In the 12th house, Neptune comes home. Inthe waters of its own templum, we may observe it uncontaminated by the outerworld and the things and people in it. The 12th house, like the 6th and the 8th,has had a hard press. It is also, like Neptune, difficult to define.Traditionally known as the house of imprisonment, confinement and self-undoing.it is a source of anxiety to astrological students who discover natal planets placedthere and, having availed themselves of older textbooks, draw dire conclusions.
On its most underlying level, the 12thhouse…represents the urge for dissolution which exists in each of us–the yearningto return to the undifferentiated waters of the womb, to the original state ofunity.
Because the 12th describes the individual\’spersonal experience of the source, it is concerned with inheritance. But it isnot parental inheritance as described by the 4th and 10th, Our 12th houselegacy takes us much further back, into the realm of what the Chinese call theancestors. Here lie our deepest roots, in terms of race, religion, nationalorigins, and the culture out of which the family line has sprung. Even if we repudiatethis longer past, and identify only with the present and the life we havecarved for ourselves in the world , the 12th house is always there to remind usthat we are the inheritors of images, myths, traditions, feelings, and dreams whichbelong not only to our parents but to our grandparents , great-grandparents,and the \”stock\” from which we have sprung. From the 12th, theghosts of the distant past come back to haunt us-the family \”skeletons inthe closer,\” the forgotten religious orthodoxy of a great-grandfather, thelong-suppressed story of the great-aunt\’s suicide and the great-great-grandmothers\”second sight,\” the poverty of the immigrant, and the religious persecutionof two hundred years before. The daimons of forgotten places inhabit the 12thas well-the country Ieft behind long ago, the folk tunes, the ancestral totemsof the tribe. And further back even than this lie the primordial myths of humanorigins and human development. To all this, planets placed in the natal 12thhouse are attuned. It is not surprising that, uneducated as we are about thereality and power of the unconscious collective psyche, the 12th house gives usso much trouble.
Neptune in the 12th is a transmitter of therichness, darkness, and light of that which came before us. The 12th is thehouse of pre-birth, and therefore also describes the period of the mother\’spregnancy, when we were contained within the uterine waters. As a medium forthe archetypal themes of the ancestral collective, Neptune in the 12th is particularlyattuned to feelings and images of suffering and redemption. Religious issueswhich belong to the family inheritance are likely to prove particularly powerful,and it is important for the individual to learn something about his or her spiritualheritage; if these themes are dominant in the family psyche, they will notleave the individual with Neptune in the 12th alone. If unconscious,Neptune in the 12th may prove compulsive and overwhelming, threatening toengulf the ego with the power of its yearning, which is really the power ofmany long-dead individuals each contributing his or her own longing to anever-increasing psychic imperative. The power of the imagination, and thecapacity to express images in creative form, may also be an urgent theme of thefamily inheritance, and artistic vehicles may need to be found for fantasieswhich are older and larger than those of the individual. It is not surprisingthat this house is called the house of self-undoing; if we are unconscious ofthis vast ancestral longing to go home, we may ensure that we are dragged homein spite of ourselves.
Ebertin mentions \”mysticism, reverieand artistic pursuits . . . the inner or psychic life is open to externalinfluence…a craving for drugs and narcotics. \” An inclination towardretreat, reverie and mysticism is what we might expect when the individualexperiences the primal longing unadulterated by any surrogate. The gift ofreceptivity to such powerful redemptive images is also the gift of the artist.Commitment to a religious or spiritual path may offer consolation to Neptune \’smelancholy and world-weariness, and may provide a means of redeeming not onlyone\’s own loneliness but the victims of the past. Neptune in the 12th may shoulderthe burden of redeeming family sin and unhappiness, and is particularly proneto identification with the suffering saviour. For this reason, the individualwith Neptune in the 12th, if unconscious and unformed, may become the scapegoator vessel for family conflicts which go back over many generations. Certainforms of mental and physical disintegration, which embody an accrued familybackground of misery and difficulty, may be connected to Neptune in the 12th ifthe individual cannot contain his or her inner experiences. It is in thiscontext that we may link drug addiction to this placement of the planet.
Ebertin提到 “神秘主义、幻想和艺术的追求…内心世界或精神生活对外界的影响敞开了大门…对药物和毒品的渴求。” 当个体体验到原始的没有被任何替代品掺杂的渴望时,我们可能会期盼一种静修、遐想和神秘主义的倾向。接受如此强大的救赎形象的能力,也是艺术家的天赋。对宗教或精神道路的决心可以为海王星的忧郁和厌世情绪提供安慰,也可以提供一种方法,不仅可以拯救自己的孤独,还可以拯救过去的受害者。海王星在第十二宫也许肩负着救赎家庭罪恶和不幸的重担,特别容易认同受苦的救世主。正因如此,在第十二宫有海王星的人,如果缺乏意识和(自我的)充分的发展,可能会成为家族中几代人之间的冲突的替罪羊或载体。某种形式的精神和生理的分裂,体现了一个家族积累下来的痛苦和困难。如果个人不能容纳他或她的内在体验,那么就可能与第十二宫的海王星产生联结。正是在这种情况下,我们可以把药瘾(毒瘾)与第十二宫内的星体联系起来。
The collective unconscious, with itsendless fertile stream of archetypal dreams and fantasies, may also become thesymbol of redemption for Neptune in the 12th. One may become addicted to thecreative powers of the psyche, recreating from relationships with the outerworld in order to partake of the universal waters of the source. The individualmay see himself or herself as a Christ-figure, come to save the sufferingworld. This is not the ideology of the 11th, with its vision of a perfectsociety, but rather, absolute emotional identification with life\’s victims.Because politics can sometimes provide an arena through which religious feelingmay be expressed, Neptune in the 12th may contribute to a political philosophy whichchampions the underdog, because the family inheritance has unconsciouslycompelled the individual to redeem a hidden past. It is useful to recall thebirth chart of Tony Benn, the Labour MP, in this context. Neptune is placed inthe 12th house with the natal Moon, and both are square to Saturn. In hisrepudiation of his inherited peerage in order to serve the political left, Bennmade a gesture that is not merely political. It is also a statement of aprofound obligation to redeem something within himself, whose roots stretchback well before his own birth and into the family history.
