时空中点盘火星8宫,时空中点盘 火星8宫

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1、时空中点盘 火星8宫


时空中点盘 火星8宫


In an attempt to find a model of the universe in which many different initial configurations could have evolved tosomething like the present universe, a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Alan Guth, suggestedthat the early universe might have gone through a period of very rapid expansion. This expansion is said to be“inflationary,” meaning that the universe at one time expanded at an increasing rate rather than the decreasing ratethat it does today. According to Guth, the radius of the universe increased by a million million million million million (1with thirty zeros after it) times in only a tiny fraction of a second.


Guth suggested that the universe started out from the big bang in a very hot, but rather chaotic, state. These hightemperatures would have meant that the particles in the universe would be moving very fast and would have highenergies. As we discussed earlier, one would expect that at such high temperatures the strong and weak nuclearforces and the electromagnetic force would all be unified into a single force. As the universe expanded, it would cool,and particle energies would go down. Eventually there would be what is called a phase transition and the symmetrybetween the forces would be broken: the strong force would become different from the weak and electromagneticforces. One common example of a phase transition is the freezing of water when you cool it down. Liquid water issymmetrical, the same at every point and in every direction. However, when ice crystals form, they will have definitepositions and will be lined up in some direction. This breaks water’s symmetry.


In the case of water, if one is careful, one can “supercool” it: that is, one can reduce the temperature below thefreezing point (OºC) without ice forming. Guth suggested that the universe might behave in a similar way: thetemperature might drop below the critical value without the symmetry between the forces being broken. If thishappened, the universe would be in an unstable state, with more energy than if the symmetry had been broken. Thisspecial extra energy can be shown to have an antigravitational effect: it would have acted just like the cosmologicalconstant that Einstein introduced into general relativity when he was trying to construct a static model of theuniverse. Since the universe would already be expanding just as in the hot big bang model, the repulsive effect ofthis cosmological constant would therefore have made the universe expand at an ever-increasing rate. Even inregions where there were more matter particles than average, the gravitational attraction of the matter would havebeen outweighed by the repulsion of the effective cosmological constant. Thus these regions would also expand inan accelerating inflationary manner. As they expanded and the matter particles got farther apart, one would be leftwith an expanding universe that contained hardly any particles and was still in the supercooled state. Anyirregularities in the universe would simply have been smoothed out by the expansion, as the wrinkles in a balloon aresmoothed away when you blow it up. Thus the present smooth and uniform state of the universe could have evolvedfrom many different non-uniform initial states.


In such a universe, in which the expansion was accelerated by a cosmological constant rather than slowed down bythe gravitational attraction of matter, there would be enough time for light to travel from one region to another in theearly universe. This could provide a solution to the problem, raised earlier, of why different regions in the earlyuniverse have the same properties. Moreover, the rate of expansion of the universe would automatically becomevery close to the critical rate determined by the energy density of the universe. This could then explain why the rateof expansion is still so close to the critical rate, without having to assume that the initial rate of expansion of theuniverse was very carefully chosen.


The idea of inflation could also explain why there is so much matter in the universe. There are something like tenmillion million million million million million million million million million million million million million (1 with eightyzeros after it) particles in the region of the universe that we can observe. Where did they all come from? The answeris that, in quantum theory, particles can be created out of energy in the form of particle/antiparticle pairs. But that justraises the question of where the energy came from. The answer is that the total energy of the universe is exactlyzero. The matter in the universe is made out of positive energy. However, the matter is all attracting itself by gravity.Two pieces of matter that are close to each other have less energy than the same two pieces a long way apart,because you have to expend energy to separate them against the gravitational force that is pulling them together.Thus, in a sense, the gravitational field has negative energy. In the case of a universe that is approximately uniformin space, one can show that this negative gravitational energy exactly cancels the positive energy represented by thematter. So the total energy of the universe is zero.


Now twice zero is also zero. Thus the universe can double the amount of positive matter energy and also double thenegative gravitational energy without violation of the conservation of energy. This does not happen in the normalexpansion of the universe in which the matter energy density goes down as the universe gets bigger. It does happen,however, in the inflationary expansion because the energy density of the supercooled state remains constant whilethe universe expands: when the universe doubles in size, the positive matter energy and the negative gravitationalenergy both double, so the total energy remains zero. During the inflationary phase, the universe increases its sizeby a very large amount. Thus the total amount of energy available to make particles becomes very large. As Guthhas remarked, “It is said that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. But the universe is the ultimate free lunch.”


