星盘第8宫代表什么意思 8宫占星代表什么
『The 8th house has many labels. Since it is opposite the 2ndhouse, which is ‘my values’, i…
星盘的第十宫代表什么 占星 第10宫
Never measure the height of a mountain, until you have reached the top. Then you will see …
海王星在第三宫 海王星落在第三宫
海王星在第三宫 The 3rd house is usuallyassociated with education, communication and speech. It re…
海王星落11宫代表什么 海王星落入11宫
海王星在第十一宫(上) The 11th house is sometimes called thehouse of hopes and wishes, and sometimes…
海王星落12宫代表什么 海王星落入12宫
海王星在第十二宫(上) In the 12th house, Neptune comes home. Inthe waters of its own templum, we may…