海王星在第三宫 海王星落在第三宫


The 3rd house is usuallyassociated with education, communication and speech. It represents the world ofthe mind, and in particular that aspect of the mind which looks out into theenvironment and wants to know the names of the myriad things which it encounters.The 3rd house reflects the faculties of perception, categorizationand expression, and the individual’s need to acquire knowledge of the world andits components as a means of coping with life. How we understand the worldaround us, and how we formulate our experience of that world, are reflected bythis house; and so are our experiences of early schooling and interaction withsiblings and peers, which shape our definitions of reality and colour ourmental attitudes in adulthood.


We want to grow and explore. Akin to this is the development of language and the ability to communicate and name things…Most psychologists affirm that a true sense of individuality does not develop until language is learned?

我们想成长和探索。与此相似的是语言的发展、交流能力以及命名的能力……大多数心理学家学家认为个体的真正意识形成在于学习语言之后。Language, and the capacity to identify a thing as itself and not something else, belong to our ability to form ideas about life. Ideas, no less than sensual experiences, define us as ourselves, different from others. In the 3rd house, one has the idea of a “chair,” which exists independently of any physical encounter with a particular chair and allows us to recognize chairs when we see them. As we name and categorise objects, so too do we name and categorise human beings, beginning with ourselves. One is different from others because one has one’s own thoughts and ideas; and the greater the differentiation of one’s ideas, the more sharply outlined one becomes as an individual.

语言、识别事物的能力以及区分与其他事物的辨识力,是我们构建生活观念的能力。思想与感官体验一样,定义了与其他人不同的我们自己。在第三宫,个体对“椅子”有了概念,它是独立存在的,客观上没有与任何一个特殊的椅子有联系,因此我们看到椅子的时候能够辨识出它们。当我们给物体命名和分类时,我们也给不同的个人命名并分类——从我们自己开始。一个人与其他人不同在于他/她有属于自己的想法和思维,一个人的思想越分化,他作为个体的轮廓就越清晰。For some people, the pleasure offormulating an idea, and the urgent need to do so as means of affirmingindividuality, often out weigh the importance of the physical and emotionalexperiences which gave rise to that idea. Equally urgent is the desire tocommunicate the idea, as a means of measuring one’s reality against that ofothers. Thus the 3rd house provides a separative function, for oncea person develops an idea and speaks or writes it, it belongs irretrievably tothat person, and becomes an expression of his or her identity. In this senseMercury, the natural ruler of the 3rd, is as antithetical toNeptune’s longing as are more obviously egocentric planets such as Mars andSaturn. One of the most powerfully transformative ingredients of psychotherapyis the formulating and articulating of inner experiences, for this releases theindividual from the secret container of the womb, where everything is implicitand undefined, and allows the light of separate identity to stream in throughthe magic medium of words.

海王星在第三宫 海王星落在第三宫


The vague inarticulateness so oftendisplayed by a 3rd house Neptune, which is frequently misinterpretedby teachers as lack of intelligence or poor concentration, may be understood asa powerful, albeit unconscious, effort to prevent the separativeness generatedby words and ideas. One of the most typical dynamics of a 3rd houseNeptune is absent-minded evasiveness; the individual remembers only thosethings which will not destroy the longed-for fusion, and is reluctant to sayanything which might generate discord or distancing. Sometimes this mechanismmay extend to outright duplicity; Neptune in the 3rd can reflect anelegant and chronic liar, although it is not lying in the calculated sense andits object is not to defraud another person. Neptune’s dishonesty is more oftenself-deceit (if I pretend it isn’t there, maybe it will go away), and themotive is avoidance of confrontation. Thus it passes under the general umbrellaof “I hate hurting other people’s feelings,” or, equally often, “I’m really notvery clever, so could you please do my thinking and speaking for me?”

第三宫的海王星时常表现出含糊其辞,经常被老师误解为低智商或思想不集中,也许可以理解为一种强大的——尽管是无意识——努力去阻止因语言与思维而产生的分裂。第三宫的海王星最典型的作用方式之一就是模棱两可。个体只会记得那些不会对融合的渴望产生破坏性的东西,并且不情愿说一些不合或导致疏远的话语。有时候这种方式会演变为彻底的欺骗。尽管第三宫的海王星不是在计算的意义上说谎,目的也不是欺骗另一个人,但却呈现出了一个优雅的和长期的撒谎者。海王星的不诚实更多的是自我欺骗(如果我假装它不存在,也许它就会消失),并且动机是避免冲突。因此,它通常被放在“我不喜欢伤害别人的感受”的保护伞下,或者“我真的不是很聪明,所以你能帮我思考和说话吗?”A more creative facet of this dynamic isNeptune’s propensity to “think in pictures.” Emotional tone and imageconstitute memory, rather than a linking of ideas and concepts. Neptune’s giftsin the 3rd house may range from a photographic memory toconsiderable talent in poetry, story-telling, and painting. Things in the worldoutside do not have names or concepts; they have feeling-tones and colours andshapes, and are remembered for their universality rather than their personalrelevance. Instead of utilizing ideas to define differences between self andothers, Neptune in the 3rd uses images to highlight similarities andinduce shared feelings. But the individual with Neptune in the 3rdmay be willfully woolly, and will often plead the “I can’t help it” refrain inthe face of his or her apparent inability, more appropriately termedunconscious refusal, to think clearly and speak honestly. Neptune in the 3rdmay hide behind a mask of apparent inability to understand. But no planet inthe 3rd, or any other house, indicates the quotient of intelligenceor lack thereof. It only portrays the approach an individual takes towardformulating and expressing ideas about life. Neptune’s approach, because of itsreluctance to incarnate—in words as much as in body—may be to avoid the wholeissue of thinking altogether. One is simply a bad student, one is lacking inconcentration, one is dyslexic. Or one formulates a vague ideology about theevils of the intellect, and heaps contempt upon those who value clarity. Or oneappears so impressionable that the first idea that comes out on Thursdaydepends upon whom one last spoke to on Wednesday. All of these are Neptuniansmokescreens.