The universe is not expanding in an inflationary way today. Thus there has to be some mechanism that wouldeliminate the very large effective cosmological constant and so change the rate of expansion from an acceleratedone to one that is slowed down by gravity, as we have today. In the inflationary expansion one might expect thateventually the symmetry between the forces would be broken, just as super-cooled water always freezes in the end.The extra energy of the unbroken symmetry state would then be released and would reheat the universe to atemperature just below the critical temperature for symmetry between the forces. The universe would then go on toexpand and cool just like the hot big bang model, but there would now be an explanation of why the universe wasexpanding at exactly the critical rate and why different regions had the same temperature.


In Guth’s original proposal the phase transition was supposed to occur suddenly, rather like the appearance of icecrystals in very cold water. The idea was that “bubbles” of the new phase of broken symmetry would have formed inthe old phase, like bubbles of steam surrounded by boiling water. The bubbles were supposed to expand and meetup with each other until the whole universe was in the new phase. The trouble was, as I and several other peoplepointed out, that the universe was expanding so fast that even if the bubbles grew at the speed of light, they wouldbe moving away from each other and so could not join up. The universe would be left in a very non-uniform state,with some regions still having symmetry between the different forces. Such a model of the universe would notcorrespond to what we see.


the inflationary model and its problems at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute. Before this, I had got someone elseto give my lectures for me, because most people could not understand my voice. But there was not time to preparethis seminar, so I gave it myself, with one of my graduate students repeating my words. It worked well, and gave memuch more contact with my audience. In the audience was a young Russian, Andrei Linde, from the LebedevInstitute in Moscow. He said that the difficulty with the bubbles not joining up could be avoided if the bubbles were sobig that our region of the universe is all contained inside a single bubble. In order for this to work, the change fromsymmetry to broken symmetry must have taken place very slowly inside the bubble, but this is quite possibleaccording to grand unified theories. Linde’s idea of a slow breaking of symmetry was very good, but I later realizedthat his bubbles would have to have been bigger than the size of the universe at the time! I showed that instead thesymmetry would have broken everywhere at the same time, rather than just inside bubbles. This would lead to auniform universe, as we observe. I was very excited by this idea and discussed it with one of my students, Ian Moss.As a friend of Linde’s, I was rather embarrassed, however, when I was later sent his paper by a scientific journal andasked whether it was suitable for publication. I replied that there was this flaw about the bubbles being bigger thanthe universe, but that the basic idea of a slow breaking of symmetry was very good. I recommended that the paper ¿published as it was because it would take Linde several months to correct it, since anything he sent to the Westwould have to be passed by Soviet censorship, which was neither very skillful nor very quick with scientific papers.Instead, I wrote a short paper with Ian Moss in the same journal in which we pointed out this problem with the bubbleand showed how it could be resolved.


The day after I got back from Moscow I set out for Philadelphia, where I was due to receive a medal from theFranklin Institute. My secretary, Judy Fella, had used her not inconsiderable charm to persuade British Airways togive herself and me free seats on a Concorde as a publicity venture. However, I .was held up on my way to theairport by heavy rain and I missed the plane. Nevertheless, I got to Philadelphia in the end and received my medal. Iwas then asked to give a seminar on the inflationary universe at Drexel University in Philadelphia. I gave the sameseminar about the problems of the inflationary universe, just as in Moscow.


A very similar idea to Linde’s was put forth independently a few months later by Paul Steinhardt and AndreasAlbrecht of the University of Pennsylvania. They are now given joint credit with Linde for what is called “the newinflationary model,” based on the idea of a slow breaking of symmetry. (The old inflationary model was Guth’soriginal suggestion of fast symmetry breaking with the formation of bubbles.)

