海王星在第十宫代表什么 海王星落在第十宫


The 10th house is complex, for it is not solely concerned with career, achievement and status in the world “out there.” This last of the angular houses also reflects a very special dimension of mother, or the mother-archetype. It is mother as form-giver and mother as physical world. When an infant emerges into life, the mother’s physical reality forms the perameters of the universe; physical mother and material world are the same thing. The boundaries of mother’s body, and the confines of mother’s laws, ultimately form what we perceive as the boundaries and confines of the mundane world we inhabit; and what we project into the world, we then engage with, attempting to give shape to it in the form of a“career.” Every infant meets a particular archetypal component in the personal mother, apparently embodied by her. This component later colours the individual’s perception of what is expected by the larger world, and how one must present oneself to get in life. It is a kind of inheritance, but it is notan objective portrait of the mother. Rather, it is a portrait of something we experience first in the maternal relationship, and later in our efforts to establish ourselves as independent adults in a world full of limits and laws. The issues reflected by our 10thhouse planets shape our assumptions about our place in society, the contribution we can make, the social issues we champion or do battle with, and the persona we adopt. It is not the personal mother’s behaviour,but rather, the mythic image she embodies for her child, which dominates our perceptions. The material goals we espouse are thus profoundly linked with our early experiences of maternal limits and boundaries.


Neptune in the 10th may perceive the world as a prison camp for those who need redeeming. The mother in such cases usually appears to her child as a victim, unconditionally loving yet the under serving bearer of life’s unfairness and pain. This is the mater dolorosa whose tears cleanse the sins of humanity, and whose suffering demands devotion and lifelong recompense. If this image is later transferred onto the world, the world seems full of misery; hence Neptune in the 10th often gravitates toward the helping professions, as a means of giving shape to the archetypal pattern. But Neptune in the 10thmay also perceive the mother as an hysteric—the gaping maw of the big fish, who, as Alexander the Great once put it, demands an exorbitant rent for nine months’ lodging. The mother may appear to exhibit the characteristic psychological difficulties of Neptune, not yet emerged herself from the uterine waters. She may be ill-defined as an individual, trying to live for and through her child. Neptunian idealization and longing for fusion may exist in both mother and child; both may share a dream of perfect union, where no loneliness or conflict can destroy the timeless bliss of Eden. Fulfilling mother’s needs, and later,the world’s needs, constitutes salvation. Boundaries are blurred, and the child may feel called upon to be not only redeemer, but also fish-food, to be borne,nurtured and then swallowed up.


Neptune’s sensitivity to unspoken maternal cues may be expressed to the collective through that other favourite Neptunian calling, the world of stage and screen. In the participation mystique between performer and audience, Neptune in the 10th can recreate the state of primal fusion, drawing nourishment from a positive response, and experiencing deep feelings of loss, anxiety, and despair if the audience rejects the offering. The collective thus becomes the embodiment of the source, life-giving in its love and approval, life-threatening in its wrath. Neptune in the 10threflects a deeply ambivalent relationship with the collective, as it does with the personal mother. In becoming what“they” want and need (which is the same as what mother wants and needs),Neptune in the 10thsecures the illusion of unconditional love. Yet the “beast with many heads,” as every Roman emperor knew, is as liable to turn on its redeemers as it is to worship them. Shakespeare addressed many of his plays to this theme, in particular Coriolanus. Neptune in the 10th,through its actor’s gifts, may appear glamourous and mysterious to the public.But equally, it may incur victimization, through an unconscious identification which unleashes the myth of the victim-redeemer in mundane life. A good example of this dimension of Neptune in the 10thmay be found in the chart of the Princess of Wales, explored in chapter 8.




Ebertin mentions“strange objectives,” as well as “the attainment of one’s objectives by crookedmeans.” Because of Neptune’s feelings of passivity and helplessness, one mayfeel that one’s progress in life is not within one’s own hands. An attitude offatalism may accompany any effort to plan a future, and the individual maydrift from one job to another, motivated not from within but by whatever helpappears through the agency of others. Thus one becomes a small child, contentto fulfill the mother’s ambitions and expectations, eager to please, butexperiencing no internal impetus to make an independent choice. For some withNeptune in the 10th, vocation is a necessity rather than a choice,dictated by unconscious compulsions which—whether interpreted as infantile,spiritual, or a combination of the two—will tolerate no other option. Otherswith Neptune in the 10th experience the world as too vast, confusingand overwhelming, and there is not enough “I” to claim a place based onconscious volition. Neptune in the 10th may thus transform intosociety’s victim, one of life’s “losers”—not through lack of ability, butthrough an obscure masochism which prefers martyrdom to a defined identity. Insuch cases one may consciously feel victimized by oppressive social forces(conservative government, patriarchal attitudes, capitalism, or other goodhooks for Saturnian projections), and wait for the millennium when the wickedare overthrown and the meek inherit the Earth.


