Neptune’s mysticism isat home in Jupiter’s templum, perhaps because the source of life is usuallyrecognized as deity, and not pursued through surrogates. Yet the 9thhouse is concerned with more than what we normally define as religion, sinceall avenues toward a broader understanding of life belong to its domain. Manyof these, such as higher education, travel, and publishing, may never involveany recognizable religious aspiration. It might be more appropriate to definethe 9thas that arena of life where we develop a world-view orphilosophy which allows us to integrate our personal experiences with universalpatterns. Religion performs this function through a concept of God; the social,political, psychological, and philosophical questionings of other 9thhouse spheres of interest perform it with an understanding of life in whicheverything is related to general principles. The 9this the spherewhere we seek to understand the laws underpinning existence, whether these areinterpreted as divine, human in the psychological sense, human in the legalsense, or socio-economic. When we do turn our faces toward the divine, thenature and intentions of the deity we perceive will be defined, in large part,by planets in the 9 house.
When Neptune is in the9th, God is experienced as an oceanic divine source. Regardless ofone’s religious upbringing, God as Love is the deity which Neptune in the 9thmost often recognizes. Redemption may be an overt religious or spiritual theme,for Neptune is not inclined toward those approaches which strike a balancebetween human and divine through experiencing the deity in life. Heaven andhell matter to Neptune in the 9th, and so does the millenarianvision of an end to suffering and evil. But Neptune is not simply a Christlikedeity of endless compassion. It is also the maternal source, which can punish,devour and destroy; and terror of God may be as active in the psychology ofNeptune in the 9th as the yearning for redemption. Sacrifice andsuffering may form a major part of Neptune’s religious ethos. So may spiritualexclusivity. Religion does not necessarily signify redemption, but may be ameans of living the best possible life in accordance with divine will. Certainapproaches within Judaism, for example, are concerned with the relationshipbetween the human being and God in terms of “right” behaviour, and do notpromise any ultimate fusion with the deity; a life lived righteously is its ownreward.
Ebertin describesNeptune in the 9thas “the faculty of presentiment…inspiration, anexcessive fantasy and imagination, self-deception through a lack of thecritical faculties.” This could apply to Neptune anywhere. But one of the chiefproblems of Neptune in the 9this a tendency to project spiritualand moral authority onto others, so that one becomes the blind follower of acreed which may or may not be fundamentally appropriate or healthy for theindividual. Neptune in the 9thmay also claim knowledge of absolutereligious truths which, if they were simply true for the believer, would offerno difficulty; but they may be forcibly shoved down others’ throats because ofone’s unconscious identification with the redeemer. Neptune may also projectredemption onto God. This may sound perfectly appropriate, as it is the basisof most Christian aspiration. But we may need to question the assumption thatGod is an ever-attentive and unconditionally loving mother, who exists for thefulfillment of all our personal needs, and who will forgive us no matter whatsort of subhuman behaviour we adopt. This kind of God is particularly attractiveto those who wish to eschew responsibility for their actions and choices ineveryday life, but who, if they attend church regularly or bare their souls inthe confessional, expect to be excused, simply because they “believe,” forbeating their wives, tyrannizing their children, kicking the cat, andpracticing every possible form of bigotry and intolerance to their fellow humanbeings. This is the darker face of a 9thhouse Neptune, which may,like certain fundamentalist sects in America, resort to highly questionablemeans in order to enlighten their ignorant fellows about the revelations towhich they lay claim. Ethics have no place in these Neptunian waters; nor dosimple human courtesy and respect for others’ intelligence, rights, andboundaries. The redeemed havethemselves become self-appointed redeemers, who,far from being Christlike, resemble much more the monstrous Ti’amat,perpetrating in the name of the redeemer psychological and even physicalatrocities which could never be foundin the teachings of Christ himself.
Ebertin描述第九宫的海王星为 \”预感能力…灵感,过度的幻想和想象力,由于缺乏判断能力而自欺欺人”。这可能适用于在任何层面的海王星。第九宫海王星的一个主要问题是将精神和道德权威投射到他人身上的倾向性。因此,个体成为一个信条的盲从者,这可能对个体来说是合适的、健康的,也可能是相反的。海王星在第九宫也可以声称是绝对的宗教真理的知识,如果只对信徒来说是正确的,那就不会有任何困难。由于个体对救赎者的无意识认同,可能会强行将这些知识灌输给他人。海王星也可以把救赎投射到上帝身上。这听起来可能非常恰当,因为它是大多数基督教徒信仰的基础。但是,我们可能需要质疑这样的假设,即上帝是一个永远细心和无条件慈爱的母亲,她的存在是为了满足我们的个人需求,无论我们采取什么样的非人类行为,上帝都会原谅我们。这样的上帝对那些希望逃避为每日生活的行为和选择负责的人有非常强的吸引力。但是,如果他们经常去教堂或在忏悔中敞开心扉,期望原谅他们殴打妻子、暴虐孩子、踢猫和向他们的同胞实施一切可能的偏执与排他的行为,仅仅是因为他们“相信”。这是第九宫海王星的阴暗面,可能像美国某些原教旨主义教派一样,为了用他们自己主张的启示录去启发懵懂的同胞们,而诉诸高度可疑的手段。不论是伦理还是简单的人类礼貌以及尊重他人的智慧、权利和界限,在海王星的水域中均不存在。被救赎的人已经自封为救赎者,他们远没有基督精神,更像是可怕的提亚玛特(恶龙),以救赎者的名义犯下在基督的教导中永远找不到的心理甚至肉体上暴行。
Contained by an egowhich is capable of reflection, Neptune in the 9th can providespiritual and artistic inspiration of a moving and authentic kind. The “facultyof presentiment” of which Ebertin speaks is the expression of Neptune’s psychicprescience—its capacity to enter into the emotional currents of the collectivepsyche with an intuitive vision of a nascent future. Insight into the unfoldingof historical events and the meaning or purpose of human development may be oneof the gifts of Neptune in the 9th, which presides over the artistas prophet and mouthpiece for the moral and religious dilemmas of thecollective. A good example is Goethe, who spearheaded the German Romanticmovement and personified in Faust not only the archetypal dilemma of theartist, but also a prophetic vision of the future of his own nation. In hischart Neptune is in Cancer, placed exactly on the cusp of the 9th,forming a grand water trine with Jupiter in Pisces and Pluto in Scorpio.Another good example is Bob Dylan, the musical prophet for an entire generationof Americans. Expressed through creative vision, Neptune in the 9thtranscends the boundaries of one’s own cultural canon, articulating universalthemes of human suffering and longing .