几个月之后,宾州大学的保罗·斯特恩哈特和安德鲁斯·阿尔伯勒希特独立地提出和林德非常相似的思想。现在他们和林德分享以缓慢对称破缺的思想为基础的所谓“新暴胀模型” 的荣誉。(旧的暴胀模型是指固斯关于形成泡泡后快速对称破缺的原始设想。)

The new inflationary model was a good attempt to explain why the universe is the way it is. However, I and severalother people showed that, at least in its original form, it predicted much greater variations in the temperature of themicrowave background radiation than are observed. Later work has also cast doubt on whether there could be aphase transition in the very early universe of the kind required. In my personal opinion, the new inflationary model isnow dead as a scientific theory, although a lot of people do not seem to have heard of its demise and are still writingpapers as if it were viable. A better model, called the chaotic inflationary model, was put forward by Linde in 1983. Inthis there is no phase transition or supercooling. Instead, there is a spin 0 field, which, because of quantumfluctuations, would have large values in some regions of the early universe. The energy of the field in those regionswould behave like a cosmological constant. It would have a repulsive gravitational effect, and thus make thoseregions expand in an inflationary manner. As they expanded, the energy of the field in them would slowly decreaseuntil the inflationary expansion changed to an expansion like that in the hot big bang model. One of these regionswould become what we now see as the observable universe. This model has all the advantages of the earlierinflationary models, but it does not depend on a dubious phase transition, and it can moreover give a reasonable sizefor the fluctuations in the temperature of the microwave background that agrees with observation.


This work on inflationary models showed that the present state of the universe could have arisen from quite a largenumber of different initial configurations. This is important, because it shows that the initial state of the part of theuniverse that we inhabit did not have to be chosen with great care. So we may, if we wish, use the weak anthropicprinciple to explain why the universe looks the way it does now. It cannot be the case, however, that every initialconfiguration would have led to a universe like the one we observe. One can show this by considering a verydifferent state for the universe at the present time, say, a very lumpy and irregular one. One could use the laws ofscience to evolve the universe back in time to determine its configuration at earlier times. According to the singularitytheorems of classical general relativity, there would still have been a big bang singularity. If you evolve such auniverse forward in time according to the laws of science, you will end up with the lumpy and irregular state youstarted with. Thus there must have been initial configurations that would not have given rise to a universe like theone we see today. So even the inflationary model does not tell us why the initial configuration was not such as toproduce something very different from what we observe. Must we turn to the anthropic principle for an explanation?Was it all just a lucky chance? That would seem a counsel of despair, a negation of all our hopes of understandingthe underlying order of the universe.


In order to predict how the universe should have started off, one needs laws that hold at the beginning of time. If theclassical theory of general relativity was correct, the singularity theorems that Roger Penrose and I proved show thatthe beginning of time would have been a point of infinite density and infinite curvature of space-time. All the knownlaws of science would break down at such a point. One might suppose that there were new laws that held atsingularities, but it would be very difficult even to formulate such laws at such badly behaved points, and we wouldhave no guide from observations as to what those laws might be. However, what the singularity theorems reallyindicate is that the gravitational field becomes so strong that quantum gravitational effects become important:classical theory is no longer a good description of the universe. So one has to use a quantum theory of gravity todiscuss the very early stages of the universe. As we shall see, it is possible in the quantum theory for the ordinarylaws of science to hold everywhere, including at the beginning of time: it is not necessary to postulate new laws forsingularities, because there need not be any singularities in the quantum theory.


We don’t yet have a complete and consistent theory that combines quantum mechanics and gravity. However, weare fairly certain of some features that such a unified theory should have. One is that it should incorporateFeynman’s proposal to formulate quantum theory in terms of a sum over histories. In this approach, a particle doesnot have just a single history, as it would in a classical theory. Instead, it is supposed to follow every possible path inspace-time, and with each of these histories there are associated a couple of numbers, one represent-ing the size ofa wave and the other representing its position in the cycle (its phase). The probability that the particle, say, passesthrough some particular point is found by adding up the waves associated with every possible history that passesthrough that point. When one actually tries to perform these sums, however, one runs into severe technicalproblems. The only way around these is the following peculiar prescription: one must add up the waves for particlehistories that are not in the “real” time that you and I experience but take place in what is called imaginary time.Imaginary time may sound like science fiction but it is in fact a well-defined mathematical concept. If we take anyordinary (or “real”) number and multiply it by itself, the result is a positive number. (For example, 2 times 2 is 4, butso is – 2 times – 2.) There are, however, special numbers (called imaginary numbers) that give negative numberswhen multiplied by themselves. (The one called i, when multiplied by itself, gives – 1, 2i multiplied by itself gives – 4,and so on.)


