海王星落11宫代表什么 海王星落入11宫


The 11th house is sometimes called thehouse of hopes and wishes, and sometimes the house of groups.At its deepest level, the 11th house, representsthe attempt to go beyond our ego-identity and become something greater than whatwe already are. The main way of achieving this is to identify with somethinglarger than the self-such as a circle of friends, a group, a belief system oran ideology.


The 10th house is concerned with thecollective in an I-thou relationship; we develop skills, talents, position, orauthority which we then offer to a world (and a mother) \”out there ,\”The world can respond positively or negatively, but–even when Neptune is inthe 10th- it is still \”out there,\” The 11th, too , is concerned withthe collective, but we relate to it differently, We join the larger humanfamily of which we are a pan, through shared ideals and aspirations. This notonly gives meaning to our efforts, but also provides relief from the lonelypath of self-formation, which culminates where the horoscope culminates, at themedium coeli of the chart. In the 11th, we are no longer alone; we belong. Aroundus are those like-minded souls who–whether the y share our taste in televisionor our taste in philosophy- validate who we are by their acceptance of us.\”I\” becomes \”we,\” and our lives take on a more broadcontext through merging, on the mental level, with the society in which welive. Much has been written about \”group consciousness\” in esotericand humanistic psychology circles. It is sometimes held up as an ideal towardwhich the individual should aspire. However, group consciousness may not be quiteso glamorous. When the group gets together for a spot of football hooliganismor KuKlux Klanning, one can hardly speak of a more evolved consciousness. Yetsuch activities also reflect the 11thhouse. Our chosen group, like our chosen friends, is a measure of our ownideals and values, echoed in a larger entity. Any nobility we might bring to thisarena of life depends on who we are, and how we respond to natal planets placedin this house.


Neptune in the 11th needs a group to whichit can belong, The group–whether professional, neighbourly, ideological,spiritual, or a \”hobbies\” club—is the source of redemption, withoutwhich the individual is lost, bereft, and lonely; individual personal,professional, and creative achievements mean nothing without this larger context.Neptune in the 11th may reflect an acute social conscience and a highsensitivity to the emotional needs of the collective, and this may lead to alifelong commitment to serve the human family. Redemption is thus found throughthose who need redemption, for we are saved through the act of saving others. The elements of Neptune\’s altruism aremixed, and contain both infantile needs and a genuine responsiveness to the interconnectednessof all human beings. But unless one is able to cope with loneliness,idealisation of the group may submerge the individual in a collective whicherodes personal values and personal integrity. Ebetrin mentions \”thesearch for soul-unions…noble aims and aspirations…a person who is influencedeasily by other people.\” \”Soul-unions\” of the 11th house are notemotional or sexual love-matches; they are a meeting of minds and spiritswhich, for Neptune in the 11th, provides an antidote to the loneliness ofincarnation. The basis of Neptune\’s quest is not personal fulfillment; it isthe sense of one\’s personal life being dedicated to a larger goal, and thepartner should, ideally, be involved with one\’s work or share one\’s spiritualor political beliefs. Neptune in the 11th may find it hard to toleraterelationships where the partner (or friend) is emotionally compatible but hasdifferent goals. An interesting reflection of this dynamic on the non-personallevel is the chart of the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous, which seeks tooffer help to the individual through identification with a group of fellowsufferers. Here Neptune is in Virgo in the 11th house, opposition Saturn, trinethe Sun, and conjunct the Moon. We can gain no clearer insight into Neptune inthe 11th house than through the chart of a group itself.


海王星落11宫代表什么 海王星落入11宫

Neptune in the 11th is often a politicalanimal. One might expect the individual to display utopian tendencies, and onewould be right. But the dream of utopia is not limited to the political life.Neptune\’s longing for Eden, expressed through the 11th, conjures the dream of aperfect society. The definition of perfection, and the means by which it is tobe attained, may be found as easily in romantic nationalism as in romantic socialism.The nationalism may not be particularly romantic. For example, Neptune appearsin the 11th house, conjuncting Pluto, in the chart of Joseph Goebbels, Hitler\’schief of propaganda. This example is not meant to suggest that Neptune in the11th, in itself, is responsible for the path this man took in his pursuit ofpower. But Goebbels was unusually sensitive to, and therefore remarkably ableto manipulate, the collective currents around him. He was able to serveHitler\’s dream through his own peculiar intuitive gifts, because he knew justwhat kind of Germany the people unconsciously wanted. Monstrous though he was,he was also utterIy committed to creating his vision of the perfect society,and believed he was justified in perpetrating any means to achieve it. No doubtthe conjunction of Neptune and Pluto contributed to the ruthlessness with whichhe discharged his task. Although this is a frightening example of Neptune runamok in the 11th house, it is different in degree rather than in kind from any individualwho, in pursuit of his or her own redemption, is determined to\”convert\” others to a particular vision of perfection. It may teach ussomething salutary about Neptune\’s longing, projected onto society without themediating power of personal integrity.