海王星在第九宫拥有能够反思的自我,可以提供一种动人而真实的精神与艺术的灵感。Ebertin说的“预感能力”是海王星心灵感应的表现——能用一个对新生未来的直观视觉进入集体精神的情绪流。洞察历史事件的展开和人类发展的意义或目的可能是海王星在第九宫的天赋之一,让艺术家作为集体的道德与宗教困境的先知和传声筒。一个很好的例子是歌德,他领导了德国浪漫主义运动,在浮士德不仅表现了艺术家的典型困境,还体现了他对祖国预言性的愿景。在他的出生星图里,海王星位于巨蟹座,落在第九宫的宫头,与双鱼座的木星和天蝎座的冥王星形成了水象大三角。另一个很好的例子是鲍勃·迪伦,整整一代美国人的音乐先知。海王星通过创造性的视野表达,在第九宫超越自己文化规范的界限,阐明人类痛苦和渴望的普遍主题。 (未完结)
Neptune in the 9thmay display a predilection for mystical spirituality, and may offer itsallegiance to a guru or philosophy requiring the sacrifice of possessions orformer attachments. Spiritual communes may be especially attractive to Neptune inthe 9th. Neptune’s idealization of spiritual or religious leadersmay lead to deep disillusionment when enlightenment or salvation is notimmediately achieved. If there is insufficient capacity to sift teachingsthrough one’s own experience and value system, Neptune in the 9th maydisplay a dangerous gullibility. Yet a philosophy of loving obedience to Godmay be an appropriate path. The unio mystico is not merely a fantasy forNeptune in the 9th; and while elements of primary narcissism willinevitably be present in one’s hoped-for relationship with deity, deeply movingtranspersonal experiences of an oceanic kind are not uncommon. The challengelies in differentiating between the divine source and the mortal teacher whopurports to be its mouthpiece, and in ensuring that one’s narcissism does notgenerate a secret inflation which undermines the ego’s relationship to theouter world.
Travel istraditionally one of the domains of the 9thhouse. Individuals withan emphasized 9thhouse are often renewed and invigorated by travelbecause they are able to acquire a different and broader perspective on theirpersonal lives. Travel as experienced in the 9thhouse puts us intouch with a wider world, full of diverse attitudes, languages, customs, andlifestyles which heighten our sense of life as a meaningful whole. For Neptunein the 9th, travel may also provide the promise of salvation.Neptune’s deep sense of exile means that home can never be found on Earth,because one’s true home lies beyond it. Thus Neptune in the 9thmaybe perpetually on the road, searching for the perfect culture, or the perfectlandscape. Places may be idealized, particularly those which constitute apilgrimage, as Lourdes does to the devout Catholic, or Poona to the followersof Rajneesh. Disappointment and disillusionment may accompany physical arrivalat the dream-place. But Neptune in the 9thmay also possess the giftof infusing foreign places with a magic and meaning that eludes the pragmatictraveller. Peopled with the fantasies and feelings of Neptune’s watery world,even the din and disorder of coaches full of voluble tourists cannot destroythe beauty of the inner vision, projected onto external reality.
Because Neptune is linked with redemptive themes, which we interpret as“religious” in accordance with the world-view of the Piscean Age, we mayimagine that we see a purer form of spirituality when Neptune is in the 9thhouse. Yet we need to remember that collective definitions of God are noteternal; they are peculiar to a particular epoch. In studying religions such asBuddhism, which predate the Christian era, or “pagan” philosophical systems,such as Platonism, one is struck by the lack of Neptunian yearning andsuffering. These approaches were, and, to much of the world’s population, stillare, as valid a perception of religious truth as the Christian doctrines theWest has espoused since the reign of Constantine. Neptune in the 9this neither more nor less religious than any other planet in the 9th.But it appears to us more religious because it is occupied with themes of redemptionand sacrifice, in which context we define ‘true” religious feeling. Equally,Neptune’s heartfelt and sometimes frighteningly unreflective propensity toidentify absolutely with its chosen redeemer may make the Neptunian worshipperseem more spiritually committed. This also is a perception coloured by aPiscean world-view, which equates spiritual commitment with obedience to anexternal source of religious authority. Neptune in the 9th is anatural visionary, and can reflect a profound intuitive grasp of higher ordeeper realities. Uncontained, it can breed fanaticism. Yet a sincere belief inthe goodness of deity is inherent in a 9th house Neptune, whether ina nation or an individual. Much depends upon whether consciousness, in a personor a people, can balance Neptune’s moving vision of a loving source withreflection, objectivity, and ordinary common sense.