海王星的这种特质更有创造力的方面是倾向在“图片中思考”。情感的基调和想象构成了记忆,而不是与思维和概念有联系。第三宫海王星的天赋是从相片的记忆到诗歌、讲故事和绘画等更多的方面。外界的事物没有名称或概念,但它们有感觉基调、颜色和形状,它们因普遍性而被记住,而不是因为它们的个人相关性。第三宫的海王星没有用思维来定义个体和他人之间的差异,而是用图像来强调相似之处并引发共鸣。但是海王星在第三宫的人可能会故意含糊不清,并且经常在他或她明显做不到时说“我无能为力”,更恰当的说法是无意识地拒绝清晰地思考和诚实地说话。海王星在第三宫时可能隐藏在一个凸显的缺乏理解能力的面具后面,但没有任何一颗星体在第三宫或者其他宫位中能代表智商或缺乏智商。它只描绘个体如何阐述和表达关于生活的想法。海王星的方式,由于它不愿具化——在语言上就如在身体上一样——也许会避免所有系统的思考。一个是坏学生,一个是注意力不集中,一个是阅读障碍。或者有人对智力的弊端构建了一个模糊的意识形态,并对那些看重清晰的人嗤之以鼻。或者个体太容易受影响,以至于周四的第一个想法取决于他在周三最后与谁交谈。这些都是海王星的障眼法。The magic ingredient which can release thewonderful image-making capacities of Neptune in the 3rd house in alife-enhancing way is Mercurial clarity. Without it, Neptune’s longing mayundermine communication with others, including the capacity to learn as well asthe capacity to speak. Without clarity, one is both seducible and seductive,and the dialogue between oneself and others is rarely honest. Neptune isparticularly talented at implying and inferring. This is a rare gift for acreative writer. But inferences can wound deeply and even viciously, whilebeing disowned or disclaimed the next day, on the grounds that the other personhas misunderstood. Neptune in the 3rdmay feel victimized by others’ misunderstanding. Yet others’ anger usuallysprings from the hurt of unseen arrows which Neptune has unconsciously let fly.If one cannot speak what one feels and thinks, one cannot expect to beunderstood; and isolation and loneliness are the common results of this willfulinarticulateness. Then one awaits the redeemer who can understand withoutwords. Yet the individual with Neptune in the 3rd, who makes someeffort to express it in language others can comprehend, may more than any otherbe a person

正是水星清晰的思维,神奇地让第三宫的海王星以改善生活的方式释放了让人惊叹的形象化能力。如果没有水星,海王星的渴望可能会破坏与他人的交流,包括学习和说话的能力。如果没有清晰的思维,个体既会被诱惑又会诱惑他人,而且与他人之间的交流很少是诚实的。海王星特别擅长暗示和推理,这对一个创作型作家来说是罕见的天赋。但是,当第二天以对方误解为理由否认或拒绝时,这样的结论可能会深深伤害到对方,甚至是恶意的。海王星在第三宫可能会因他人的误解而受伤。而另一些人的愤怒通常是因为受到了海王星无意中射出的隐形之箭的伤害。如果个体无法表达出自己的感受和想法,就不可能期盼被他人理解。并且孤立和孤独是这种故意含糊不清的常见结果。因而有人会等待不用言语就能明白他/她的救世主。拥有海王星在第三宫的人,若做出一些在语言上的表达能让他人理解的努力,可能(比成为其他而)更像一个人。…of special emotional sensitivity, shapedby his(or her) own experiences and actions as well as from observation andawareness of the world. He(or she) has a particular talent which enables him(orher) to express human emotion in forms which bring pleasure to others. Thisgift is so mysterious that it is assumed to be of divine origin. What he(orshe) creates can be recognized as Beauty and Truth, and what he(or she) givesto his(or her) hearers is a sense of affinity in human experience which—evenwhen the experience is intensely painful—brings a deep personal fulfilment.



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