One can picture real and imaginary numbers in the following way: The real numbers can be represented by a linegoing from left to right, with zero in the middle, negative numbers like – 1, – 2, etc. on the left, and positive numbers,1, 2, etc. on the right. Then imaginary numbers are represented by a line going up and down the page, with i, 2i, etc.above the middle, and – i, – 2i, etc. below. Thus imaginary numbers are in a sense numbers at right angles toordinary real numbers.


To avoid the technical difficulties with Feynman’s sum over histories, one must use imaginary time. That is to say, forthe purposes of the calculation one must measure time using imaginary numbers, rather than real ones. This has aninteresting effect on space-time: the distinction between time and space disappears completely. A space-time inwhich events have imaginary values of the time coordinate is said to be Euclidean, after the ancient Greek Euclid,who founded the study of the geometry of two-dimensional surfaces. What we now call Euclidean space-time is verysimilar except that it has four dimensions instead of two. In Euclidean space-time there is no difference between thetime direction and directions in space. On the other hand, in real space-time, in which events are labeled by ordinary,real values of the time coordinate, it is easy to tell the difference – the time direction at all points lies within the lightcone, and space directions lie outside. In any case, as far as everyday quantum mechanics is concerned, we mayregard our use of imaginary time and Euclidean space-time as merely a mathematical device (or trick) to calculateanswers about real space-time.


A second feature that we believe must be part of any ultimate theory is Einstein’s idea that the gravitational field isrepresented by curved space-time: particles try to follow the nearest thing to a straight path in a curved space, butbecause space-time is not flat their paths appear to be bent, as if by a gravitational field. When we apply Feynman’ssum over histories to Einstein’s view of gravity, the analogue of the history of a particle is now a complete curvedspace-time that represents the history of the whole universe. To avoid the technical difficulties in actually performingthe sum over histories, these curved space-times must be taken to be Euclidean. That is, time is imaginary and isindistinguishable from directions in space. To calculate the probability of finding a real space-time with some certainproperty, such as looking the same at every point and in every direction, one adds up the waves associated with allthe histories that have that property.


In the classical theory of general relativity, there are many different possible curved space-times, each correspondingto a different initial state of the universe. If we knew the initial state of our universe, we would know its entire history.Similarly, in the quantum theory of gravity, there are many different possible quantum states for the universe. Again,if we knew how the Euclidean curved space-times in the sum over histories behaved at early times, we would knowthe quantum state of the universe.


In the classical theory of gravity, which is based on real space-time, there are only two possible ways the universecan behave: either it has existed for an infinite time, or else it had a beginning at a singularity at some finite time inthe past. In the quantum theory of gravity, on the other hand, a third possibility arises. Because one is usingEuclidean space-times, in which the time direction is on the same footing as directions in space, it is possible forspace-time to be finite in extent and yet to have no singularities that formed a boundary or edge. Space-time wouldbe like the surface of the earth, only with two more dimensions. The surface of the earth is finite in extent but itdoesn’t have a boundary or edge: if you sail off into the sunset, you don’t fall off the edge or run into a singularity. (Iknow, because I have been round the world!)


If Euclidean space-time stretches back to infinite imaginary time, or else starts at a singularity in imaginary time, wehave the same problem as in the classical theory of specifying the initial state of the universe: God may know howthe universe began, but we cannot give any particular reason for thinking it began one way rather than another. Onthe other hand, the quantum theory of gravity has opened up a new possibility, in which there would be no boundaryto space-time and so there would be no need to specify the behavior at the boundary. There would be nosingularities at which the laws of science broke down, and no edge of space-time at which one would have to appealto God or some new law to set the boundary conditions for space-time. One could say: “The boundary condition ofthe universe is that it has no boundary.” The universe would be completely self-contained and not affected byanything outside itself. It would neither be created nor destroyed, It would just BE.


