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选自Essentials of Vedic Astrology


啃BPHS之余,一起夯实占星基础啊~希望能遇到也在学习研究的你,分享你们的案例给我哈,那将是无上的荣耀o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ有什么想看的主题也可以私信我,感谢求知若渴的泥萌~



Libra – ruled by Venus天秤座——由金星控制

People with lagna in Libra are of average height slim and attractive with long faces and soft eyes.As Libra is an air sign, communication is important. They are sociable and need to be appreciated.Libra's symbolis the scales and lagnas in Libra need to balance their life on all levels – trying to achieve this can result in overdoing things. There is a tendency to be judgmental; as the scales are the only non-human symbol of the zodiac somebody with Libra rising can detached and impersonal.


With Venus as the ruling planet they will havea great liking for the fine things in life. However, Venus also rules the secretive eighth house and lagnas in Libra are often responsible for causing their own problems here. Jupiter, Mars and the Sun are negative influences: Mars rules the second and seventh houses and is the maraka planet, Jupiter rules the diffcult third and sixth houses, creating obstacles and sudden transformations, and the Sun rules the eleventh house. Saturn is good for lagnas in Libra as it rules the cardinal fourth and auspicious fifth houses. For them it is a raja yogakaraka planet.It ensures success.A conjunctionof the Moon and Mercury is good for Libra rising.

金星是他们的守护星,他们会对生活中的美好事物有极大的喜爱。然而,金星也统治着神秘的第八宫,天秤座的仙女经常会在这里造成自己的问题。木星、火星和太阳都是负面影响:火星掌管第二宫和第七宫,是马拉卡星,木星掌管困难的第三宫和第六宫,制造障碍和突然转变,太阳掌管第十一宫。土星对天秤座的lagas很好,因为它掌管着dì四宫和吉祥的第五宫。对他们来说,这是一个raja yogakaraka星球。它保证了成功。月亮和水星的合相有利于天秤座的上升。

Scorpio – ruled by Mars天蝎座-受火星控制

People with Scorpio rising are beautiful with a well-shaped body, which can very sexy too. There is great emotional sensitivity, but there is always shave a sting in the tail so you will be capable of great vindictiveness and nurture a tendency to be secretive too.The conflict between this base self and a strong spiritual side will dominate in life.Mars rules the sixth house as well as the first, so there will be times when you are your own worst enemy. You won't need other people to cause you harm; you'll do that very well for yourself! With Scorpio rising, Saturn, Mercury and Venus will be negative influences. Mercury rules the eighth and eleventh houses and Venus the seventh and twelfth. Saturn is your ruling planet's greatest enemy. Ruling the third and fourth houses it will put obstructions in your path which the Martian energy will find diffcult to accept.


The Moon (ruling the ninth house) and jupiter(ruling the fifth)are very positive influences and you will also have the Sun ruling the powerful and karmic tenth house. Jupiter rules the second houseif you have Scorpio rising, but it also rules the fifth, so its maraka qualities are lessened. Venus is your maraka planet, through its rulership of your seventh house.


Sagittarius – ruled by Jupiter射手座——由木星统治

People with lagnas in Sagittarius are tall with abroad face,long neck, sharp nose and large ears.If you have lagna in Sagittarius, Jupiter's influence will make you philanthropic, religious and wisewith a great need for freedom. It also gives you atendency to give others advice which may be unwanted! You will make a good teacher. You like the outdoor life and may be good at sport.


Jupiter also rules your fourth house; unfortunately, when a benefic planet rules a cardinal house it becomes malefic, so in this case you can have problems dealing with its expansive energy.Unless it is strongly placed, Mercury will also turn from benefic to malefic, ruling the seventh and tenth houses. For Sagittarius rising, Venus is the most negative planet as it rules both the sixth house and the eleventh, both of which can signify injury and disease in your life.


