卜卦占星案例他会娶我吗 古典卜卦占星指南




表问题问的太早了, 还有歇事还没出现, 因此难以获得答案.


表问题问的太晚了, 已经无能为力了.

(3).月入空亡(Void of Course, VOC, 虚无)

空亡意指月亮与某行星成准确(exact)主相位交角后, 一直到离开该星座前这段时间没有与任何星再有主相位的交角.月入空亡意指问卜者无法对该问题施力. 或者可能没啥事情会发生, 因此也不用担忧.

(4).月入Via Combusta(天秤15度~天蝎15度)

Via Combusta是古人认为黄道带上的邪恶区(带有火星及土星的malefic味道, 现代加上天王星)因古时许多凶恒星(fixed star)位在这个区域. 但现代占星家多半认为可以不用考虑.


因土星代表限制, 入一宫时表示解占者会出错(当自己问卜时, 第一宫代表自己). 为人解占时, 第七宫代表解占者, 表示解占者可能出现麻烦(如排错盘之类)因而无法的到答案.


卜卦占星案例他会娶我吗 古典卜卦占星指南



The querent, a 32-year-old divorced mother of two small children, had started a love affair with a 38 year old man who had recently separated from his wife. He himself had 3 young children and the marriage breakdown had hit him quite hard. He was living in a bed-sit temporarily but often stayed over at the querent’s house and her own children had become quite fond of him. She was hoping that the relationship would lead to a full term commitment, and they had spoken about the lover moving in with her on a permanent basis, with a long term view to marrying once his finances had become more settled after the divorce. She wasn’t really sure if she could take his comments on marriage seriously, or whether, once he had moved in, he would try to persuade her that they were happy living together without marriage vows. She felt quite strongly that she would want to get married, as the responsibility of having children made her feel that the stability and extra commitment that went with marriage would safeguard theirs, as well as her own, emotional vulnerability.

点评:32岁的离过婚的有着两个小孩的女人跟1个38岁的有着3个孩子的男人坠入爱河。女方强烈要求与男方结婚,希望得到一段长期的稳定的婚姻关系,因此求助于顶级卜卦占星师Deborah Houlding。

The querent is primarily signified by Saturn; the lover by the Sun. Although the two significators are applying closely to conjunction, several factors in the chart drew my concern. I particularly noted the position of the Moon – located on the 8th house cusp, it is besieged between the opposition of Saturn and Mars.


卜卦盘命度在上升水瓶,因此女咨询者由土星征象,她希望与之结婚的对象有由7宫主太阳征象。尽管两者紧密入合相位。但是Deborah Houlding感觉几个点不安,最主要的一点就是月亮(月亮在卜卦盘中,具有和命主同等的地位,征象咨询者)被火星和土星以冲相位的恶劣形式besieged,这点代表咨询者在关注的事宜中一定会有非常痛苦的状况。


Mars figures strongly in chart and the querent agreed that the relationship was somewhat volatile with both being quick to argue and confront each other over minor matters. This is reinforced by excitable Uranus on the ascendant. Uranus often warns of someone who is under a disturbing influence or prone to acting rashly.

My advice to the querent was that she needed to slow the relationship right down to give herself time to get to know her lover a little better. She seemed dissatisfied with this advice, claiming that she knew him well, was fully aware of his faults and the pitfalls of the relationship, but felt he was a suitable match because she wanted a strong partner who would stimulate and challenge her. She said she already knew her own mind, and only really wanted to know whether this matched with what was on his.

When I asked the querent why her partner’s first marriage had broken down she said she didn’t know, but knew that neither he nor his wife had been involved with anyone else and eventually conceded that it was the wife who was issuing divorce proceedings. She asked if I thought he might return to his wife and I said no. But I also added that I was concerned that the lover might not yet be fully committed to the idea of a permanent relationship and indeed whether this relationship would be an harmonious one. My advice again was to hesitate before rushing into a long term relationship with a contract attached to it. Saturn is peregrine and in its sign of fall; the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn on the 2nd house cusp made me wary that the relationship was one of convenience for the lover, in which he was seeking to take advantage of the querent’s better lifestyle.

卜卦占星案例他会娶我吗 古典卜卦占星指南

点评:Deborah Houlding建议女咨询者建议冷静考虑这段关系,在进入婚姻前深思熟虑,不过咨询者不以为然,且很不满。

Saturn is peregrine and in its sign of fall; the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn on the 2nd house cusp made me wary that the relationship was one of convenience for the lover, in which he was seeking to take advantage of the querent’s better lifestyle.

此外Deborah Houlding指出土星fall且游走于白羊,被太阳入合相燃烧于2宫,所以她担心女方爱着的男方只是利用女方。

Two weeks later, the querent called me in a very upset state to talk about what had happened. She’d noticed bits of money missing during the week but had put it down to mislaying it and spending most of the week in a rush. On the morning of her phone call (26 Apr) she had been lying in bed when she noticed the lover in the adjoining study, in the desk where she kept her money and then he slipped out the front door. She was expecting him to leave early and return that evening, but becoming suspicious she quickly checked the drawer and found her money missing. Just over £50. In temper she ran to the door and started shouting at her lover as he was getting in his car. He came back to the house and first denied what he had done, and then became very aggressive with the querent for “embarrassing him in front of the neighbours”. During the argument he attacked her physically, punching her and kicking her in front of the children. He fled when she called the police and the relationship consequently ended.

卜卦占星案例他会娶我吗 古典卜卦占星指南


2周后,悲剧的咨询者跑来向Deborah Houlding诉苦,男方当着孩子面殴打女方,女方报警,男方滚蛋,两人关系结束。

Venus is a secondary significator in most relationship charts. Here it is closely applying to the square of Pluto, further emphasising that there is a heavy undertone to this affair.


Deborah Houlding还考察了金星,同时运用了现代占星的三王星,指出卜卦盘,金冥紧密入刑相位也昭示了悲剧的两性关系。





有需要联系v;hx-hx3 有需要联系v;hx-hx3 有需要联系v;hx-hx3如果对你有一点点帮助,欢迎打赏~~~  






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