It was at the conference in the Vatican mentioned earlier that I first put forward the suggestion that maybe time andspace together formed a surface that was finite in size but did not have any boundary or edge. My paper was rathermathematical, however, so its implications for the role of God in the creation of the universe were not generallyrecognized at the time (just as well for me). At the time of the Vatican conference, I did not know how to use the “noboundary” idea to make predictions about the universe. However, I spent the following sum-mer at the University ofCalifornia, Santa Barbara. There a friend and colleague of mine, Jim Hartle, worked out with me what conditions theuniverse must satisfy if space-time had no boundary. When I returned to Cambridge, I continued this work with two ofmy research students, Julian Luttrel and Jonathan Halliwell.


I’d like to emphasize that this idea that time and space should be finite “without boundary” is just a proposal: it cannotbe deduced from some other principle. Like any other scientific theory, it may initially be put forward for aesthetic ormetaphysical reasons, but the real test is whether it makes predictions that agree with observation. This, how-ever, isdifficult to determine in the case of quantum gravity, for two reasons. First, as will be explained in Chapter 11, we arenot yet sure exactly which theory successfully combines general relativity and quantum mechanics, though we knowquite a lot about the form such a theory must have. Second, any model that described the whole universe in detailwould be much too complicated mathematically for us to be able to calculate exact predictions. One therefore has tomake simplifying assumptions and approximations – and even then, the problem of extracting predictions remains aformidable one.


Each history in the sum over histories will describe not only the space-time but everything in it as well, including anycomplicated organisms like human beings who can observe the history of the universe. This may provide anotherjustification for the anthropic principle, for if all the histories are possible, then so long as we exist in one of thehistories, we may use the anthropic principle to explain why the universe is found to be the way it is. Exactly whatmeaning can be attached to the other histories, in which we do not exist, is not clear. This view of a quantum theoryof gravity would be much more satisfactory, however, if one could show that, using the sum over histories, ouruniverse is not just one of the possible histories but one of the most probable ones. To do this, we must perform thesum over histories for all possible Euclidean space-times that have no boundary.


Under the “no boundary” proposal one learns that the chance of the universe being found to be following most of thepossible histories is negligible, but there is a particular family of histories that are much more probable than theothers. These histories may be pictured as being like the surface of the earth, with the distance from the North Polerepresenting imaginary time and the size of a circle of constant distance from the North Pole representing the spatialsize of the universe. The universe starts at the North Pole as a single point. As one moves south, the circles oflatitude at constant distance from the North Pole get bigger, corresponding to the universe expanding with imaginarytime Figure 8:1. The universe would reach a maximum size at the equator and would contract with increasingimaginary time to a single point at the South Pole. Ever though the universe would have zero size at the North andSouth Poles, these points would not be singularities, any more than the North aid South Poles on the earth aresingular. The laws of science will hold at them, just as they do at the North and South Poles on the earth.


时空中点盘火星8宫,时空中点盘 火星8宫

The history of the universe in real time, however, would look very different. At about ten or twenty thousand millionyears ago, it would have a minimum size, which was equal to the maximum radius of the history in imaginary time. Atlater real times, the universe would expand like the chaotic inflationary model proposed by Linde (but one would notnow have to assume that the universe was created somehow in the right sort of state). The universe would expand toa very large size Figure 8:1 and eventually it would collapse again into what looks like a singularity in real time. Thus,in a sense, we are still all doomed, even if we keep away from black holes. Only if we could picture the universe interms of imaginary time would there be no singularities.


If the universe really is in such a quantum state, there would be no singularities in the history of the universe inimaginary time. It might seem therefore that my more recent work had completely undone the results of my earlierwork on singularities. But, as indicated above, the real importance of the singularity theorems was that they showedthat the gravitational field must become so strong that quantum gravitational effects could not be ignored. This in turnled to the idea that the universe could be finite in imaginary time but without boundaries or singularities. When onegoes back to the real time in which we live, however, there will still appear to be singularities. The poor astronautwho falls into a black hole will still come to a sticky end; only if he lived in imaginary time would he encounter nosingularities.


