选zìSutton, Komilla.Essentials of Vedic Astrology
啃BPHS之余,一起夯实占星基础啊~希望能遇到也在学习研jiū的你,fēn享你们的案例给我哈,那将是无上的荣耀o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ有什么想看的主题也可以私信我,感谢求知若渴的泥萌~
I find that you can discover a lot about somebody's motivation and focus just by looking at the lagna ruler and its relationship with the planets in the chart. For example, if the Lord of the ascendant is above the horizon, active and laying down karma for future lives,it can cause conflict in a chart dominated by planets below the horizon and vice versa. The lagna ruler is always considered auspicious and it enhances the house where it is placed.
▶First house 1飞1
This placement produces good health, long lifeself-belief,ambition and the ability to lead.However, exactly where the lagna ruler is relative to the horizon will make a difference to the purpose of what you do – if the lagna ruler is below the horizon, you will react strongly to the karma of previous lives, whereas if it is above the horizon the need to create new karma will be the focus of your life this time.
补充- 地平线的概念:
The line from the degree of the lagna to the point 180º opposite joins the east and west horizons and divides the houses into two groups: 2 – 6 are below and 8 – 12 are above the horizon, with the first and seventh houses actually being cut in two by the line. Planets below the line and therefore below the horizon indicate past karma you will face in this life over which you have no control – but it is neither good nor bad: your ability in this life to play music or learn foreign languages easily comes from your past karma. Planets above the horizon are more active. They offer opportunities to create fresh karma during this lifetime. Only if there is an even balance of planetary influences above and below the horizon will the energies be balanced. Looking at the grouping of the planets relative to the line of the horizon is a good way to begin to interpret an individual chart. You will be able to make a quick assessment of the person’s overall personality and how, in general, the planetary energies are likely to work in them.
从上升度数到180度对面的线连接东西地平线,并将宫位分成两组:2 – 6位于地平线以下,8 – 12位于地平线以上,第一和第七宫实际上被这条线一分为二。这条线以下的行星和地平线以下的行星表明你将在今生面对你无法控zhì的过去的业力——但它既不是好也不是坏:你今生弹奏音乐或学习外语的能力很容易来自于你过去的业力。地平线上的行星更加活跃。它们提供了在此生创造新的业力的机会。只有zài地平线之上和之下的行星影响达到平衡,能量才会得到平衡。观察行星相对于地平线的分组是开始解释单个图表的好方法。你将能够对这个人的整体性格做出快速的评估,以及总的来说,行星能量是如何在他们身上工作的。
▶Second house 1飞2
This placement will show itself as an interest in music,education and family wealth.The accentwill be on youthfulness. Past karma will have an important effect on you, perhaps as attachment to your place of birth or your ethnic roots. If the influences on the lagna ruler are mostly negative this placement of it can indicate a possible separation from your family, unhappiness during childhood or that issues first apparent in childhood will dominate the rest of your life.
▶Third house 1飞3
The lagna ruler's placement here indicates a need for self-expression, probably through writingjournalism or other forms of communication)and a life continually on the move (the third house rules short journeys), perhaps in a job thatrequires frequent travel. It shows a person who is self-motivated and ambitious.Changes in your life may take place at regular intervals. If the Moon is your lagna ruler these intervals may be monthly;yearly if the ruler is the Sun, Venus or Mercury;every two years if Mars is the ruler; twelve years for Jupiter; twenty nine and a half years for Saturn.
▶Fourth house 1飞4
If your lagna ruler is here, it indicates a great attachment to your mother, home and inner emotions. It will link you with wealth and property in some way. Ifthe ruler is conjunct Rahu or has another aspect to it, this can create feelings of fear with no obvious outer cause. This placement will often bring an interest in politics.
▶Fifth house 1飞5
Your main focus will be on creativity whether itis by producing children or other means (writing painting or acting, for example). You will enjoy taking risks. The fifth house is considered to be auspicious: it is where new karma is created with the help of good karma from the past, and the lagna ruler's placement here can lead to the kind of success which gains you the respect and admiration of others.However, if malefic planets aspect the lagna ruler, your creative endeavours (childrenor otherwise) can bring you great unhappiness.
▶Sixth house 1飞6
Your lagna ruler being placed here will focus your attention on health and healing. You will need to be of service to others. This placement will put obstacles in your way but it also gives you the conditions and the ability to conquer those obstacles.Connections with people from other countries may be important in your life and at times you will feel more appreciated by them than by people from your own country. Your enemies or detractors will respect you.
▶Seventh house 1飞7
Your life will be focused on personal relationships.The link with your partner will be especially strong, perhaps emotionally or perhaps because you feel that they reflect your personality. The lagna ruler placed here may also make you restless, with a need to travel and change your environment constantly. If you do not achieve the balance between your outer physical need sand your inner spiritual self it can make you very dissatisfied with your life. Take careful note of the exact degree at which your ruling planet is located is it above or below the horizon line? If it is below the horizon, your past karma will control your current destiny; ifit is above the horizon, you will actively seek to move from satisfying only your physical needs towards greater emphasis on your spiritual ones.
▶Eighth house 1飞8
This is a difficult house, concerned with death transformation and secrets. You may be a very secretive person yourself. If your lagna ruler is here, you will have a great need to release the kundalini energy within you in order to strive towards higher consciousness.This process may involve powers which you will find difficult to control. You will seek out people who seem to have access to the knowledge you desire, which could lead to involvement with drugs. Less harmfully, your quest for hidden knowledge might involve work in hospitals or in the forensic sciences, or an interest in history archaeology, antiques or pathology.
▶Ninth house 1飞9
If your lagna ruler is here you are especially blessed.This is the strongest house of the zodiac where past karma works favourably for you, giving you luck and allowing you to develop your higher mind without much struggle. You will travel to foreign lands and be able to meet wise teachers.In time, you will become respected for your own wisdom.This position can also indicate a particularly beneficial relationship with your father.
▶Tenth house 1飞10
This is a cardinal house and any planet situated here will become highly charged with energy, so this is a very strong position for the lagna ruler.The tenth house indicates your karma in this life.Your career will be of great importance to you and you might pursue it in agriculture, government or public service or in the financial world.This placement gives strong leadership qualities. You will be ambitious, with a great need to express yourself on a wide canvas.You will strive for success and achieve it.
▶Eleventh house 1飞11
When the lagna ruler is placed in the eleventh house you will reap the reward of work done in the tenth.The eleventh house is concerned with material profit: more over on the spiritual level the eleventh house may activate the sahsara(crown) chakra, enabling you to understand the true meaning of life. This is a good position for the lagna ruler as it indicates achievement and rewards for ambition.
▶Twelfth house 1飞12
The lagna ruler is in its most difficult position here because the twelfth house is concerned with loss,both emotionally and financially. You may give yourself to others but your selflessness will not be appreciated. The twelfth house is also known as the house of imprisonment. You may well work in a prison or similar institution or in some way always be a loner, frequently retiring within yourself. You might make strong foreign connectionsand go to live abroad. It is also the house of efforts which are not rewarded, and of energy spent on wasteful pursuits. However, the twelfth house is also the house of moksha and you will have a very strong urge towards spiritual realisation.
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