More often, Neptune\’s utopian dreams arethose of shared resources and responsibility, personal and governmental, forthe weaker members of society. The whole is more important than its parts.Historically, transits of Neptune through Aquarius coincided with the writingof Thomas utopia and Marx\’s Communist Manifesto. As the 11th house is the naturalhouse of Aquarius, these works offer us a taste of Neptune\’s most typicalpolitical vision when it is placed in the 11th. Unity between people is theworldly expression of divine love, and redemption is possible only when humanityacknowledges its common fellowship. If the individual can balance this exaltedvision with sufficient realism, the dreams can be given form and can providethe basis for valuable contributions to the improvement of others\’ lives. IfNeptune is uncontained, the individual may identify wholly with the role of theredeemer, and may stifle or injure other, equally important personal needs. Onemay also find oneself bitterly disillusioned when society turns out not to wantthe salvation on offer. Neptune in the 11th may lack discrimination in thechoosing of ideological colleagues, and one may find ones elf the victim of acollective which, initially offering redemption, later turns out to be adevouring monster, demanding absolute obedience from its ranks.


Esoteric or spiritual communities are oftenattractive to Neptune in the 11th. So, too, is the perception of a particularspiritual path as the means of humanity\’s redemption. For example, Neptune isin Leo in the 11th house, conjuncting Jupiter, in the chart of Pope John PaulII. No other pontiff in history has produced a \”mass marker\” bookpreaching Catholicism to a spiritually unenlightened collective. The sincerityof the Pope\’s commitment to his faith is unquestionable. The appropriateness ofit for the whole of humanity is highly questionable. Here Neptune in the 11thoffers itself tirelessly and wholeheartedly to the task of redeeming others, withoutconsidering the possibility that redemption, like all of God\’ s creation, maycome in many forms. Neptune in the 11th is not intrinsically drawn to the monasticlife. There is too much need for direct involvement in human spiritual evolution.The life of society is also the life of the family, writ large and no longer determinedby ties of blood. Often hurt and disillusionment with the actual family, andparticularly with the mother, may lead to a mother-child relationship with thegroup to which the individual with Neptune in the 11th becomes attached. As forwho plays the mother and who the child, we are once again in Neptune\’s hall of mirrors.One may be either; but one is always secretly both.

深奥的或灵性的团体通常对第十一宫的海王星有着吸引力。同样,将一条特定的精神道路视为人类救赎的手段也是如此。例如,在教皇约翰保罗二世的星图中,海王星位于第十一宫的狮子座,与木星合相。历史上没有任何其他教皇出版过一本 \”大众标记\” 的书, 向一个精神上没有开明的集体宣讲天主教。教皇对自己的信仰的忠诚是毋庸置疑的,而对全人类是否合适却是值得怀疑的。在这里,海王星在第十一宫不知疲倦地全心全意地为拯救他人而献身,而没有考虑到救赎的可能性,就像上帝创造的一切可能会以多种形式出现一样。海王星在第十一宫的本质上并没有与修道院的生活有关。人类精神进化太需要直接参与。社会生活同样也是家庭生活,但生活被扩大了而不再由血缘关系决定。经常对家庭感到受伤和幻灭,特别是与母亲的背道而驰,可能会导致第十一宫有海王星的个体与团体产生依附的母子关系。至于谁扮演母亲,谁扮演孩子,我们又回到了海王星的映照大厅。个体可以扮演其中任何一个,但却隐秘地拥有(母与子的)双重身份。

海王星落11宫代表什么 海王星落入11宫

Friendships of the 11th house are rooted inshared interests or ideals, and may contain little emotional interaction of apersonal kind. When Neptune is in the 11th house, however, friendships tend toinvolve intense emotional undercurrents, because of Nep tune\’s longing tomerge. Special friends may appear as redeemer-figures, without whom one feelsbereft and Outcast. This can contribute to deep and enduring bonds; but it mayalso prove claustrophobic to those whose natures require more breathing space. Neptunecan be intensely possessive, as a child is of the mother, or as a mother is ofher child. The symbiotic nature of Neptunian friendship may also create muchpain and disillusionment, because Neptune\’s idealisations may result infeelings of betrayal if the friend is not wholly and utterly devoted. One may also try to redeem friendswho are victims of life; Neptune in the 11th often displays a powerful attractiontoward \”strays\” whom everyone else has given up on, and also towardthose who are ill or are later lost through tragic circumstances. Thesepatterns reflect the victim-redeemer myth at work within the fabric of thismost important dimension of human relationship. Neptune in the 11th candescribe feelings of unity with friends which are mystical in their intensity,involving not only wholehearted devotion and compassion but also a genuine willingnessto make any sacrifice. Such friendships may take us as close to the gates ofEden as it is possible to arrive in this life. We may have to pay a high pricein suffering for such privileged glimpses of the divine source. But Neptune inthe 11th is not likely to begrudge the price.



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