This might suggest that the so-called imaginary time is really the real time, and that what we call real time is just afigment of our imaginations. In real time, the universe has a beginning and an end at singularities that form aboundary to space-time and at which the laws of science break down. But in imaginary time, there are nosingularities or boundaries. So maybe what we call imaginary time is really more basic, and what we call real is justan idea that we invent to help us describe what we think the universe is like. But according to the approach Idescribed in Chapter 1, a scientific theory is just a mathematical model we make to describe our observations: itexists only in our minds. So it is meaningless to ask: which is real, “real” or “imaginary” time? It is simply a matter ofwhich is the more useful description.


One can also use the sum over histories, along with the no boundary proposal, to find which properties of theuniverse are likely to occur together. For example, one can calculate the probability that the universe is expanding atnearly the same rate in all different directions at a time when the density of the universe has its present value. In thesimplified models that have been examined so far, this probability turns out to be high; that is, the proposed noboundary condition leads to the prediction that it is extremely probable that the present rate of expansion of theuniverse is almost the same in each direction. This is consistent with the observations of the microwave backgroundradiation, which show that it has almost exactly the same intensity in any direction. If the universe were expandingfaster in some directions than in others, the intensity of the radiation in those directions would be reduced by anadditional red shift.


Further predictions of the no boundary condition are currently being worked out. A particularly interesting problem isthe size of the small departures from uniform density in the early universe that caused the formation first of thegalaxies, then of stars, and finally of us. The uncertainty principle implies that the early universe cannot have beencompletely uniform because there must have been some uncertainties or fluctuations in the positions and velocitiesof the particles. Using the no boundary condition, we find that the universe must in fact have started off with just theminimum possible non-uniformity allowed by the uncertainty principle. The universe would have then undergone aperiod of rapid expansion, as in the inflationary models. During this period, the initial non-uniformities would havebeen amplified until they were big enough to explain the origin of the structures we observe around us. In 1992 theCosmic Background Explorer satellite (COBE) first detected very slight variations in the intensity of the microwavebackground with direction. The way these non-uniformities depend on direction seems to agree with the predictionsof the inflationary model and the no boundary proposal. Thus the no boundary proposal is a good scientific theory inthe sense of Karl Popper: it could have been falsified by observations but instead its predictions have beenconfirmed. In an expanding universe in which the density of matter varied slightly from place to place, gravity wouldhave caused the denser regions to slow down their expansion and start contracting. This would lead to the formationof galaxies, stars, and eventually even insignificant creatures like ourselves. Thus all the complicated structures thatwe see in the universe might be explained by the no boundary condition for the universe together with the uncertaintyprinciple of quantum mechanics.


The idea that space and time may form a closed surface without boundary also has profound implications for the roleof God in the affairs of the universe. With the success of scientific theories in describing events, most people havecome to believe that God allows the universe to evolve according to a set of laws and does not intervene in theuniverse to break these laws. However, the laws do not tell us what the universe should have looked like when itstarted – it would still be up to God to wind up the clockwork and choose how to start it off. So long as the universehad a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having noboundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?











瑞士心理分析学家卡尔·荣格第一个认识到了占星的巨大潜力,认识到占星可以成为挖掘人类深层心灵的工具。荣格在其一生中的各种著作里,都提及了他对占星学的极度尊敬。他认为,占星学对心理学贡献极大,并承认他在与客户做分析时常会用到占星学。在遇到难以做出心理诊断的案例时,荣格会画出一个星图,以便从完全不同的角度得到进一步的见解。“我必须说,” 荣格说道:“我总是发现占星数据会说明一些我通过其他手段无法理解的特定问题。”




说到职业预测,占星学上我们不得不提到一个人,米歇尔·高奎林博士(Dr. Michel Gauquelin,1928-1991)。

在学者型占星家所进行的统计研究中,除了荣格之外,另一位最被占星界称颂的,那便是法国心理学家兼占星家的米歇尔‧高格林(Michel Gauquelin,出生于1928年11月13日22:20法国巴黎)。他在20世纪50年代时,以2088名体育冠军选手的出生图进行统计,发现其中有435人的火星出现在命宫前或在第十宫前,比例为435÷2088≒20.83%,成为非常明显值得研究的现象,因此成为著名的「火星效应」,支持他所创新占星理论高格林星盘的重要依据。





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以上就是关于时空中点盘火星8宫,时空中点盘 火星8宫的知识,后面我们会继续为大家整理关于时空中点盘 火星8宫的知识,希望能够帮助到大家!


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