For lagnas in Sagittarius, Mars and the Sun are positive planets – the Sun particularly so, as it rules the very auspicious ninth house. Any conjunction of the Sun and Mars is very good for Sagittarius rising. The Moon can give you problems, ruling the dark eighth house. Saturn, ruler of the second and third houses, is a maraka planet for lagnas in Sagittarius, and so also Mercury, as ruler of the seventh.


Capricorn – ruled by Saturn摩羯座-受土星控制

Lagnas in Capricorn are usually tall with a well-built upper body. They usually live a long time, especially if Saturn is strong in the chart. If you have lagna in Capricorn you will have an essentially pragmatic approach to life and be patient, hardworking and persevering but perhaps rather distant on a personal level. With Saturn as your ruler you will have a tendency towards depression and negativity, but Saturn will also give you the ability to face trials in the process of achieving your goals.Beneath the materialism you will have a strong spiritual side and the ability to endure a great deal of hardship if you choose to follow a spiritual path.


Jupiter, Mars and the Moon will be negative influences for you: Jupiter rules the third and twelfth houses and Mars the fourth and eleventh. Relationships will be challenging as Saturn's enemy the Moon rules the seventh house. Eighth house issues will also be diffcult, as that house is ruled by the Sun, enemy to Saturn. However, Venus and Mercury are more positive influences.Venus rules the fifth and the tenth house and so becomes a raja yogakaraka planet, powerfully enhancingthe chart. Mercury rules the sixth and the ninth houses and is generally a good planet for you although it can create some problems – you will be tempted to flit from one subject to another, rather than settle down to study something in depth.Saturn itself rules the second house, and the Moon the seventh, so they are the maraka planets for Capricorns.


Aquarius – ruled by Saturn水瓶座-被土星控制

In Vedic astrology, Aquarius is considered the most diffcult rising sign as Saturn rules the first house as well as the twelfth house of loss.We consider that lagnas in Aquarius indicatevery evolved souls who will have to bear a great deal of suffering, karmic in nature; working for something more than just the obvious rewards will give you more fulfilment. Aquarians are not necessarily physically beautiful but they do have strong personalities. Jupiter rules the second and eleventh houses and, like Mercury in Leo, can help financially but may bring problems in other areas.Venus is a yogakaraka planet, giving success, andit works well with Saturn. Mercury is usually neutral with this lagna as it rules the fifth and eighth houses.


Mars, the Moon and the Sun will act negatively – Mars rules your third and tenth houses and the Moon rules your sixth. The Sun is always the enemy of Saturn and ruling your seventh houseit indicates that there will be testing times with marriage and other partnerships. Jupiter and the Sun are your maraka planets.


Pisces – ruled by Jupiter双鱼座-由木星控制

Pisces lagnas are usually large people with deep mysterious eyes.As Pisces is a water sign, it is likely that you will be intuitive and very emotional,possibly psychic and clairvoyant. Working for the good of all will bring you greater happiness and more success than a career based on personal fulfilment. You will probably have a great interesting astrology and other esoteric areas that encourage your awareness to expand. Life will improve as you grow older and you will gain great success in the form of respect for your empathy and good advice.


With Pisces rising Jupiter becomes malefic because it rules a cardinal house, your tenth house.This change from benefic to malefic applies also to Mercury, which rules your fourth and seventh houses. Saturn, the Sun and Venus are negative planets for you – Saturn rules the eleventh and twelfth houses, the Sun the sixth and Venus the third and eighth.


For Pisces rising Mars is a yogakaraka and thus a positive influence. The Moon's influence is also good (it rules the fifth house). Mars rules the death-giving second house for those with lagnas in Pisces; however it is not the maraka planet because it rules the auspicious ninth house and is very friendly to the lagna ruler, Jupiter. Saturn and Mercury are the maraka planets.





