海王星在第八宫不好吗 海王星在第八宫的解释


The 8thhouse, like the 6th, has had a bad press, although for everydifferent reasons. It is generally viewed with apprehension, because of itsassociation with death. It would be foolish to argue that this house has nobearing on death, because anyone who has explored the charts of those whoselives have been prematurely ended will be acquainted with an emphasis of onekind or another in this house. But whether we are dealing with the actual deathof the body, or with that which lies beyond the body, is a complex issue. The 8thhouse is concerned with the invisible underpinnings of physical reality. Thisincludes not only what exists after the body ceases, but also what existsduring life, beneath the body’s sensory perceptions of material existence. Planetsin the 8th house tend to express themselves as though they weredaimonic forces erupting from a hidden realm. Physical death, as the outcome ofsuch an eruption, may sometimes occur. Equally, other kinds of deaths mayensue. Whereas the 2nd house is concerned with those values which weacquire through the continuous experience of living, the 8thconcerns those junctures where we must bow to what is hidden, in life or inourselves, so that life can be transformed. In this context it is possible toview physical death as one of many possible levels on which the process ofbreaking down and rebuilding, initiated through the working out of hiddenpatterns, may be enacted. There may also sometimes be an element of unconsciouscollusion when planets in the 8th are expressed through physicaldeath. The death-wish may arise not only from confrontation with apparentlyirreconcilable conflicts, or from inverted destructive impulses, but also froman instinctive repudiation of life. It is in this latter context that we needto consider Neptune in the 8th.


Planets in the 8thhouse, because they emerge from unknown levels of the psyche, often shatterexisting conditions and provoke great anxiety and distress. An example of thisis the chart of the Princess of Wales, discussed in chapter 8. With Mars,Pluto, and Uranus conjuncting in the 8th, forces apparently beyondher control seem to have dominated her life. The breakup of her parents’marriage was one expression of the conjunction, although it would be moreaccurate to suggest that it describes her violent emotional response to thisloss of emotional and material security. Her attacks of bulima are anotherexpression of it; compulsions possessing their own destructive life haveshattered the peace of both mind and body. The tragedy of her marriage is athird expression—once again, not in terms of a literal description of events,but as an image of her own responses to a situation she could not control. Eachtime she experiences these 8th house planets, a life crisis heraldsa kind of death and the necessity of establishing a new life.


Neptune in the 8this often experienced in a sudden and compulsive way. Neptune’s inchoatelongings may erupt into consciousness with irresistible power, because theindividual is unaware that he or she is feeling them. The yearning for thesource may take the form of a literal courting of oblivion—as is often the casein deaths caused by drug overdose. A sad illustration of this is the pop singerJanis Joplin, who died in 1970 from an overdose of heroin. In her birth chart,Neptune, which forms a grand trine with the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus,and also squares the natal Moon, is placed on the cusp of the 8thhouse. Neptune’s quest for the waters of Eden was enacted in her life as wellas her death in a particularly poignant way. A more horrific example is thechart of Jim Jones, the leader of the People’s Temple cult, who committedsuicide with his disciples in 1978 by drinking cyanide. Here we also findNeptune in the 8th, but its only major aspect to other planets is anexact trine to Mercury in the 4th. This chart is not Neptune-dominated,as is Joplin’s; the Sun conjuncts Chiron in Taurus, trines Saturn,sextiles a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, and squares Marsin Leo. These configurations reflect a much tougher and more forceful nature.Yet when it was no longer possible to exercise absolute power, Neptune pointedthe way home. When Neptune is placed in the 8th, the redeemer may appearas death itself.