有着无尽原型梦想和幻想的集体无意识,也可能会成为第十二宫的海王星的救赎象征。个体可能会沉迷于心灵的创造性力量,重新建立与外部世界的关系来分享生命之源的宇宙之水。个体可能会看到自己作为救世主的形象,来拯救这苦难的世界。这并不是第十一宫对完美社会的愿景的意识形态,而是对生命的受害者的绝对情感认同。因为政治有时可以提供一个表达宗教情感的舞台,海王星在第十二宫也许可以贡献一种支持弱者的政治哲学,因为家族传承在无意识中迫使个体去拯救一个隐藏的过去。在此,回忆一下工党议员Tony Benn的出生星图是很有用的。海王星与本命的月亮在第十二宫,并且两者都四分了土星。为了服务于左派,他放弃了所继承下来的贵族身份,摆出了一副不完全是政治上的姿态。这也是救赎其自身某些东西的深远义务,而这些东西的根源可以追溯到他出生之前的家庭历史。
The line between Neptune in the 12th asvisionary, artist, and healer, and Neptune in the 12th as addict, invalid orpsychotic, is very fluid. Neptune placed in this house teaches us a good dealabout our extremely limited and sometimes downright stupid definitions ofsanity. The mystical or \”oceanic\” peak experience is not uncommonwith Neptune in the 12th, and it can be redemptive and life-enhancing. Yet theindividual may also be so overwhelmed that he or she identifies utterly withbeing God\’ s mouth piece. This may, in certain contexts, be appropriate;Neptune in the 12th is more likely than most to recognise the essentialdivinity in the whole of life. It is only when primary narcissism dominates thestage, and no one else is granted the same status, that we may begin to worry. Neptune\’sapparent madness may be eminently sane, although attuned to the inner ratherthan the outer world. But there are some individuals with Neptune in the 12th,particularly if it forms stressful aspects with important personal planers, whoare unable to maintain their boundaries against the flooding of the collectivepsyche. They may act out the traditional meaning of the 12th house, and spendtheir lives permanently or intermittently confined.
The individual with Neptune in the 12th maynot consider himself or herself in need of help, and may in fact not need it atall, unless he or she is a danger to others, or is the victim of compulsions beyondpersonal control. Neptune\’s eternal enemy is also Neptune\’s eternal friend, anda little Saturnian realism can go a long way in assisting a 12th house Neptunefloundering in deep waters-although too much Saturn may provoke the very flood theindividual is seeking to avoid. Perhaps equally important is the function ofMercury, the natural ruler of the 6th house. It was Jung\’s belief that, whenworking with those inundated by archetypal images and compulsions, anunderstanding of the symbolic nature of the material could prove remarkablyhealing in assisting the individual to navigate the currents. Even if abreakdown occurs, the person\’s capacity to use the experience constructivelymay depend in part on comprehending what happened in clear psychological terms.Understanding is especially important for those with Neptune in the 12th and achart in which air or earth is emphasised, because, as the fairy tale of Rumpelstiltskintells us, knowing the name of something demystifies it and renders it approachable.Mercury, in his mythic role as guide of souls, can offer a system of support forNeptune in the 12th which, although intellectual in nature, provides a veryuseful form of ark.
Howard Sasportas comments that \”Neptuneis strong in its own house.” The challenge lies in containing and working withits strength in ways which allow life to proceed rather than disintegrate.Definitions of normality and sanity need to be carefully questioned in relationto this most receptive and imaginative of Neptune\’s house placements. Sometimesperiods of withdrawal, or even a kind of dissolution, may necessarily alternatewith periods of active involvement with the outer world. Only the individualcan decide what balance is appropriate. But Neptune in the 12th, because itreflects an ancestral inheritance much greater than the individual, will nottolerate suppression. The Neptunian longing for redemption and return to thesource of life has probably been suppressed or denied for many generations;and, as Harry Truman once said, for the person with Neptune in the 12th,\”the buck stops here.\”
Howard Sasportas评论说,“海王星在自己的宫位里是强大的。”挑战在于如何控制和利用它的力量让生命继续而不是消融。这个最善于接受和富有想象力的海王星的位置,对其正常且理智的界定是需要谨慎地质疑的。有时,从外部世界中撤退的时期——甚至也可能是消融的时期——必然地会和积极参与外部世界互动的时期交替着进行。只有个体自己才能确定什么样的平衡才是合适的。但是第十二宫的海王星不会容忍压制,因为它反映出的祖先传承远远大于个体。海王星对救赎和回归生命之源的渴望可能已经被压抑或遭受了好几代人的否定,对于海王星在第十二宫的人来说,正如Harry Truman曾经说过的那样“不再推卸责任。”

