、火星、水星、木星、金星、土星、北交点、南交点,7大星体2个虚点,难道不重要吗??!!NoNoNo,很重要!!!因为我默认来看我公众号的小哥哥和小姐姐都是有一定的占星基础,所以就优先级没那么高~但是,现在看来是我too young,too simple~


给大家推荐几本入门书,感兴趣可以去瞅瞅,目前这里的资料大都出自这三本书~也可参考印占学习分享 – 如何开始学习印度占星?里面推荐的书籍,欢迎同好阅读交流啊~

Essentials of Vedic astrology – Komilla Sutton

Light on Life: An Introduction to the Astrology of India – Robert Svoboda

Astrology of the Seers: A Guide to Vedic/Hindu Astrology – David Frawley


The Nakshatras: The Stars Beyond the Zodiac – Komilla Sutton

27 Stars, 27 Gods: The Astrological Mythology of Ancient India – Vic DiCara (Vraja Kishor)

印度占星大师, 水星基础Mercury


Mercury: Buddha


Mercury represents pure intellect. With the Sun and Moon it forms the basis of life, the essential requisites of consciousness:


atma – Sun – soul

manas – Moon – mind

buddhi – Mercury – intellect



buddhi -水星-智慧

Their combination makes Ahankar, the individual ego.


The Facts

Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo


It rules nakshatras : Ashlesha Jyeshtha Revati

水星掌管星宿:柳宿 心宿 奎宿

It can be a benefic or malefic depending on its position in the chart and is androgynous


Guna: rajasic

Karakas: intellect, childhood, speech

Karakas: 智力,童年,语言

补充一下Guna,分为三种品质,sattvic, rajasic and tamasic,简单理解就是神性,魔性,兽性,翻译无能,以后有机会再详更~

Mercury is the child of the Moon and Jupiter’s wife Tara(star). The Moon, as the god Soma, seduced Tara away from Jupiter. She was no longer interested in Jupiter’s rituals and purity and became attracted to Soma’s worldliness. When Jupiter heard about his wife’s elopement he wanted her back, but Tara refused to return so he threatened war. The war that ensued had the gods siding with Jupiter and the demons siding with Soma. Immense destruction resulted and Brahma, the creator, realising that the end of the world was near, forced Tara to go back to her husband; not before the damage was done however, as Tara had already conceived Mercury during her relationship with the Moon. Jupiter rejected the child at the beginning, but Mercury’s charm soon won him over!


The story of Mercury’s birth reflects the need for purity and godliness (the wife is considered the greatest symbol of purity in India) to experience both sides of human nature. However spiritual you are, you still need to experience different aspects of life; in the story Tara’s purity is defiled by her contact with the Moon, comparable to the soul’s entanglement in the web of material desires and illusion. However, from the contact of the pure soul with the world of matter and the emotional mind, intellect is born.


Mercury is the son of the Moon, the rational and intellectual part of consciousness.The Moon is the sub-conscious mind. Mercury is the rational, practical, conscious mind but it is still only a fragment of total consciousness. What Mercury perceives as reality is only a small part of outer manifestation.



Strong in Gemini and Virgo

Exaltation 15º Virgo

Mooltrikona 16 – 20º Virgo

Friends’ Houses: Taurus Leo Libra

Strong in 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses but strongest in the 1st


In: Aries Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius

It is neutral in the 3rd house


Debilitation 15º Pisces

Enemy is Cancer

It is weak in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses but is weakest in the 7th


Mercury orbits close to the Sun. Whenever it moves away, the Sun’s gravity pulls it back, therefore Mercury goes retrograde periodically, usually three times in a year. It is regarded as the Messenger of the Gods because it conjoins with the Sun three times a year to receive and pass on the celestial messages. It has a powerful connection with the all-pervading entity of the Sun.


Mercury is charming and adaptable and moves fast – not surprisingly it represents childhood, youth, and the need to learn what and why.


People with Mercury strong in their horoscope are constantly striving to attain knowledge. They can also be dualistic in character and changeable in nature – they are easily bored.


Mercury is androgynous and asexual. Vedic literature calls it a eunuch! It is also impotent. It has connections with homosexuality. In medical astrology, Mercury represents the skin. It can indicate skin allergies and diseases and respiratory problems. It is benefic on its own, but changes its personality if placed with other planets, for example with a malefic like Mars it could demonstrate anger or become involved in powerplay.


A strong Mercury usually indicates sharp intelligence, piercing insight and the ability to understand life and its complexities. It can be overly dispassionate, only understanding what can be explained intellectually. A person with a strong Mercury can be insensitive and may be accused of being unable to feel emotion. It also shows critical facilities. In this case Mercury as the karaka of speech would indicate the ability to express oneself very well and impress others with superb communication skills.