海王星在第八宫通常会经历突如其来和情不自禁的体验。海王星早期的渴望会在意识层面爆发成不可抗拒的力量,因为个人还没有对它产生意识感知。对源头的向往也许会以追求遗忘的形式发生——通常与药物过量而导致死亡的情况一样。一个令人悲伤的案例是歌手Janis Joplin(詹尼斯·乔普林),1970年死于过量的海洛因。在她的出生星图上,海王星与太阳、水星、土星和天王星形成大三角,同时也四分了本命的月亮,并位于第八宫的宫头。海王星对伊甸园生命之水的追求在她的生命中以及她的死亡中以特别凄美的方式实现。一个更可怕的例子是吉姆 · 琼斯的出生图,他是人民圣殿邪教的领袖,在1978年与门徒一起喝氰化物自杀。他的星图上同样有第八宫的海王星,但它与其他星体唯一的主要相位是与第四宫的水星形成的精准三分相。他的出生星图上并非是以海王星为主导,乔普林也如此。太阳与凯龙星在金牛座成合相,与土星成三分相,与木冥的合相成六分相,并四分了狮子座的火星。这些配置反映了一种非常强硬和有力的特点。那么,当它不可能再行使绝对的权力时,海王星指出了回家的路。当海王星在第八宫,救赎者可能就会以死亡的形式出现。

Ebertin refers to Neptune in the 8th as “states of depression, wrongdoing, states of sickness within the soul or within the mind as distinct fromphysical suffering or illness.” Certainly Neptune in the 8th isconnected with certain kinds of depression or “soul sickness”; in such a state,no doubt, Janis Joplin took her own life. But we need to understand what kindof depression or sickness we are dealing with, if we are to work with theseissues more consciously and not simply be victimized by them. Neptune’sdepression is the loneliness of the exile. In the individual who is in touchwith such feelings, Neptune may reflect a bittersweet melancholy, cyclicalrather than constant, which—because it is conscious—can be expressed accordingto the person’s capacity and talents. But there is no compulsive eruption; onealready knows one would rather go home. Many artists find inspiration in thisprofound sadness; it is a fundamental part of Neptune’s world-view. But whenNeptune operates unconsciously, the “soul sickness” may emerge suddenly, withoverwhelming force, and the individual may react without reflection to the callof the waters. Because these primal feelings throw into sharp relief thebleakness of mortal life, they may herald the possibility of (and the need for)a major cleansing of one’s life, with a relinquishing of old attitudes andattachments which are blocking the heart and soul. Neptune in the 8th,triggered by transit or progression, may thus be the prophetic harbinger ofdeep and constructive life changes, toward which feelings of depression andyearning are an inevitable and natural response—provided the ego is strongenough to recognize the value of the experience.

Ebertin谈及第八宫的海王星时认为它是“抑郁、不道德的状态,亦是与身体疾苦或疾病不同的灵魂与心灵的疾病状态。”当然, 海王星在第八宫与某些类型的抑郁症或 \”精神疾病\” 有关。在这样的状态下,Janis Joplin毫无疑问会结束了自己的生命。如果我们期望更有意识地处理这些问题,而不是简单地被它们伤害,那么我们需要明白面对的是什么样的抑郁症或疾病。海王星的抑郁是流放的孤独。对有这样感触的个体来说,海王星可能反映了一种苦乐参半的忧郁,它是周期性的而不是恒定的。因为是有意识的,所以可以根据个体不同的能力和天赋表现出来。但是没有强迫性地爆发,因此个体更愿意回家。许多艺术家从这种深刻的悲伤中寻找灵感,这是海王星世界观的基本部分。但是当海王星操控了无意识,“精神疾病”就可能突然以压倒性的力量发生,个体也许不理会生命之水的呼唤而采取行动。因为这些原始的感觉把人世的凄凉抛诸脑后,它们可能预示了(和需要)对生活进行大清理的可能性,放弃那些阻碍心灵和灵魂的老旧态度和依恋。第八宫的海王星被流年星触发,可能预示了深刻的和建设性的生活变化,而对生活的变化会出现不可避免且本能的抑郁与渴望——只要自我足够强大,就能认识到这类经验的价值。(未完结)