If one identifies withthe victim-redeemer as outlaw (as most messiahs are in the context of theirsocial milieu), the one may feel that deceit is necessary to achieve anythingat all. There may be an urgent need not only to act subversively, but also tobe found out; the individual may unconsciously architect the means of his orher own downfall through leaving clues of dishonest activity, or throughbecoming involved with a dishonest colleague or business partner. There mayalso be an assumption of certain exemptions—one is “above” the laws of thesociety in which one lives. Neptune in the 10this sometimesassociated with scandal. A rather florid example of this kind of Neptunianself-sabotage is Chuck Berry, the American pop composer and performer. Berryachieved immense popularity during the 1960s and 1970s through his distinctiveblend of hard rock and country and western music, with such hits as “Mabelline”and “Johnny Be Good.” He achieved even greater success with two films, Go,Johnny, Go and Let the Good Times Roll, and won the Grammy award in 1984. Inhis birth chart Neptune is placed in Leo in the 10thhouse, sextilethe Sun in the 12thand forming a T-cross by squaring Saturn in the1stand Mars in the 7th. At the age of 18 he was jailedfor three years for car theft, and in 1962, when he was 36, he was sentenced toanother three years for taking a 14-year-old prostitute across state lines. Heserved yet another four months in goal for failing to pay $108,000 in incometax, and in 1988 was charged with beating up one of his back-up singers.Whatever was eating at Chuck Berry, fame and fortune did not cure it. Thenature of his career admirably suits his 10thhouse Neptune, for hewas one of an exclusive pantheon of successful pop singers who fulfilled thedreams of an entire generation. Yet he ensured his own persecution at the handsof the law. It is possible that the natal Neptune-Mars-Saturn configurationexpressed itself in this compulsive pattern, with the role of Saturn played bythe police and the role of Mars played by his own uncontrollable violence.

如果个体认为受害者-救赎者模式是不合法的(因为大多数救世主有他们自己的社会背景),可能会觉得为了达到任何目的而进行欺骗是必要的。不仅会迫切地采取破坏性的行动,而且还会被发现。个体可能会留下欺骗他人的线索或与不诚实的同事/商业伙伴交往,无意识中让自己身败名裂。也可能存在某些免责的假设——个体 “高于”社会的法律。海王星在第十宫有时与丑闻有关。海王星式的自我破坏有一个相当突出的例子是美国流行音乐作曲家和音乐家Chuck Berry。他在20世纪60年代和70年代凭借其独特的硬摇滚、乡村音乐和西方音乐的融合,获得了巨大的人气,如《Mabelline》和《Johnny Be Good》。他凭借两部电影《Go, Johnny, Go》和《Let the Good Times Roll》获得更大的成功,并于1984年获得格莱美奖。在他的出生图中,海王星位于狮子座的第十宫,与第十二宫的太阳六合,并与第一宫的土星和第七宫的火星形成T三角。18岁时,他因偷车被判入狱3年。1962年,当他36岁时,因带一名14岁的妓女越境,又被判刑3年。他又因未缴纳10.8万美元的所得税而入狱4个月,并于1988年被指控殴打他的一名后备歌手。不论Chuck Berry在苦恼什么,名利都没能治好他。他那令人羡慕的事业非常适合第十宫里的海王星,因为他是一个实现了一代人梦想的独特而成功的流行歌手。然而,他也让自己受到法律的迫害。有可能,本命的海王星-火星-土星的配置会以这种强迫性的模式表达自己,土星的角色由警察扮演,而火星的角色则由他自己无法控制的暴力所扮演。

Neptune in the 10thmay be nobly inspired to serve the collective, or it may be diabolicallyinspired to cheat the collective. Or it may do a little of both. Neptune in the10th never loses the gift of the hypocrites. One may not be particularlyNeptunian in other respects, but the world will project Neptune onto theindividual because the individual projects Neptune onto the world. There isusually an element of participation mystique, in the individual\’s professionaland public life, and an element of drama in the role he or she plays in theeyes of the world. This may not always be a big world-not everyone with Neptunein the 10th is \”famous\” -but one tends to get noticed, because of amagical quality of mirroring which activates the fantasies of those who do notknow the person well. On closer contact, this mystery may vanish. It is thosewith Neptune in the 1st or the 7th who remain elusive even in closerelationships. But whether Neptune in the 10th attracts calumny or idolisation,it has enormous power to attract, because of its enormous intuitive insight intothe inner workings of the collective. In the hands of a relatively consciousindividual, self-aware enough not to identify with the mythic enactment played outon the public stage, this power to attract may be put in the service of greatgood to society, or, at the very least;great pleasure offeredthrough the expression of creative talents. But the necessary ingredient ofself-awareness can emerge only from an honest confrontation with the redemptivetheme s surrounding the relationship with the mother. Without this insight,Neptune in the 10th may become the victim of internal and external collectiveforces over which the individual truly has no control.



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