A weak Mercury is changeable. It shows someone who relies on emotion rather than intellect as a rule, which can be wonderful if you can learn to trust your intuition. The combination of a weak Moon with a weak Mercury can lead to mental problems, as both are significators of the mind and intellect; they would also indicate someone who finds it hard to deal with their mind and emotions, and has a struggle to retain knowledge.


The best way to deal with a weak Mercury is to try to balance the mind; yoga or meditation helps to bring inner peace. Perseverance will be needed here as the Mercurial energy will not make it easy! It is better to avoid instant decisions as you will most certainly be reacting at an emotional level rather than thinking logically through the situation. Major issues require detachment as a weak Mercury can result in wrong choices.


Among other things Mercury represents speech, the pursuit of knowledge, astrology, transport, diplomacy, proficiency in languages, writers, entertainers, multiple careers, trading, accountancy and teaching.





历史上国内外占星名家在古代,天文学和占星学密不可分,当时大多数科学家,特别是天文学家都对占星有研究,甚至为占星学著书立说,并从事占星预测活动。比如伽利略、开普勒、牛顿、哥白尼等等,不过这些科学家的占星预测大多是“副业”,远远比不上他们在科学界所产生的影响。要说真正的职业占星家就不能不提下诺查丹马斯这个人,他的1999年“恐怖大预言”曾经令无数人迷惑。其实诺查丹马斯不但是个占星学家,更是个预言家,如果严格的讲,他更倾向于后者。一般来说,那个时候得占星家需要的是天文历,而预言家是看水晶球。据说诺查丹马斯的“功力”已经达到不用看水晶球,只要看着平静的水面就能够预测到未来发生的事情。关于他的传说大多难以考证,不过从占星学的角度来看,1999年日蚀所形成的“大十字”天象的确是非常凶险,而那年世界确实也很不平静。应该说,诺查丹马斯在500多年前就预测到现在的行星分布的特殊天象,确实很值得人敬佩,毕竟那个时候没有电脑,不像现在我们敲几下键盘就能得到所有的情况。如果说古代的占星学家跟天文学家密不可分的话,现代的占星学家则跟心理学家、统计学家大有关联。荣格:瑞典心理学家、精神病学家,他创造的“荣格占星学”派别,成为现代占星学分析个性的重要依据,也是西方占星家必备的知识。高格林:法国统计学家,他分析了成千上万个出生命盘,并总结出行星与人的职业关系。他总结的这些数据,为现代占星学提供了坚实的科学依据。伊丽莎白・泰西埃:法国女占星学家,她的《大预测》一书是最早一本国内发行的西方占星书籍。该书系统的阐述了占星学的起源、发展和现况,是占星爱好者的入门必选之书。这里,有必要提一下曾经是希特勒的御用占星家、瑞士人克拉夫特。他因卓越的占星能力得到希特勒的赏识。来到柏林后,他曾直截了当的向希特勒说明诺查丹马斯对第三帝国的悲观预言,并指出战争如果不能在42年结束,到了45年,希特勒的下场将会很悲惨。同时,他也预测出自己的死期和地点。后来,希特勒把他关入了集中营,他死在了自 己生前预测的时间和地点。国外的占星家似乎给人一种遥远的感觉,其实,在我国台湾,就有不少优秀的占星家。何(鼓)、王(中和)、潘(文钦)、洪(能平)是台湾最著名的四位占星大家,他们都各自出版过关于占星的书籍,有的还开班讲座。如果以前经常收看台湾综艺节目“非常男女”的话,对王中和应该不会陌生,他经常为里面的速配男女进行星座分析,还经常为一些星座网站撰稿分析。潘文钦除了擅长占星分析外,还精通传统命理紫薇斗数,并在台湾一个知名命理论坛担任版主。洪能平对印度占星术了解颇多,在这方面撰写了不少书籍,为大家打开了一个占星新窗口。何鼓是在这里面要重点介绍下的占星家。他出生于台湾,后移居美国,师从一位美国占星家。他的占星理论多来自西方,翻译了不少西方占星学的精髓,并独创了几项占星方法。他在自己的网站上,提前预测出了台湾、美国总统大选的正确结果,并在2001年初就指出全球经济将步入衰退期。他同时还预测明年(2003)下半年,全球经济将复苏,特别是股市将会大涨,有兴趣的朋友不妨留意一下。

以上就是关于印度占星大师, 水星基础Mercury的知识,后面我们会继续为大家整理关于印度占星大师的知识,希望能够帮助到大家!


有需要联系v;hx-hx3 有需要联系v;hx-hx3 有需要联系v;hx-hx3如果对你有一点点帮助,欢迎打赏~~~  




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