The 8thhouse describes those junctures in life when we must, like the serpent, shed anold skin and renew ourselves. An individual with this house emphasized willgenerally experience several “incarnations” within the space of one, for thecourse of life is often punctuated by major crisis points where drasticrenovations are necessary. Tranquil continuity usually eludes those with aheavily tenanted 8th. It is through such crises that we become awareof something deeper than the mundane world of cause and effect. We encounter anunderlying invisible reality which reminds us that the ego is not really masterof all it surveys. Planets in the 8th tell us bow we respond tothese crisis points, and the emotional states we are liable to experience,although we attribute these to the external agency apparently responsible forour upheaval. With Neptune in the 8th, our crises may centre aroundissues of separation, loneliness, and helplessness; our responses are likely tobe full of sadness and longing; and the mover we glimpse behind the action isthe oceanic source of life, which has expelled us from Eden and now beckons ushome.

第八宫描述了生活中那些必要的关键时刻——我们像蛇一样——脱掉旧皮,重生自我。第八宫被强调的个体通常会在一个空间里经历几次“转世”,因为生活往往被重要的危急时刻不时打断。宁静通常会远离那些第八宫有很多星体的人。正是通过这样的危机,我们意识到一些比世俗世界的因果更深刻的东西。我们遇到一个潜在的无形现实,它提醒我们,自我并不是它所审视的一切的真正主宰。第八宫内的星体告诉了我们,这些我们低头回应的这些危机时刻以及我们可能会经历的情绪状态,尽管我们把这些归因于为剧变负责的外部机构。当海王星在第八宫,我们的危机可能围绕着分离、孤独和无助。我们的反应可能充满了悲伤和期盼。我们瞥见行动背后的动力是海洋生命之源,它把我们从伊甸园驱逐, 现在又召唤我们回家。

Sexuality reflected bythe 8th house is an experience in which we relinquish our autonomyand are “penetrated” or “possessed” by something other than the conscious ego.The 8th is concerned with the of the power acquired in the 2ndthrough individual autonomy and the establishing of personal values. When weare open to another person during the sexual act, we are no longer in control.In Elizabethan England the sexual act was called the “little death.” Unless wefake our responses, we are taken over by instinctive forces which are both usand not us, experienced through the partner. Neptune in the 8th mayreflect an addiction to this loss of self. The sexual act may itself become thelonged-for redeemer; the moment of oblivion in the midst of orgasm becomes themoment of reunion with the divine.


Physical intimacy isalso a respite from loneliness…Some may also feel that giving themselvessexually is a way of serving, pleasing or even healing others. It can also be avery convenient way of escaping from problems in other areas of life.


Neptune in the 8thmay reflect a gift for ecstatic pleasure. Equally, in a chart which isNeptune-resistant, one may come to fear one’s own vulnerability, and may try toclose the door instead. Neptune in the 8th may be associated withsexual inhibition as it is with sexual openness, since not everyone is able toallow such vulnerability without becoming defensive. If Neptune in the 8thhouse is repudiated, it will project itself onto the partner, who may beexperienced as emotionally and sexually demanding or devouring. Or one mayunconsciously choose a partner who is sexually impotent or unable to function,thereby avoiding vulnerability without having to admit one’s own fear. Neptunein the 8th may also surface in that deep loneliness which liesbehind the “depression” or “soul sickness” which Ebertin describes.


The longing for theinvisible can carry its own considerable gifts. Because the boundaries betweenego and unconscious are fluid, one may have insight into feelings, images andlongings which belong to the collective, resulting in an aptitude forpsychological or psychic work which penetrates far beneath the strata of theindividual personality. The unconscious itself may appear as the redeemer, anddreams and fantasies may possess extraordinary meaning and power. Neptune inthe 8th is most dangerous when we are oblivious of it withinourselves, or when we are so identified with it that we are oblivious ofourselves. The longing for dissolution is not pathological. It is archetypal. Perhapsit is also not possible for any person to judge whether another individual hasthe right to pursue that longing on its most literal level. But if life ischosen over death, Neptune in the 8th can be a true initiate of themysteries.



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