"太阳星座:水瓶座太阳位于水瓶座:创新、时尚优点:求新求变,好奇心强,博爱,有远见。缺点:多变,叛逆,倔强,自我zhōng心。太阳代表:自我、外在形象、外显的和shēng命能量。 基本特质:太阳位于水瓶座的人,极富革新精神,具有独特的个性,有着超前的思想,是新思想的开拓者。聪颖脱俗,常有奇异的想法,不按牌理出牌。具体特质:水瓶座是黄道宫上的第十一个星座,主宰星为天王星,思想前卫,有开拓精神。太阳落在水瓶座的你,是一个反习俗、不愿随声附和的人,说话和做事全凭自己的兴趣,很有自己的主张,追求dú一无二的生活方式,物质享受与精神充实一样重要。个性友善博爱、有创意hé远见,善于观察分析。好奇心强,但会用理智分析,常常把强烈的愿望和独立精神融合在一起。喜欢自由自在的生活,随心所欲地思考并做出决定。行事风格:你很有cái华,喜欢创意,不喜欢一成不变的工作,重视逻辑思考的过程,在工作上常常有许多点子,也很喜欢做规划,但对结果却不太在意;在工作上也喜欢与大家分工合作,nǐ动脑策划他人出力。个性盲点:你需要注意的是,有时太过于执着,因而显得有点固执,容易以自我为中心;喜欢创新、体现与众不同,也容易夸大问题;太讲求客观,易给人冷漠无情的印象。""月亮星座:摩羯座月亮代表:女性、母亲、内在的潜意识及情感。落在摩羯座:朴实、严肃、稳健踏实优点:认真,简朴,责任心强,重视价值。缺点:保守,冷漠,孤傲,显得迟钝、呆板。基本特质:月亮位于摩羯座的人个性沉稳内敛,朴实无华,非常实在,生活态度认真;很节俭,重视物质生活,具有高dù的责任感,是实干家。具体特质:月亮位于摩羯座代表本性羞怯、好奇心重,极为冷酷,节俭朴素。月亮落在摩羯座的人非常保守、俭朴,追求物质财富,有了生活保障才有安全感。你是非常传统的人,很努力上进,表面平静,但内心却极有自信和想法,不愿屈居人后,有长远的目标,为了这个目标会一生付出,努力不懈。很有责任感,是值得依赖、托付的人。不会感情用事,凡事小心翼翼且极具魄力,属于大器晚成型。行事风格:凡事秉承严谨踏实的态dù,工作认真负责,喜欢按计划进行,不急不躁,wěn重踏实地做好每一件事;外表平静冷淡,实则欲望强烈,有抱负和野心,能运筹帷幄,一旦机会成熟会不顾一切地把握。个性盲点:显得严肃,让人gǎn觉不易亲近;做事较为古板,不够圆融;凡shì亲力亲为,难得清闲;不善表达情感,有孤独、压抑自我的倾向。别给自己太大的压力,注意休息,休息好了效率会更高。""上升星座:射手座上升代表:灵魂,外在行为,生活态度。落在射手座:开放、自由、快活优点:乐观,诚实,精力充沛。缺点:缺乏责任感,自大,莽撞。基本特质:上升星落在射手座的人很开放外向,讨厌矫情做作的行为姿态。旺盛的行动力和好奇心,让你一刻也停不下来。你热爱自由,难免会放纵自我,很容易变得没有责任感,而且心智也显得不够成熟。具体特质:上升星位于射手座说明你是一个热爱自由的人。你喜欢随意过自己的生活,不想让自己的行为方式受到别人的强制规定,或是受到环境的层层限制。你能用乐观和自信的态度来面对人生挑战,并且想要确定自己的人生目标来全力以赴。在与人相处时,常常表现出开朗与天真,特别是犯下错误时,总能用羞赧加无知的微笑化解别人对你的责难,待人很真诚,也很热心,因此也很受到周围人的欢迎。行事风格:行事太guò随意,说话也shí分坦白,有时会毫不婉转地说出一些轻率的评论,而伤到别人的心。有了目标就不畏艰险,敢做敢当,就算失败也能乐观的面对。个性盲点:个性太过随意,要适度培养自己的责任感,才不会一直逃避情感的承诺。说话做事都应多思考一下,以免给自己或他人造成不必要的伤害。"









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